blob: 14cf6665ee51a1a583abb157b07c243e198864cc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO(38226): This is a kludge to make fuzzer.foosan builds actually just use
# the plain foosan build of libfdio. This works around the problem that
# libfuzzer itself calls into libfdio and so its own calls pollute the data
# it's collecting about the code under test. By redirecting from the fuzzer
# environment to the base environment (i.e. "user.fuzzer" -> "user"), we get
# the build that has the same foosan instrumentation to catch bugs but doesn't
# have the fuzzer (i.e. coverage tracking) instrumentation that influences
# libfuzzer's choices.
if (get_path_info(toolchain.environment, "extension") == "fuzzer") {
]) {
environment_redirect(target) {
environment_label =
shlib = true
variant = toolchain.variant
deps = [ ":$target" ]
if (target == "fdio") {
deps += [ ":fuzzer-redirect-manifest" ]
} else {
zx_library("fdio") {
sdk = "shared"
sdk_publishable = true
sdk_headers = [
shared = true
sources = [
deps = [
configs += [ "$zx_build/public/gn/config:static-libc++" ]
public_configs = [ "$zx/public/gn/config:Wno-unused-function" ]
# TODO(38226): Binaries built in the fuzzer environment look for libraries
# in that environment.variant's libprefix. But the redirect above sent it
# to the base environment (with the same variant), which has a different
# libprefix. So add metadata that places the runtime shlib binary
# underneath the fuzzer libprefix so it will be found where it's expected.
# Note that the manifest will also mention the base environment variant
# location for the same library, which is superfluous but harmless.
resource("fuzzer-redirect-manifest") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [ "$target_out_dir/" ]
outputs = [ "lib/fuzzer.${toolchain.variant}/{{source_file_part}}" ]