blob: ef4ee5a532b4986c7e3d9845430af887f02d2b08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context, Error},
fidl::endpoints::{create_request_stream, ClientEnd, ServerEnd, ServiceMarker},
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fidl_fuchsia_sys2 as fsys, fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_component::client::{connect_channel_to_service, connect_to_service},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
future::{AbortHandle, Abortable, BoxFuture, TryFutureExt},
std::{convert::TryFrom, sync::Arc},
/// Ordering is used by `EventSource::expect_events`to determine if it should allow events to be
/// verified in any order or only in the order specified by the test.
pub enum Ordering {
/// Returns the string name for the given `event_type`
fn event_name(event_type: &fsys::EventType) -> String {
match event_type {
fsys::EventType::CapabilityReady => "capability_ready",
fsys::EventType::CapabilityRouted => "capability_routed",
fsys::EventType::Destroyed => "destroyed",
fsys::EventType::Discovered => "discovered",
fsys::EventType::MarkedForDestruction => "",
fsys::EventType::Resolved => "resolved",
fsys::EventType::Started => "started",
fsys::EventType::Stopped => "stopped",
fsys::EventType::Running => "running",
/// A wrapper over the BlockingEventSource FIDL proxy.
/// Provides all of the FIDL methods with a cleaner, simpler interface.
/// Refer to events.fidl for a detailed description of this protocol.
pub struct EventSource {
proxy: fsys::BlockingEventSourceProxy,
impl EventSource {
/// Connects to the BlockingEventSource service at its default location
/// The default location is presumably "/svc/fuchsia.sys2.BlockingEventSource"
pub fn new_sync() -> Result<Self, Error> {
let proxy = connect_to_service::<fsys::BlockingEventSourceMarker>()
.context("could not connect to BlockingEventSource service")?;
pub fn new_async() -> Result<Self, Error> {
let (proxy, server_end) =
.context("could not connect to EventSource service")?;
/// Wraps a provided BlockingEventSource proxy
pub fn from_proxy(proxy: fsys::BlockingEventSourceProxy) -> Self {
Self { proxy }
pub async fn subscribe(&self, event_names: Vec<impl AsRef<str>>) -> Result<EventStream, Error> {
let (client_end, stream) = create_request_stream::<fsys::EventStreamMarker>()?;
.subscribe(&mut event_names.iter().map(|e| e.as_ref()), client_end)
.map_err(|error| format_err!("Error: {:?}", error))?;
pub async fn record_events(
event_names: Vec<impl AsRef<str>>,
) -> Result<EventLog, Error> {
let event_stream = self.subscribe(event_names).await?;
// This is a convenience method that subscribes to the `CapabilityRouted` event,
// spawns a new task, and injects the service provided by the injector if requested
// by the event.
pub async fn install_injector<I: 'static>(&self, injector: Arc<I>) -> Result<AbortHandle, Error>
I: Injector,
let mut event_stream = self.subscribe(vec![CapabilityRouted::NAME]).await?;
let (abort_handle, abort_registration) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
async move {
loop {
let event = event_stream
.expect("Type mismatch");
if let Ok(payload) = &event.result {
if payload.capability_id == injector.capability_path() {
event.inject(injector.clone()).await.expect("injection failed");
event.resume().await.expect("resumption failed");
.unwrap_or_else(|_| ()),
// This is a convenience method that subscribes to the `CapabilityRouted` event,
// spawns a new task, and interposes the service provided by the interposer if requested
// by the event.
pub async fn install_interposer<I: 'static>(
interposer: Arc<I>,
) -> Result<AbortHandle, Error>
I: Interposer,
let mut event_stream = self.subscribe(vec![CapabilityRouted::NAME]).await?;
let (abort_handle, abort_registration) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
async move {
loop {
let event = event_stream
.expect("Type mismatch");
if let Ok(payload) = &event.result {
if payload.capability_id == interposer.capability_path() {
.expect("injection failed");
event.resume().await.expect("resumption failed");
.unwrap_or_else(|_| (())),
pub async fn start_component_tree(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.proxy.start_component_tree().await.context("could not start component tree")?;
/// Verifies that the given events are received from the event system. Based on the vector of
/// events passed in this function will subscribe to an event stream with the relevant event
/// types and verify that the correct events for the component are received.
/// # Parameters
/// - `ordering`: Tells `expect_events` whether it should verify that the events match the order
/// provided in the vector or if they can be in any order.
/// - `expected_events`: A Vector of `EventMatcher`s that represent which events are expected
/// # Notes
/// This function only listens for events directed at a component, not its Realm so any events
/// with a target_moniker of "." are ignored.
pub async fn expect_events<'a>(
&'a self,
ordering: Ordering,
expected_events: Vec<EventMatcher>,
) -> Result<BoxFuture<'a, Result<(), Error>>, Error> {
let mut event_names = vec![];
for event in &expected_events {
if let Some(event_type) = &event.event_type {
} else {
return Err(format_err!("No event name or type set for matcher {:?}", event));
let mut event_stream = self.subscribe(event_names).await?;
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
fasync::spawn(async move {
let res = event_stream.validate(ordering, expected_events).await;
tx.send(res).expect("Unable to send result");
Ok(Box::pin(async move { rx.await? }))
pub struct EventStream {
stream: fsys::EventStreamRequestStream,
impl EventStream {
pub fn new(stream: fsys::EventStreamRequestStream) -> Self {
Self { stream }
pub async fn next(&mut self) -> Result<fsys::Event, Error> {
if let Some(Ok(fsys::EventStreamRequest::OnEvent { event, .. })) =
} else {
Err(format_err!("Stream terminated unexpectedly"))
/// Expects the next event to be of a particular type.
/// Returns the casted type if successful and an error otherwise.
pub async fn expect_type<T: Event>(&mut self) -> Result<T, Error> {
let event =;
/// Expects the next event to be of a particular type and moniker.
/// Returns the casted type if successful and an error otherwise.
pub async fn expect_exact<T: Event>(
&mut self,
event_matcher: EventMatcher,
) -> Result<T, Error> {
let event = self.expect_type::<T>().await?;
/// Waits for an event of a particular type.
/// Implicitly resumes all other events.
/// Returns the casted type if successful and an error otherwise.
pub async fn wait_until_type<T: Event>(&mut self) -> Result<T, Error> {
loop {
let event =;
if let Ok(event) = T::from_fidl(event) {
return Ok(event);
/// Waits for an event of a particular type and target moniker.
/// Implicitly resumes all other events.
/// Returns the casted type if successful and an error otherwise.
pub async fn wait_until_exact<T: Event>(
&mut self,
event_matcher: EventMatcher,
) -> Result<T, Error> {
let event_matcher = event_matcher.expect_type::<T>();
loop {
let event = self.wait_until_type::<T>().await?;
if event_matcher.matches(&event) {
return Ok(event);
/// Waits for a component capability to be routed matching a particular
/// target moniker and capability. Implicitly resumes all other events.
/// Returns the casted type if successful and an error otherwise.
pub async fn wait_until_component_capability(
&mut self,
expected_target_moniker: &str,
expected_capability_id: &str,
) -> Result<CapabilityRouted, Error> {
loop {
let event = self
if let Ok(payload) = &event.result {
if expected_capability_id == payload.capability_id {
match payload.source {
fsys::CapabilitySource::Component(_) => return Ok(event),
_ => {}
/// Waits for a framework capability to be routed matching a particular
/// target moniker, scope moniker and capability. Implicitly resumes all other events.
/// Returns the casted type if successful and an error otherwise.
pub async fn wait_until_framework_capability(
&mut self,
expected_target_moniker: &str,
expected_capability_id: &str,
expected_scope_moniker: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<CapabilityRouted, Error> {
loop {
let event = self
// If the capability ID matches and the capability source is framework
// with a matching optional scope moniker, then return the event.
if let Ok(payload) = &event.result {
if expected_capability_id == payload.capability_id {
match &payload.source {
fsys::CapabilitySource::Framework(fsys::FrameworkCapability {
}) if scope_moniker.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str())
== expected_scope_moniker =>
return Ok(event)
_ => {}
/// Validate that the events in `expected_events` are received.
/// # Parameters
/// - `ordering`: Determines whether events must arrive in the same order they appear in the
/// Vec or may arrive in any order
/// - `expected_events`: A Vector of `EventMatcher`s that represent which events are expected
/// # Notes
/// This function only listens for events directed at a component, not its Realm so any events
/// with a target_moniker of "." are ignored.
pub async fn validate(
&mut self,
ordering: Ordering,
mut expected_events: Vec<EventMatcher>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Ok(event) = {
let recorded_event = EventMatcher::try_from(&event)?;
// Skip events directed at the Realm insted of the component.
if recorded_event.target_moniker != Some(".".to_string()) {
let expected_event;
match ordering {
Ordering::Ordered => expected_event = expected_events.remove(0),
Ordering::Unordered => {
if let Some((index, _)) = expected_events
.find(|&event| event.1 == &recorded_event)
expected_event = expected_events.remove(index);
} else {
panic!("Failed to find event: {:?}", recorded_event);
assert_eq!(expected_event, recorded_event);
if expected_events.is_empty() {
/// Common features of any event - event type, target moniker, conversion function
pub trait Event: Handler {
const TYPE: fsys::EventType;
const NAME: &'static str;
fn target_moniker(&self) -> &str;
fn timestamp(&self) -> zx::Time;
fn from_fidl(event: fsys::Event) -> Result<Self, Error>;
/// Basic handler that resumes/unblocks from an Event
#[must_use = "invoke resume() otherwise component manager will be halted indefinitely!"]
pub trait Handler: Sized + Send {
/// Returns a proxy to unblock the associated component manager task.
/// If this is an asynchronous event, then this will return none.
fn handler_proxy(self) -> Option<fsys::HandlerProxy>;
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you await on them!"]
async fn resume<'a>(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
if let Some(proxy) = self.handler_proxy() {
return proxy.resume().await;
/// Implemented on fsys::Event for resuming a generic event
impl Handler for fsys::Event {
fn handler_proxy(self) -> Option<fsys::HandlerProxy> {
if let Some(handler) = self.handler {
} else {
/// An Injector allows a test to implement a protocol to be used by a component.
/// Client <---> Injector
pub trait Injector: Send + Sync {
type Marker: ServiceMarker;
/// This function will be run in a spawned task when a client attempts
/// to connect to the service being injected. `request_stream` is a stream of
/// requests coming in from the client.
async fn serve(
self: Arc<Self>,
mut request_stream: <<Self as Injector>::Marker as ServiceMarker>::RequestStream,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn capability_path(&self) -> String {
format!("/svc/{}", Self::Marker::NAME)
/// An Interposer allows a test to sit between a service and a client
/// and mutate or silently observe messages being passed between them.
/// Client <---> Interposer <---> Service
pub trait Interposer: Send + Sync {
type Marker: ServiceMarker;
/// This function will be run asynchronously when a client attempts
/// to connect to the service being interposed. `request_stream` is a stream of
/// requests coming in from the client and `to_service` is a proxy to the
/// real service.
async fn interpose(
self: Arc<Self>,
mut request_stream: <<Self as Interposer>::Marker as ServiceMarker>::RequestStream,
to_service: <<Self as Interposer>::Marker as ServiceMarker>::Proxy,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn capability_path(&self) -> String {
format!("/svc/{}", Self::Marker::NAME)
/// A protocol that allows routing capabilities over FIDL.
pub trait RoutingProtocol {
fn protocol_proxy(&self) -> Option<fsys::RoutingProtocolProxy>;
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you await on them!"]
async fn set_provider(
client_end: ClientEnd<fsys::CapabilityProviderMarker>,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
if let Some(proxy) = self.protocol_proxy() {
return proxy.set_provider(client_end).await;
/// Set an Injector for the given capability.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you await on them!"]
async fn inject<I: 'static>(&self, injector: Arc<I>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>
I: Injector,
// Create the CapabilityProvider channel
let (provider_client_end, mut provider_capability_stream) =
.expect("Could not create request stream for CapabilityProvider");
// Wait for an Open request on the CapabilityProvider channel
fasync::spawn(async move {
if let Some(Ok(fsys::CapabilityProviderRequest::Open { server_end, responder })) =
// Unblock component manager from the open request
responder.send().expect("Could not respond to CapabilityProvider::Open");
// Create the stream for the Client <---> Interposer connection
let stream = ServerEnd::<I::Marker>::new(server_end)
.expect("could not convert channel into stream");
injector.serve(stream).await.expect("Injection failed");
} else {
"Failed to inject capability! CapabilityProvider was not able to invoke Open"
// Send the client end of the CapabilityProvider protocol
if let Some(protocol_proxy) = self.protocol_proxy() {
return protocol_proxy.set_provider(provider_client_end).await;
/// Set an Interposer for the given capability.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you await on them!"]
async fn interpose<I: 'static>(&self, interposer: Arc<I>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>
I: Interposer,
// Create the Interposer <---> Server channel
let (client_end, server_end) = Channel::create().expect("could not create channel");
// Create the CapabilityProvider channel
let (provider_client_end, mut provider_capability_stream) =
.expect("Could not create request stream for CapabilityProvider");
// Wait for an Open request on the CapabilityProvider channel
fasync::spawn(async move {
if let Some(Ok(fsys::CapabilityProviderRequest::Open { server_end, responder })) =
// Unblock component manager from the open request
responder.send().expect("Could not respond to CapabilityProvider::Open");
// Create the proxy for the Interposer <---> Server connection
let proxy = ClientEnd::<I::Marker>::new(client_end)
.expect("could not convert into proxy");
// Create the stream for the Client <---> Interposer connection
let stream = ServerEnd::<I::Marker>::new(server_end)
.expect("could not convert channel into stream");
// Start interposing!
interposer.interpose(stream, proxy).await.expect("Interposition failed");
} else {
panic!("Failed to interpose! CapabilityProvider was not able to invoke Open");
// Replace the existing provider and open it with the
// server end of the Interposer <---> Server channel.
if let Some(protocol_proxy) = self.protocol_proxy() {
return protocol_proxy.replace_and_open(provider_client_end, server_end).await;
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
pub struct EventMatcher {
event_type: Option<fsys::EventType>,
capability_id: Option<String>,
target_moniker: Option<String>,
impl EventMatcher {
/// Creates a new `EventMatcher` with the given `event_type`.
/// The rest of the fields are unset.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { event_type: None, target_moniker: None, capability_id: None }
pub fn expect_type<T: Event>(mut self) -> Self {
self.event_type = Some(T::TYPE);
/// The expected target moniker.
pub fn expect_moniker(mut self, moniker: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
self.target_moniker = Some(moniker.into());
/// The expected capability id.
pub fn expect_capability_id(mut self, capability_id: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
self.capability_id = Some(capability_id.into());
fn matches<T: Event>(&self, event: &T) -> bool {
fn validate<T: Event>(&self, event: &T) -> Result<(), Error> {
if Some(T::TYPE) != self.event_type {
return Err(format_err!("Expected type: {:?}. Got: {:?}", self.event_type, T::TYPE,));
if let Some(expected_moniker) = &self.target_moniker {
if expected_moniker == event.target_moniker() {
return Ok(());
} else {
return Err(format_err!(
"Incorrect moniker for {:?}. Expected: {}, Got: {}.",
/// This implementation of PartialEq allows comparison between `EventMatcher`s when the order in
/// which components are launched can't be guaranteed. `target_moniker` can end in a wild card in
/// `target_moniker` to match by prefix instead of requiring a full match. For example, a test can
/// use the the following `EventMatcher`
/// ```
/// EventMatcher::new<CapabilityRouted>()
/// .expect_moniker("./session:session:*")
/// .expect_capability_id("elf")
/// ```
/// to match another `EventMatcher` with the target_moniker of "./session:session:1" or
/// "./session:session:2". If both target_monikers have instance ids they are still compared as
/// expected.
/// This also works (wild card for name and id):
/// ```
/// EventMatcher::new<CapabilityRouted>()
/// .expect_moniker("./session:*")
/// .expect_capability_id("elf")
/// ```
impl PartialEq<EventMatcher> for EventMatcher {
fn eq(&self, other: &EventMatcher) -> bool {
let targets_match = match (&self.target_moniker, &other.target_moniker) {
(Some(self_moniker), Some(other_moniker)) => {
if self_moniker.ends_with("*") {
let index = self_moniker.rfind('*').unwrap();
let prefix = &self_moniker[..index];
} else {
self_moniker == other_moniker
(self_moniker, other_moniker) => self_moniker == other_moniker,
self.event_type == other.event_type
&& self.capability_id == other.capability_id
&& targets_match
impl TryFrom<&fsys::Event> for EventMatcher {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(event: &fsys::Event) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// Construct the EventMatcher from the Event
let event_type = Some(event.event_type.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No event type"))?);
let target_moniker = Some(
event.target_moniker.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No target moniker"))?.clone(),
let payload = match &event.event_result {
Some(fsys::EventResult::Payload(fsys::EventPayload::CapabilityRouted(p))) => Some(p),
_ => None,
let capability_id = if let Some(event_payload) = payload {
} else {
Ok(EventMatcher { event_type, target_moniker, capability_id })
/// Records events from an EventStream, allowing them to be
/// flushed out into a vector at a later point in time.
pub struct EventLog {
recorded_events: Arc<Mutex<Vec<EventMatcher>>>,
abort_handle: AbortHandle,
impl EventLog {
fn new(mut event_stream: EventStream) -> Self {
let (abort_handle, abort_registration) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
let recorded_events = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![]));
// Start an async task that records events from the event_stream
let recorded_events = recorded_events.clone();
async move {
loop {
// Get the next event from the event_stream
let event = event_stream
.expect("Failed to get next event from EventStreamSync");
// Construct the EventMatcher from the Event
let recorded_event = EventMatcher::try_from(&event)
.expect("Failed to convert Event to EventMatcher");
// Insert the event into the list
let mut recorded_events = recorded_events.lock().await;
// Resume from the event
event.resume().await.expect("Could not resume from event");
.unwrap_or_else(|_| ()),
Self { recorded_events, abort_handle }
pub async fn flush(&self) -> Vec<EventMatcher> {
// Lock and flush out all events from the vector
let mut recorded_events = self.recorded_events.lock().await;
impl Drop for EventLog {
fn drop(&mut self) {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct EventError {
pub description: String,
/// The macro defined below will automatically create event classes corresponding
/// to their events.fidl and counterparts. Every event class implements
/// the Event and Handler traits. These minimum requirements allow every event to
/// be handled by the events client library.
/// Creates an event class based on event type and an optional payload
/// * event_type -> FIDL name for event type
/// * payload -> If an event has a payload, describe the additional params:
/// * name -> FIDL name for the payload
/// * data -> If a payload contains data items, describe the additional params:
/// * name -> FIDL name for the data item
/// * ty -> Rust type for the data item
/// * protocol -> If a payload contains protocols, describe the additional params:
/// * name -> FIDL name for the protocol
/// * ty -> Rust type for the protocol proxy
macro_rules! create_event {
event_type: $event_type:ident,
event_name: $event_name:ident,
payload: {
data: {$(
name: $data_name:ident,
ty: $data_ty:ty,
protocols: {$(
name: $protocol_name:ident,
ty: $protocol_ty:ty,
error_payload: {
name: $error_data_name:ident,
ty: $error_data_ty:ty,
) => {
paste::item! {
pub struct [<$event_type Payload>] {
$(pub $protocol_name: $protocol_ty,)*
$(pub $data_name: $data_ty,)*
pub struct [<$event_type Error>] {
$(pub $error_data_name: $error_data_ty,)*
pub description: String,
pub struct $event_type {
target_moniker: String,
handler: Option<fsys::HandlerProxy>,
timestamp: zx::Time,
pub result: Result<[<$event_type Payload>], [<$event_type Error>]>,
impl $event_type {
pub fn unwrap_payload<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [<$event_type Payload>] {
impl Event for $event_type {
const TYPE: fsys::EventType = fsys::EventType::$event_type;
const NAME: &'static str = stringify!($event_name);
fn target_moniker(&self) -> &str {
fn timestamp(&self) -> zx::Time {
fn from_fidl(event: fsys::Event) -> Result<Self, Error> {
// Event type in event must match what is expected
let event_type = event.event_type.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing event_type from Event object")
if event_type != Self::TYPE {
return Err(format_err!("Incorrect event type"));
let target_moniker = event.target_moniker.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing target_moniker from Event object")
let timestamp = zx::Time::from_nanos(event.timestamp.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing timestamp from the Event object")
let handler =|h| h.into_proxy()).transpose()?;
// Extract the payload from the Event object.
let result = match event.event_result {
Some(fsys::EventResult::Payload(payload)) => {
let payload = match payload {
fsys::EventPayload::$event_type(payload) => Ok(payload),
_ => Err(format_err!("Incorrect payload type")),
// Extract the additional data from the Payload object.
let $data_name: $data_ty = payload.$data_name.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing $data_name from $event_type object")
// Extract the additional protocols from the Payload object.
let $protocol_name: $protocol_ty = payload.$protocol_name.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing $protocol_name from $event_type object")
let payload = [<$event_type Payload>] { $($data_name,)* $($protocol_name,)* };
Some(fsys::EventResult::Error(err)) => {
let description = err.description.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing error description")
let error_payload = err.error_payload.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing error_payload from EventError object")
let err = match error_payload {
fsys::EventErrorPayload::$event_type(err) => Ok(err),
_ => Err(format_err!("Incorrect payload type")),
// Extract the additional data from the Payload object.
let $error_data_name: $error_data_ty =
format_err!("Missing $error_data_name from $error_payload_name object")
let error_payload =
[<$event_type Error>] { $($error_data_name,)* description };
None => Err(format_err!("Missing event_result from Event object")),
_ => Err(format_err!("Unexpected event result")),
Ok($event_type { target_moniker, handler, timestamp, result })
impl Handler for $event_type {
fn handler_proxy(self) -> Option<fsys::HandlerProxy> {
($event_type:ident, $event_name:ident) => {
pub struct $event_type {
target_moniker: String,
timestamp: zx::Time,
handler: Option<fsys::HandlerProxy>,
pub error: Option<EventError>,
impl Event for $event_type {
const TYPE: fsys::EventType = fsys::EventType::$event_type;
const NAME: &'static str = stringify!($event_name);
fn target_moniker(&self) -> &str {
fn timestamp(&self) -> zx::Time {
fn from_fidl(event: fsys::Event) -> Result<Self, Error> {
// ent type in event must match what is expected
let event_type = event.event_type.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing event_type from Event object")
if event_type != Self::TYPE {
return Err(format_err!(
"Incorrect event type. Expected: {:?}. Got: {:?}", Self::TYPE, event_type));
let timestamp = zx::Time::from_nanos(event.timestamp.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing timestamp from the Event object")
let target_moniker = event.target_moniker.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing target_moniker from Event object")
let handler =|h| h.into_proxy()).transpose()?;
let error = match event.event_result {
Some(fsys::EventResult::Error(p)) => Ok(Some(EventError { description: p.description.ok_or(
format_err!("Missing error description"))? })),
None => Ok(None),
_ => Err(format_err!("Unexpected event result")),
Ok($event_type { target_moniker, handler, error, timestamp })
impl Handler for $event_type {
fn handler_proxy(self) -> Option<fsys::HandlerProxy> {
// To create a class for an event, use the above macro here.
create_event!(Destroyed, destroyed);
create_event!(Discovered, discovered);
create_event!(MarkedForDestruction, marked_for_destruction);
create_event!(Resolved, resolved);
create_event!(Started, started);
create_event!(Stopped, stopped);
create_event!(Running, running);
event_type: CapabilityReady,
event_name: capability_ready,
payload: {
data: {
name: path,
ty: String,
protocols: {
name: node,
ty: fio::NodeProxy,
error_payload: {
name: path,
ty: String,
event_type: CapabilityRouted,
event_name: capability_routed,
payload: {
data: {
name: source,
ty: fsys::CapabilitySource,
name: capability_id,
ty: String,
protocols: {
name: routing_protocol,
ty: fsys::RoutingProtocolProxy,
error_payload: {
name: capability_id,
ty: String,
impl RoutingProtocol for CapabilityRouted {
fn protocol_proxy(&self) -> Option<fsys::RoutingProtocolProxy> {
self.result.as_ref().ok().map(|payload| payload.routing_protocol.clone())