blob: ebb912c1b6a7f3682fb9618b52d17e0a911c4925 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef FFL_STRING_H_
#define FFL_STRING_H_
#include <ffl/fixed.h>
#include <ffl/saturating_arithmetic.h>
namespace ffl {
// String builds and stores a null-terminated string representation of a fixed-
// point value. A constant-size string buffer is maintained internally in each
// instance to permit temporaries in calls to printing/logging functions.
class String {
constexpr String() = default;
constexpr String(const String&) = default;
constexpr String& operator=(const String&) = default;
// Constructs a String containing a basic decimal string representation
// of the given fixed-point value.
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr String(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value) {
// Returns a pointer to the internal string. The string is guaranteed to be
// null-terminated.
constexpr const char* c_str() const { return buffer_; }
// Returns a pointer to the first element of the internal string buffer.
constexpr const char* data() const { return buffer_; }
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr void BasicFormat(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value);
// Display fractional decimal digits down to 1e-10.
static constexpr size_t kFractionalDigits = 10;
// Allocate space for the integral digits, fractional digits, decimal point,
// sign, and terminating null. The maximum number of chars produced by the
// current format is actually 29.
static constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 32;
// Default-initialize the buffer to encourage constexpr evaluation.
char buffer_[kBufferSize]{};
// Utility that returns a String for the given Fixed value. This function may
// be looked up by ADL to reduce namespace clutter at call sites. The noinline
// attribute avoids unnecessary expansion around logging/printing calls.
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
[[gnu::noinline]] constexpr String Format(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value) {
return {value};
// Formats the given Fixed value into the string buffer in basic decimal format.
template <typename Integer, size_t FractionalBits>
constexpr void String::BasicFormat(Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits> value) {
using Format = typename Fixed<Integer, FractionalBits>::Format;
size_t start = 0;
// Record the sign before converting the intermediate values to positive.
if (value.raw_value() < 0) {
buffer_[start++] = '-';
// Convert the intermediate values to positive for string conversion.
const Integer mask = static_cast<Integer>(-(value.raw_value() < 0));
const Integer one = mask & 1;
const uint64_t absolute_value = SaturateAddAs<uint64_t>(value.raw_value() ^ mask, one);
const uint64_t integral_value =
Format::FractionalBits == 64 ? 0 : absolute_value >> Format::FractionalBits;
// Reserve space in the buffer for the integral digits, including when the
// integral component is zero.
uint64_t remaining_value = integral_value;
do {
remaining_value /= 10;
} while (remaining_value > 0);
// Mark the beginning of the fractional region and store decimal point.
size_t end = start + 1;
buffer_[start--] = '.';
// String convert the integral component into the reserved region.
remaining_value = integral_value;
do {
buffer_[start--] = static_cast<char>('0' + remaining_value % 10);
remaining_value /= 10;
} while (remaining_value > 0);
// Up or down convert the fractional value to 60bits. The intermediate value
// must have at least 4bits of headroom to compute each decimal digit.
using F = Fixed<uint64_t, 60>;
if constexpr (Format::FractionalBits >= F::Format::FractionalBits) {
remaining_value = absolute_value >> (Format::FractionalBits - F::Format::FractionalBits);
} else {
remaining_value = absolute_value << (F::Format::FractionalBits - Format::FractionalBits);
// String convert the fractional component into the remaining buffer,
// keeping track of the last non-zero trailing digit.
size_t last_nonzero = end;
const size_t stop = end + kFractionalDigits;
do {
remaining_value &= F::Format::FractionalMask;
remaining_value *= 10;
const char digit = static_cast<char>('0' + (remaining_value >> F::Format::FractionalBits));
if (digit != '0') {
last_nonzero = end;
buffer_[end++] = digit;
} while (remaining_value != 0 && end < stop);
// Set the null termination after the last non-zero trailing digit.
buffer_[last_nonzero + 1] = '\0';
} // namespace ffl
#endif // FFL_STRING_H_