blob: 3577463bef9cc8ee9a770bc40c8b69b3bf976b92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/cpp/executor.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fit/promise.h>
#include <memory>
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
// Framework for managing shutdown activities. All subsystems that require graceful shutdown
// register callbacks that are invoked when |Shutdown()| is called. These callbacks return a
// promise that is completed when that subsystem is finished shutting down; ShutdownManager waits
// for all of these promises before invoking the |quit_callback| passed to the constructor.
// NOTE: this is only for shutdown activities that *must* happen asynchronously on a loop. It is
// preferable to cleanly using only destructors, if possible.
class ShutdownManager final : public std::enable_shared_from_this<ShutdownManager> {
using QuitCallback = fit::closure;
using TimeoutCallback = fit::function<void(bool)>;
// |dispatcher| is used for all async operations. |quit_callback| is invoked after all registered
// clients have finished shutting down. If shutdown cannot be completed before the specified
// timeout, |timeout_callback| is invoked instead, from a thread not associated with |dispatcher|.
static std::shared_ptr<ShutdownManager> New(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, QuitCallback quit_callback,
TimeoutCallback timeout_callback = [](bool timed_out) {
if (timed_out) {
// Registers a callback that will be invoked when |Shutdown()| is called. Once |Shutdown()| has
// been called, it is no longer legal to register additional callbacks.
using ClientCallback = fit::function<fit::promise<>()>;
void RegisterClient(ClientCallback client);
// Attempts to shutdown gracefully. If the specified |timeout| is exceeded, then the
// |timeout_callback| will be invoked even though some clients aren't finished shutting down.
// Only the first call to |Shutdown()| is effective; subsequent calls are ignored.
void Shutdown(zx::duration timeout);
// For testing. NOTE: this callback will be destroyed on a different thread, so be sure not to
// capture refs to any non-threadsafe objects.
void set_clock_callback(fit::function<zx::time()> cb);
ShutdownManager(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, QuitCallback quit_callback,
TimeoutCallback timeout_callback);
enum class State { kInit, kShuttingDown, kFinishedShuttingDown };
State state_ = State::kInit;
async::Executor executor_;
QuitCallback quit_callback_;
TimeoutCallback timeout_callback_;
fit::function<zx::time()> clock_callback_ = [] { return zx::time(zx_clock_get_monotonic()); };
std::vector<ClientCallback> clients_;
// Used to guarantee that only one of |quit_callback_| and |timeout_callback_| can be invoked.
std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_bool> shared_bool_;
} // namespace scenic_impl