blob: 99fe7a54140ffea2c39f0c053f468ea06443fd8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fuchsia_boot_resolver::{self, FuchsiaBootResolver},
model::{Model, ModelParams},
anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_sys::{LoaderMarker, LoaderProxy},
sync::{Arc, Weak},
/// Command line arguments that control component_manager's behavior. Use [Arguments::from_args()]
/// or [Arguments::new()] to create an instance.
// structopt would be nice to use here but the binary size impact from clap - which it depends on -
// is too large.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Arguments {
/// If true, component_manager will serve an instance of fuchsia.process.Launcher and use this
/// launcher for the built-in ELF component runner. The root component can additionally
/// use and/or offer this service using '/builtin/fuchsia.process.Launcher' from realm.
// This argument exists because the built-in process launcher *only* works when
// component_manager runs under a job that has ZX_POL_NEW_PROCESS set to allow, like the root
// job. Otherwise, the component_manager process cannot directly create process through
// zx_process_create. When we run component_manager elsewhere, like in test environments, it
// has to use the fuchsia.process.Launcher service provided through its namespace instead.
pub use_builtin_process_launcher: bool,
/// If true, component manager will be in debug mode. In this mode, the BlockingEventSource FIDL
/// service will be exposed via the ServiceFs directory (usually the out dir). ComponentManager
/// will not start until it is resumed by the BlockingEventSource FIDL API.
/// This is done so that an external component (say an integration test) can subscribe to
/// events before the root component has started.
pub debug: bool,
/// URL of the root component to launch.
pub root_component_url: String,
impl Arguments {
/// Parse `Arguments` from the given String Iterator.
/// This parser is relatively simple since component_manager is not a user-facing binary that
/// requires or would benefit from more flexible UX. Recognized arguments are extracted from
/// the given Iterator and used to create the returned struct. Unrecognized flags starting with
/// "--" result in an error being returned. A single non-flag argument is expected for the root
/// component URL.
pub fn new<I>(iter: I) -> Result<Self, Error>
I: IntoIterator<Item = String>,
let mut iter = iter.into_iter();
let mut args = Self::default();
while let Some(arg) = {
if arg == "--use-builtin-process-launcher" {
args.use_builtin_process_launcher = true;
} else if arg == "--debug" {
args.debug = true;
} else if arg.starts_with("--") {
return Err(format_err!("Unrecognized flag: {}", arg));
} else {
if !args.root_component_url.is_empty() {
return Err(format_err!("Multiple non-flag arguments given"));
args.root_component_url = arg;
if args.root_component_url.is_empty() {
return Err(format_err!("No root component URL found"));
/// Parse `Arguments` from [std::env::args()].
/// See [Arguments::new()] for more details.
pub fn from_args() -> Result<Self, Error> {
// Ignore first argument with executable name, then delegate to generic iterator impl.
/// Returns a usage message for the supported arguments.
pub fn usage() -> String {
"Usage: {} [options] <root-component-url>\n\
--use-builtin-process-launcher Provide and use a built-in implementation of\n\
/// Returns a ResolverRegistry configured with the component resolvers available to the current
/// process.
pub fn available_resolvers(
model_for_resolver: Arc<Mutex<Option<Weak<Model>>>>,
) -> Result<ResolverRegistry, Error> {
let mut resolver_registry = ResolverRegistry::new();
// Either the fuchsia-boot or fuchsia-pkg resolver may be unavailable in certain contexts.
let boot_resolver = FuchsiaBootResolver::new().context("Failed to create boot resolver")?;
match boot_resolver {
None => info!("No /boot directory in namespace, fuchsia-boot resolver unavailable"),
Some(r) => {
resolver_registry.register(fuchsia_boot_resolver::SCHEME.to_string(), Box::new(r));
if let Some(loader) = connect_sys_loader()? {
} else {
/// Checks if the appmgr loader service is available through our namespace and connects to it if
/// so. If not availble, returns Ok(None).
fn connect_sys_loader() -> Result<Option<LoaderProxy>, Error> {
let service_path = PathBuf::from(format!("/svc/{}", LoaderMarker::NAME));
if !service_path.exists() {
return Ok(None);
let loader = client::connect_to_service::<LoaderMarker>()
.context("error connecting to system loader")?;
return Ok(Some(loader));
/// Creates and sets up a model with standard parameters. This is easier than setting up the
/// model manually with `Model::new()`.
pub async fn model_setup(args: &Arguments) -> Result<Arc<Model>, Error> {
// The model needs the resolver registry to be created, but the resolver registry needs the
// model to be created so that the fuchsia_pkg resolver can route the pkgfs handle. Thus we
// create an empty Arc<Mutex<<Option<Model>>>, give it to the resolvers, create the model with
// the resolvers, and then lock this mutex and set it to a clone of the model we just created.
let model_for_resolver = Arc::new(Mutex::new(None));
let resolver_registry = available_resolvers(model_for_resolver.clone())?;
let params = ModelParams {
root_component_url: args.root_component_url.clone(),
root_resolver_registry: resolver_registry,
let model = Arc::new(Model::new(params));
*model_for_resolver.lock().await = Some(Arc::downgrade(&model));
mod tests {
use {super::*, fuchsia_async as fasync};
async fn parse_arguments() -> Result<(), Error> {
let dummy_url = || "fuchsia-pkg://".to_string();
let dummy_url2 = || "fuchsia-pkg://".to_string();
let unknown_flag = || "--unknown".to_string();
let use_builtin_launcher = || "--use-builtin-process-launcher".to_string();
let debug = || "--debug".to_string();
// Zero or multiple positional arguments is an error; must be exactly one URL.
assert!(Arguments::new(vec![dummy_url(), dummy_url2()]).is_err());
assert!(Arguments::new(vec![dummy_url(), use_builtin_launcher(), dummy_url2()]).is_err());
// An unknown option is an error.
assert!(Arguments::new(vec![unknown_flag(), dummy_url()]).is_err());
assert!(Arguments::new(vec![dummy_url(), unknown_flag()]).is_err());
// Single positional argument with no options is parsed correctly
Arguments::new(vec![dummy_url()]).expect("Unexpected error with just URL"),
Arguments { root_component_url: dummy_url(), ..Default::default() }
Arguments::new(vec![dummy_url2()]).expect("Unexpected error with just URL"),
Arguments { root_component_url: dummy_url2(), ..Default::default() }
// Options are parsed correctly and do not depend on order.
Arguments::new(vec![use_builtin_launcher(), dummy_url()])
.expect("Unexpected error with option"),
Arguments {
use_builtin_process_launcher: true,
root_component_url: dummy_url(),
Arguments::new(vec![dummy_url(), use_builtin_launcher()])
.expect("Unexpected error with option"),
Arguments {
use_builtin_process_launcher: true,
root_component_url: dummy_url(),
Arguments::new(vec![dummy_url(), use_builtin_launcher(), debug()])
.expect("Unexpected error with option"),
Arguments {
use_builtin_process_launcher: true,
root_component_url: dummy_url(),
debug: true,