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// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <type_traits>
// fbl::Recyclable<T>
// Notes:
// fbl::Recyclable<T> is a mix-in class which allows users to control what
// happens to objects when they reach the end of their lifecycle, as determined
// by the fbl managed pointer classes.
// The general idea is as follows. A developer might have some sort of
// factory pattern where they hand out either unique_ptr<>s or RefPtr<>s
// to objects which they have created. When their user is done with the
// object and the managed pointers let go of it, instead of executing the
// destructor and deleting the object, the developer may want to
// "recycle" the object and use it for some internal purpose. Examples
// include...
// 1) Putting the object on some sort of internal list to hand out again
// of the object is re-usable and the cost of construction/destruction
// is high.
// 2) Putting the object into some form of deferred destruction queue
// because users are either too high priority to pay the cost of
// destruction when the object is released, or because the act of
// destruction might involve operations which are not permitted when
// the object is released (perhaps the object is released at IRQ time,
// but the system needs to be running in a thread in order to properly
// clean up the object)
// 3) Re-using the object internally for something like bookkeeping
// purposes.
// In order to make use of the feature, users need to do two things.
// 1) Derive from fbl::Recyclable<T>.
// 2) Implement a method with the signature "void fbl_recycle()"
// When deriving from Recyclable<T>, T should be devoid of cv-qualifiers (even if
// the managed pointers handed out by the user's code are const or volatile).
// In addition, fbl_recycle must be visible to fbl::Recyclable<T>, either
// because it is public or because the T is friends with fbl::Recyclable<T>.
// :: Example ::
// Some code hands out unique pointers to const Foo objects and wishes to
// have the chance to recycle them. The code would look something like
// this...
// class Foo : public fbl::Recyclable<Foo> {
// public:
// // public implementation here
// private:
// friend class fbl::Recyclable<Foo>;
// void fbl_recycle() {
// if (should_recycle())) {
// do_recycle_stuff();
// } else {
// delete this;
// }
// }
// };
// Note: the intention is to use this feature with managed pointers,
// which will automatically detect and call the recycle method if
// present. That said, there is nothing to stop users for manually
// calling fbl_recycle, provided that it is visible to the code which
// needs to call it.
namespace fbl {
// Default implementation of fbl::Recyclable.
// Note: we provide a default implementation instead of just a fwd declaration
// so we can add a static_assert which will give a user a more human readable
// error in case they make the mistake of deriving from fbl::Recyclable<const Foo>
// instead of fbl::Recyclable<Foo>
template <typename T, typename = void>
class Recyclable {
// Note: static assert must depend on T in order to trigger only when the template gets
// expanded. If it does not depend on any template parameters, eg static_assert(false), then it
// will always explode, regardless of whether or not the template is ever expanded.
static_assert(std::is_same_v<T, T> == false,
"fbl::Recyclable<T> objects must not specify cv-qualifiers for T. "
"IOW - derive from fbl::Recyclable<Foo>, not fbl::Recyclable<const Foo>");
namespace internal {
// Test to see if an object is recyclable. An object of type T is considered to
// be recyclable if it derives from fbl::Recyclable<T>
template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool has_fbl_recycle_v =
std::is_base_of_v<::fbl::Recyclable<std::remove_cv_t<T>>, T>;
// internal::recycler is the internal helper class which is permitted to call
// Recyclable<T>::fbl_recycle_thunk. It can be removed when we move to C++17
// and have the ability to prune code paths using if-constexpr before they need
// to undergo name lookup or template expansion.
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct recycler {
static inline void recycle(T* ptr) { ZX_ASSERT(false); }
template <typename T>
struct recycler<T, std::enable_if_t<has_fbl_recycle_v<T> == true>> {
static inline void recycle(T* ptr) {
} // namespace internal
template <typename T>
class Recyclable<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<T>, T>>> {
// Recyclable is friends with all cv-forms of the internal::recycler. This
// way, managed pointer types can say internal::recycler<T>::recycle(ptr)
// without needing to worry if T is const, volatile, or both.
friend struct ::fbl::internal::recycler<T>;
friend struct ::fbl::internal::recycler<const T>;
friend struct ::fbl::internal::recycler<volatile T>;
friend struct ::fbl::internal::recycler<const volatile T>;
static void fbl_recycle_thunk(T* ptr) {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(&T::fbl_recycle), void (T::*)(void)>,
"fbl_recycle() methods must be non-static member "
"functions with the signature 'void fbl_recycle()', and "
"be visible to fbl::Recyclable<T> (either because they are "
" public, or because of friendship).");
} // namespace fbl
#endif // FBL_RECYCLER_H_