blob: 944587e854499113e43fb6c96554a0c1c0733319 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/semantics/semantic_tree.h"
#include <fuchsia/accessibility/semantics/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/logger.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/concatenate.h"
namespace a11y {
namespace {
using SemanticTreeData = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node>;
using fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node;
// Tries to find |node_id| in |updated_nodes|, if not in |default_nodes|. If
// |node_id| is not present in either, returns nullptr. Please note that if
// |node_id| is present in |updated_nodes|, but the optional holds an empty
// value, this indicates a deletion and nullptr will be returned.
const Node* GetUpdatedOrDefaultNode(
const uint32_t node_id, const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::optional<Node>>& updated_nodes,
const SemanticTreeData& default_nodes) {
if (auto it = updated_nodes.find(node_id); it != updated_nodes.end()) {
if (it->second) {
return &(*it->second);
} else {
return nullptr;
if (auto it = default_nodes.find(node_id); it != default_nodes.end()) {
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
// Returns a node which is a merge between |old| and |new|, where for each field
// chooses |new| if it has it, |old| otherwise.
Node MergeNodes(const Node& old_node, Node new_node) {
Node output;
if (new_node.has_role()) {
if (new_node.has_states()) {
if (new_node.has_attributes()) {
if (new_node.has_actions()) {
if (new_node.has_child_ids()) {
if (new_node.has_location()) {
if (new_node.has_transform()) {
return output;
// Returns true if the subtree in |nodes| resulting from an update in
// |nodes_to_be_updated|, reachable from |node_id| is acyclic and that every
// child node referenced by a parent exist. |visited_nodes| is filled with the
// node ids of this traversal.
bool ValidateSubTreeForUpdate(
const uint32_t node_id, const SemanticTreeData& nodes,
const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::optional<Node>>& nodes_to_be_updated,
std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* visited_nodes) {
const Node* node = GetUpdatedOrDefaultNode(node_id, nodes_to_be_updated, nodes);
if (!node) {
// A parent node is trying to access a node that is neither in the original tree nor in the
// updates.
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Tried to visit Node [" << node_id << "] which does not exist or was deleted";
return false;
if (auto it = visited_nodes->insert(node_id); !it.second) {
// This node id has been already visited, which indicates a cycle in this tree.
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Tried to visit already visited Node [" << node_id << "], possible cycle";
return false;
if (node->has_child_ids()) {
for (const auto& child_id : node->child_ids()) {
if (!ValidateSubTreeForUpdate(child_id, nodes, nodes_to_be_updated, visited_nodes)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::TreeUpdate(uint32_t delete_node_id) : delete_node_id_(delete_node_id) {}
SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::TreeUpdate(Node node) : node_(std::move(node)) {}
bool SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::has_delete_node_id() const {
return (delete_node_id_ ? true : false);
bool SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::has_node() const { return (node_ ? true : false); }
uint32_t SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::TakeDeleteNodeId() {
return std::move(*delete_node_id_);
Node SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::TakeNode() {
return std::move(*node_);
const uint32_t& SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::delete_node_id() const {
return *delete_node_id_;
const Node& SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::node() const {
return *node_;
std::string SemanticTree::TreeUpdate::ToString() const {
std::string output = "Update: ";
if (has_delete_node_id()) {
output.append("Delete Node: [" + std::to_string(delete_node_id()) + "] ");
if (has_node()) {
std::stringstream update_node_string;
update_node_string << "Update Node [" << std::to_string(node().node_id()) << "] Children: [";
for (const auto child_id : node().child_ids()) {
update_node_string << child_id << ", ";
update_node_string << ']';
return output;
SemanticTree::SemanticTree() = default;
const Node* SemanticTree::GetNode(const uint32_t node_id) const {
const auto it = nodes_.find(node_id);
if (it == nodes_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
const Node* SemanticTree::GetNextNode(const uint32_t node_id) const {
if (nodes_.find(node_id) == nodes_.end()) {
return nullptr;
std::queue<uint32_t> nodes_to_visit;
bool found_node = false;
// Start traversal from the root node.
while (!nodes_to_visit.empty()) {
auto current_node_id = nodes_to_visit.front();
FX_DCHECK(nodes_.find(current_node_id) != nodes_.end())
<< "Nonexistent node id " << current_node_id << " encountered in tree traversal.";
auto current_node = GetNode(current_node_id);
if (current_node->has_child_ids()) {
for (const auto child_id : current_node->child_ids()) {
} else if (found_node) {
return current_node;
if (current_node_id == node_id) {
found_node = true;
return nullptr;
const Node* SemanticTree::GetPreviousNode(const uint32_t node_id) const {
if (nodes_.find(node_id) == nodes_.end()) {
return nullptr;
std::queue<uint32_t> nodes_to_visit;
// Start traversal from the root node.
const Node* previous_leaf_node = nullptr;
while (!nodes_to_visit.empty()) {
auto current_node_id = nodes_to_visit.front();
if (current_node_id == node_id) {
return previous_leaf_node;
FX_DCHECK(nodes_.find(current_node_id) != nodes_.end())
<< "Nonexistent node id " << current_node_id << " encountered in tree traversal.";
auto current_node = GetNode(current_node_id);
// Since we only want to return leaf nodes, only update previous_leaf_node if current_node does
// not have any children.
if (!current_node->has_child_ids()) {
previous_leaf_node = current_node;
for (const auto child_id : current_node->child_ids()) {
return nullptr;
const Node* SemanticTree::GetParentNode(const uint32_t node_id) const {
for (const auto& kv : nodes_) {
const auto& [unused_id, node] = kv;
if (node.has_child_ids()) {
const auto& child_ids = node.child_ids();
const auto it = std::find(child_ids.begin(), child_ids.end(), node_id);
if (it != child_ids.end()) {
return &node;
return nullptr;
bool SemanticTree::Update(TreeUpdates updates) {
nodes_to_be_updated_.clear(); // Prepares for a new update.
if (updates.empty()) {
return true;
for (auto& update : updates) {
if (update.has_delete_node_id()) {
} else if (update.has_node()) {
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> visited_nodes;
if (!ValidateUpdate(&visited_nodes)) {
return false;
return true;
bool SemanticTree::ValidateUpdate(std::unordered_set<uint32_t>* visited_nodes) {
const Node* root = GetUpdatedOrDefaultNode(kRootNodeId, nodes_to_be_updated_, nodes_);
if (!root) {
// Note that there are only two occasions where the root could be null:
// 1. The tree is empty and this is a new update to the tree without a root
// (invalid).
// 2. This is an update that explicitly deletes the root node (valid). This
// effectively causes the tree to be garbage collected and all nodes are
// deleted.
if (auto it = nodes_to_be_updated_.find(kRootNodeId); it != nodes_to_be_updated_.end()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (!ValidateSubTreeForUpdate(kRootNodeId, nodes_, nodes_to_be_updated_, visited_nodes)) {
return false;
return true;
void SemanticTree::MarkNodeForUpdate(Node node) {
const uint32_t node_id = node.node_id();
if (const Node* old = GetUpdatedOrDefaultNode(node_id, nodes_to_be_updated_, nodes_);
old == nullptr) {
// New node. Simply mark it for future update.
nodes_to_be_updated_[node_id] = std::move(node);
} else {
// Partial update.
nodes_to_be_updated_[node_id] = MergeNodes(*old, std::move(node));
void SemanticTree::ApplyNodeUpdates(const std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& visited_nodes) {
// First, apply all pending updates and then delete dangling subtrees.
for (auto& kv : nodes_to_be_updated_) {
auto& [node_id, updated_node] = kv;
if (updated_node) {
nodes_[node_id] = std::move(*updated_node);
} else {
// The optional holds an empty value, indicating a deletion.
// Delete dangling subtrees.
auto it = nodes_.begin();
while (it != nodes_.end()) {
if (auto visited_it = visited_nodes.find(it->first); visited_it == visited_nodes.end()) {
// node unreachable. remove from the tree.
it = nodes_.erase(it);
} else {
void SemanticTree::Clear() { nodes_.clear(); }
void SemanticTree::PerformAccessibilityAction(
uint32_t node_id, fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Action action,
callback) const {
action_handler_(node_id, action, std::move(callback));
void SemanticTree::PerformHitTesting(
fuchsia::math::PointF local_point,
fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::SemanticListener::HitTestCallback callback) const {
hit_testing_handler_(local_point, std::move(callback));
std::string SemanticTree::ToString() const {
std::function<void(const Node*, int, std::string*)> printNode;
printNode = [&printNode, this](const Node* node, int current_level, std::string* output) {
if (!node) {
// Add indentation
output->append(4 * current_level, ' ');
*output = fxl::Concatenate({*output, "ID: ", std::to_string(node->node_id()), " Label:",
node->has_attributes() && node->attributes().has_label()
? node->attributes().label()
: "no label",
if (!node->has_child_ids()) {
for (const auto& child_id : node->child_ids()) {
const auto* child = GetNode(child_id);
printNode(child, current_level + 1, output);
const auto* root = GetNode(kRootNodeId);
std::string tree_string;
if (!root) {
tree_string = "Root Node not found.";
return tree_string;
printNode(root, kRootNodeId, &tree_string);
return tree_string;
} // namespace a11y