blob: cbce4df6a5334cd7e60e88bf2f86b52dab0730fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fuchsia_inspect::{Node, NumericProperty as _, Property as _, UintProperty},
/// A `Node` with a bounded number of child `Node`s.
/// Child `Node`s at indices `[begin, end)` are guaranteed to be fully constructed.
/// ```
/// # use fuchsia_inspect::{assert_inspect_tree, Inspector},
/// # // TODO import this crate if this type is ever moved to a library
/// let inspector = Inspector::new();
/// let mut bounded_node =
/// BoundedNode::from_node_and_capacity(inspector.root().create_child("bounded-node"), 2);
/// struct Item {
/// _node: Node,
/// }
/// bounded_node.push(|n| {
/// n.record_string("dropped-field", "dropped-value");
/// Item { _node: n }
/// });
/// bounded_node.push(|n| {
/// n.record_string("some-field", "some-value");
/// Item { _node: n }
/// });
/// bounded_node.push(|n| {
/// n.record_string("other-field", "other-value");
/// Item { _node: n }
/// });
/// assert_inspect_tree!(
/// inspector,
/// root: {
/// "bounded-node": {
/// "capacity": 2u64,
/// "begin": 1u64,
/// "end": 3u64,
/// "children": {
/// "1": { "some-field": "some-value" },
/// "2": { "other-field": "other-value" }
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// )
/// ```
pub struct BoundedNode<V> {
node: Node,
children_node: Node,
capacity: usize,
begin: UintProperty,
end: InspectableU64,
vs: VecDeque<V>,
impl<V> BoundedNode<V> {
/// Creates a `BoundedNode`. `BoundedNode`s with `capacity` zero do not store any `V`s.
pub fn from_node_and_capacity(node: Node, capacity: usize) -> Self {
node.record_uint("capacity", capacity as u64);
let children_node = node.create_child("children");
let begin = node.create_uint("begin", 0);
let end = InspectableU64::new(0, &node, "end");
Self { node, children_node, capacity, begin, end, vs: VecDeque::new() }
/// Push a child `Node` to the exported Inspect tree. `f` is called with the new `Node` and
/// returns a type `V` that should contain that `Node` and any other desired Inspect objects.
/// Drops oldest child `Node` if `capacity` would be exceeded.
pub fn push(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(Node) -> V) {
if self.capacity == 0 {
// Increment `begin` first so the valid range is always empty.
*self.end.get_mut() += 1;
let v = f(self.children_node.create_child(self.end.to_string()));
// Increment `end` after pushing the new Node, to preserve the valid Node range invariant.
*self.end.get_mut() += 1;
// Increment `begin` before (possibly) dropping the oldest Node.
self.begin.set((*self.end).saturating_sub(self.capacity as u64));
mod test {
use {
fuchsia_inspect::{assert_inspect_tree, Inspector},
struct Item {
_node: Node,
impl Item {
fn new(node: Node, i: i64) -> Self {
node.record_int("i", i);
Self { _node: node }
fn zero_capacity_push() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let mut bounded_node =
BoundedNode::from_node_and_capacity(inspector.root().create_child("bounded-node"), 0);
bounded_node.push(|n| Item::new(n, 0));
root: {
"bounded-node": {
"capacity": 0u64,
"begin": 1u64,
"end": 1u64,
"children": {},
fn push() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let mut bounded_node =
BoundedNode::from_node_and_capacity(inspector.root().create_child("bounded-node"), 1);
bounded_node.push(|n| Item::new(n, 0));
root: {
"bounded-node": {
"capacity": 1u64,
"begin": 0u64,
"end": 1u64,
"children": {
"0": { i: 0i64 }
fn push_triggers_drop_of_oldest() {
let inspector = Inspector::new();
let mut bounded_node =
BoundedNode::from_node_and_capacity(inspector.root().create_child("bounded-node"), 3);
for i in 0..4 {
bounded_node.push(|n| Item::new(n, i));
root: {
"bounded-node": {
"capacity": 3u64,
"begin": 1u64,
"end": 4u64,
"children": {
"1": { i: 1i64 },
"2": { i: 2i64 },
"3": { i: 3i64 },