blob: cacf45302c9897cf8f84d0f474e01ac863112604 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# If $gcc_tool_dir is "", then this controls how the GCC toolchain
# binaries are found. If true, the standard prebuilt is used. If false,
# the tools are just expected to be found in PATH.
use_prebuilt_gcc = true
# Directory where the GCC toolchain binaries ("gcc", "nm", etc.) are
# found. If this is "", then the behavior depends on $use_prebuilt_gcc.
# This directory is expected to contain `aarch64-elf-*` and `x86_64-elf-*`
# tools used to build for the Fuchsia targets. This directory will not
# be used for host tools; if GCC is selected for host builds, only the
# system-installed tools found by the shell via `PATH` will be used.
gcc_tool_dir = ""
# This is a string identifying the particular toolchain version in use. Its
# only purpose is to be unique enough that it changes when switching to a new
# toolchain, so that recompilations with the new compiler can be triggered.
# When using the prebuilt, the CIPD instance ID of the prebuilt is perfect.
# When not using the prebuilt, there isn't a quick way to extract the compiler
# version. But at least changing the setting to a different compiler will
# change the string.
gcc_version_string = gcc_tool_dir
if (gcc_tool_dir == "" && use_prebuilt_gcc) {
_prebuilt_gcc_dir = "$prebuilt_dir/third_party/gcc/$host_platform"
gcc_tool_dir = "$_prebuilt_gcc_dir/bin"
_prebuilt_cipd_version =
read_file("$_prebuilt_gcc_dir/.versions/gcc.cipd_version", "json")
gcc_version_string = _prebuilt_cipd_version.instance_id