blob: d76b1da570845734a9259dce4b136bb60190c304 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/cmdline.h>
#include <lib/debuglog.h>
#include <zircon/boot/crash-reason.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <object/root_job_observer.h>
#include <platform/halt_helper.h>
namespace {
bool HasChild(zx_signals_t state) {
bool no_child = (state & ZX_JOB_NO_JOBS) && (state & ZX_JOB_NO_PROCESSES);
return !no_child;
__NO_RETURN void Halt() {
const char* notice = gCmdline.GetString("kernel.root-job.notice");
if (notice != nullptr) {
printf("root-job: notice: %s\n", notice);
const char* behavior = gCmdline.GetString("kernel.root-job.behavior");
if (behavior == nullptr) {
behavior = "reboot";
printf("root-job: taking %s action\n", behavior);
const zx_time_t dlog_deadline = current_time() + ZX_SEC(5);
// About to call |platform_halt|, which never returns.
if (!strcmp(behavior, "halt")) {
platform_halt(HALT_ACTION_HALT, ZirconCrashReason::NoCrash);
} else if (!strcmp(behavior, "bootloader")) {
platform_halt(HALT_ACTION_REBOOT_BOOTLOADER, ZirconCrashReason::NoCrash);
} else if (!strcmp(behavior, "recovery")) {
platform_halt(HALT_ACTION_REBOOT_RECOVERY, ZirconCrashReason::NoCrash);
} else if (!strcmp(behavior, "shutdown")) {
platform_halt(HALT_ACTION_SHUTDOWN, ZirconCrashReason::NoCrash);
} else {
platform_halt(HALT_ACTION_REBOOT, ZirconCrashReason::NoCrash);
} // anonymous namespace
StateObserver::Flags RootJobObserver::OnInitialize(zx_signals_t initial_state,
const CountInfo* cinfo) {
if (HasChild(initial_state)) {
panic("root-job: invalid initial state\n");
return 0;
StateObserver::Flags RootJobObserver::OnStateChange(zx_signals_t new_state) {
// Remember, the |root_job_|'s Dispatcher lock is held for the duration of
// this method. Take care to avoid calling anything that might attempt to
// acquire that lock.
// If the root job has been terminated, it will have no children. We do not
// check for `ZX_JOB_TERMINATED`, as that may occur before all the children
// have been terminated.
if (HasChild(new_state)) {
return 0;
// Never returns.
StateObserver::Flags RootJobObserver::OnCancel(const Handle* handle) { return 0; }