blob: 8cd979e64ece8b6d6901b50317ae2677ed444a66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <acpica/acpi.h>
#include <arch/x86/apic.h>
// TODO(edcoyne): rename this to C++ naming.
struct acpi_hpet_descriptor {
uint64_t address;
bool port_io;
uint16_t minimum_tick;
uint8_t sequence;
constexpr uint8_t kAcpiMaxNumaRegions = 5;
struct AcpiNumaRegion {
uint64_t base_address;
uint64_t length;
struct AcpiNumaDomain {
uint32_t domain = 0xFF;
AcpiNumaRegion memory[kAcpiMaxNumaRegions];
uint8_t memory_count = 0;
// ACPI constants.
inline constexpr uint8_t kAcpiAddressSpaceMemory = 0; // Memory/MMIO address.
inline constexpr uint8_t kAcpiAddressSpaceIOPort = 1; // I/O port address.
// Describes a dedicated system debug port suitable for low-level
// debugging and diagnostics.
// Currently, we only support a 16550-compatible UART using MMIO.
struct AcpiDebugPortDescriptor {
// Physical address of the 16550 MMIO registers.
paddr_t address;
// Wraps ACPICA functions (except init) to allow testing.
class AcpiTableProvider {
virtual ~AcpiTableProvider() {}
// Looks up table, on success sets header to point to table. Maintains
// ownership of the table's memory.
virtual ACPI_STATUS GetTable(char* signature, uint32_t instance,
ACPI_TABLE_HEADER** header) const {
return AcpiGetTable(signature, instance, header);
// Designed to read and parse APIC tables, other functions of the APIC
// subsystem are out of scope of this class. This class can work before dynamic memory
// allocation is available.
class AcpiTables {
AcpiTables(const AcpiTableProvider* tables) : tables_(tables) {}
// Initialize the APIC Tables subsystem, this is separate from initializing
// the whole APIC subsystem and generally happens much earlier. Argument is
// ignored.
static void Initialize(uint32_t);
// Sets count equal to the number of cpus in the system.
zx_status_t cpu_count(uint32_t* count) const;
// Populates the apic_ids array with the apic ids of all cpus in the system.
// Sets apic_id_count equal to the number of ids written to the array and is
// bounded by array_size.
zx_status_t cpu_apic_ids(uint32_t* apic_ids, uint32_t array_size, uint32_t* apic_id_count) const;
// Sets count equal to the number of IO APICs in the system.
zx_status_t io_apic_count(uint32_t* count) const;
// Populates the io_apics array with data about the IO APICS in the system,
// bounded by array_size. io_apics_count will contain how many io_apics were
// populated in the array.
zx_status_t io_apics(io_apic_descriptor* io_apics, uint32_t array_size,
uint32_t* io_apics_count) const;
// Populates overrides with data on all overrides, bounded by array_size.
// override_count will contain the number of overrides populated in the
// array.
zx_status_t interrupt_source_overrides(io_apic_isa_override* overrides, uint32_t array_size,
uint32_t* override_count) const;
// Sets count equal to the number of overrides registered in the system.
zx_status_t interrupt_source_overrides_count(uint32_t* count) const;
// Lookup high precision event timer information. Returns ZX_OK and
// populates hpet if successful, otherwise returns error.
zx_status_t hpet(acpi_hpet_descriptor* hpet) const;
// Lookup low-level debug port information. Returns ZX_OK and
// populates info if successful, otherwise returns error.
zx_status_t debug_port(AcpiDebugPortDescriptor* desc) const;
// Vists all pairs of cpu apic id and NumaRegion.
// Visitor is expected to have the signature:
// void(const AcpiNumaRegion&, uint32_t)
template <typename V>
zx_status_t VisitCpuNumaPairs(V visitor) const;
zx_status_t NumInMadt(uint8_t type, uint32_t* count) const;
// For each subtable of type run visitor.
// We can't take a std::function for the visitor because that can use dynamic
// memory.
template <typename V>
zx_status_t ForEachInMadt(uint8_t type, V visitor) const;
// Set start and end to the first and last (respectively) records in the
// MADT table.
zx_status_t GetMadtRecordLimits(uintptr_t* start, uintptr_t* end) const;
const AcpiTableProvider* const tables_;
// Whether APIC tables have ever been initialized.
static bool initialized_;
template <typename V>
zx_status_t AcpiTables::VisitCpuNumaPairs(V visitor) const {
ACPI_STATUS status = tables_->GetTable((char*)ACPI_SIG_SRAT, 1, &table);
if (status != AE_OK) {
printf("Could not find SRAT table. ACPICA returned: %u\n", status);
static constexpr size_t kSratHeaderSize = 48;
static constexpr size_t kMaxNumaDomains = 10;
AcpiNumaDomain domains[kMaxNumaDomains];
// First find all numa domains.
size_t offset = kSratHeaderSize;
while (offset < srat->Header.Length) {
ACPI_SUBTABLE_HEADER* sub_header = (ACPI_SUBTABLE_HEADER*)((uint64_t)table + offset);
DEBUG_ASSERT(sub_header->Length > 0);
offset += sub_header->Length;
if (sub_header->Type == ACPI_SRAT_TYPE_MEMORY_AFFINITY) {
const acpi_srat_mem_affinity* mem = (acpi_srat_mem_affinity*)sub_header;
if (!(mem->Flags & ACPI_SRAT_MEM_ENABLED)) {
// Ignore disabled entries.
DEBUG_ASSERT(mem->ProximityDomain < kMaxNumaDomains);
auto& domain = domains[mem->ProximityDomain];
domain.memory[domain.memory_count++] = {
.base_address = mem->BaseAddress,
.length = mem->Length,
printf("Numa Region:{ domain: %u base: %#llx length: %#llx (%llu) }\n", mem->ProximityDomain,
mem->BaseAddress, mem->Length, mem->Length);
// Then visit all cpu apic ids and provide the accompanying numa region.
offset = kSratHeaderSize;
while (offset < srat->Header.Length) {
ACPI_SUBTABLE_HEADER* sub_header = (ACPI_SUBTABLE_HEADER*)((uint64_t)table + offset);
offset += sub_header->Length;
const auto type = sub_header->Type;
const auto* cpu = (acpi_srat_cpu_affinity*)sub_header;
if (!(cpu->Flags & ACPI_SRAT_CPU_ENABLED)) {
// Ignore disabled entries.
const auto domain = cpu->ProximityDomainLo | (*((uint32_t*)cpu->ProximityDomainHi) & 0xFFFFFF)
<< 8;
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(domain < kMaxNumaDomains, "%u < %lu", domain, kMaxNumaDomains);
domains[domain].domain = domain;
visitor(domains[domain], cpu->ApicId);
} else if (type == ACPI_SRAT_TYPE_X2APIC_CPU_AFFINITY) {
const auto* cpu = (acpi_srat_x2apic_cpu_affinity*)sub_header;
if (!(cpu->Flags & ACPI_SRAT_CPU_ENABLED)) {
// Ignore disabled entries.
DEBUG_ASSERT(cpu->ProximityDomain < kMaxNumaDomains);
visitor(domains[cpu->ProximityDomain], cpu->ApicId);
return ZX_OK;