blob: 03e33b9e08a4ad32776b672aa977512550f772ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace scheduling {
// Each frame, an instance of FrameTimings is used by the FrameScheduler to
// collect timing information about all swapchains that were rendered to during
// the frame. Once all swapchains have finished rendering/presenting, the
// FrameScheduler is notified via OnFramePresented().
// TODO(SCN-1324) This class currently handles one frame scheduler outputting to
// n swapchains, and computes the slowest time values for any swapchain. Figure
// out how to decouple multiple swapchains.
// TODO(SCN-1443) Refactor FrameTimings, FrameScheduler, and Swapchain
// interactions. There are implicit assumptions about when a swapchain is added
// to FrameTimings, and the availability of swapchain buffers that should be
// formalized and properly handled.
class FrameTimings {
using OnTimingsRenderedCallback = fit::function<void(const FrameTimings&)>;
using OnTimingsPresentedCallback = fit::function<void(const FrameTimings&)>;
// Time value used to signal the time measurement has not yet been recorded.
static constexpr zx::time kTimeUninitialized = zx::time(ZX_TIME_INFINITE_PAST);
// Time value used to signal the time measurement was dropped.
static constexpr zx::time kTimeDropped = zx::time(ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
// Timestamps of all points managed by FrameTimings.
// Note that there potentially can be multiple times a frame was updated before
// it was finally rendered, and |update_done_time| tracks the last of those
// updates. See SCN-1482 for more details.
struct Timestamps {
zx::time latch_point_time;
zx::time update_done_time;
zx::time render_start_time;
zx::time render_done_time;
zx::time target_presentation_time;
zx::time actual_presentation_time;
// Constructor
// |frame_number| The frame number used to identify the drawn frame.
// |target_presentation_time| The presentation time this frame is attempting
// to be displayed by.
// |latch_time| The time the frame "latches". Typically this is the update
// start time.
// |rendering_started_time| The time this frame started rendering.
// |timings_rendered_callback| Callback invoked when the frame has finished rendering.
// |timings_presented_callback| Callback invoked when the frame has been presented or
// dropped.
FrameTimings(uint64_t frame_number, zx::time target_presentation_time, zx::time latch_time,
zx::time rendering_started_time, OnTimingsRenderedCallback timings_rendered_callback,
OnTimingsPresentedCallback timings_presented_callback);
fxl::WeakPtr<FrameTimings> GetWeakPtr() { return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); }
// Reserves |count| swapchain records, numbered 0 to count-1.
// REQUIRES: OnFrame* has not been called.
void RegisterSwapchains(size_t count);
// Called by the frame scheduler to record the update done time. This must be later than or equal
// to the previously supplied |latch_time|. Note: there is no associated swapchain because this
// time is associated for the frame update CPU work only.
void OnFrameUpdated(zx::time time);
// Called by the swapchain to record the render done time. This must be later
// than or equal to the previously supplied |rendering_started_time|.
void OnFrameRendered(size_t swapchain_index, zx::time time);
// Called by the swapchain to record the frame's presentation time. A
// presented frame is assumed to have been presented on the display, and was
// not dropped. This must be later than or equal to the previously supplied
// |target_presentation_time|.
void OnFramePresented(size_t swapchain_index, zx::time time);
// Called by the swapchain to record that this frame has been dropped. A
// dropped frame is assumed to have been rendered but not presented on the
// display.
void OnFrameDropped(size_t swapchain_index);
// Called by the frame scheduler to record that this frame was never rendered,
// e.g. if there was no renderable content. This assumes that the swapchain count
// is 0.
void OnFrameSkipped();
// It is possible for the GPU portion of the rendering of a frame to be
// completed before the CPU portion. Therefore to ensure our frame scheduler
// makes correct decisions, we need to account for such a possibility.
void OnFrameCpuRendered(zx::time time);
// Provide direct access to FrameTimings constant values.
uint64_t frame_number() const { return frame_number_; }
zx::time target_presentation_time() const { return target_presentation_time_; }
zx::time latch_point_time() const { return latch_point_time_; }
zx::time rendering_started_time() const { return rendering_started_time_; }
// Returns true when all the swapchains this frame have reported
// OnFrameRendered and either OnFramePresented or OnFrameDropped.
// Although the actual frame presentation depends on the actual frame
// rendering, there is currently no guaranteed ordering between when the
// two events are received by the engine (due to the redispatch
// in EventTimestamper).
bool finalized() const { return finalized_; }
// Returns all the timestamps that this class is tracking. Values are subject
// to change until this class is |finalized()|.
Timestamps GetTimestamps() const;
// Returns true if the frame was dropped by at least one swapchain that it was
// submitted to. Value is subject to change until this class is |finalized()|.
bool FrameWasDropped() const { return frame_was_dropped_; }
// Returns true if this frame was skipped by the renderer, and never submitted
// for rendering or presentation.
bool FrameWasSkipped() const { return frame_was_skipped_; }
// Helper function when FrameTimings is finalized to validate the render time
// is less than or equal to the frame presented time.
void ValidateRenderTime();
// Called once all swapchains have reported back with their render-finished
// and presentation times.
void Finalize();
bool received_all_frame_rendered_callbacks() const {
return frame_rendered_count_ == swapchain_records_.size();
bool received_all_frame_presented_callbacks() const {
return frame_presented_count_ == swapchain_records_.size();
bool received_all_callbacks() const {
return received_all_frame_rendered_callbacks() && received_all_frame_presented_callbacks();
struct SwapchainRecord {
zx::time frame_rendered_time = kTimeUninitialized;
zx::time frame_presented_time = kTimeUninitialized;
std::vector<SwapchainRecord> swapchain_records_;
size_t frame_rendered_count_ = 0;
size_t frame_presented_count_ = 0;
const uint64_t frame_number_;
// Frame start times.
const zx::time target_presentation_time_;
const zx::time latch_point_time_;
const zx::time rendering_started_time_;
// Frame end times.
zx::time actual_presentation_time_ = kTimeUninitialized;
zx::time updates_finished_time_ = kTimeUninitialized;
zx::time rendering_finished_time_ = kTimeUninitialized;
zx::time rendering_cpu_finished_time_ = kTimeUninitialized;
bool frame_was_dropped_ = false;
bool frame_was_skipped_ = false;
bool finalized_ = false;
OnTimingsRenderedCallback timings_rendered_callback_;
OnTimingsPresentedCallback timings_presented_callback_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<FrameTimings> weak_factory_; // must be last
} // namespace scheduling