blob: 82760a733c5b4e4f1555108572507750ea2a0494 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/modular/bin/basemgr/session_context_impl.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "src/lib/files/directory.h"
#include "src/lib/files/file.h"
#include "src/lib/files/unique_fd.h"
#include "src/lib/fsl/io/fd.h"
#include "src/lib/syslog/cpp/logger.h"
#include "src/modular/bin/basemgr/cobalt/cobalt.h"
#include "src/modular/lib/common/async_holder.h"
#include "src/modular/lib/common/teardown.h"
#include "src/modular/lib/modular_config/modular_config_constants.h"
namespace modular {
using cobalt_registry::ModularLifetimeEventsMetricDimensionEventType;
namespace {
// The path containing a subdirectory for each session.
constexpr char kSessionDirectoryLocation[] = "/data/modular";
// A standard prefix used on every session directory.
// Note: This is named "USER_" for legacy reasons. SESSION_ may have been more
// appropriate but a change would require a data migration and there is no
// plan to support more than a single session per user.
constexpr char kSessionDirectoryPrefix[] = "USER_";
// A fixed session ID that is used for new persistent sessions. This is possible
// as basemanager never creates more than a single persistent session (or user)
// per device.
constexpr char kStandardSessionId[] = "0";
// Returns a fully qualified session directory path for |session_id|.
std::string GetSessionDirectory(const std::string& session_id) {
return std::string(kSessionDirectoryLocation) + "/" + kSessionDirectoryPrefix + session_id;
// Returns the session IDs encoded in all existing session directories.
std::vector<std::string> GetExistingSessionIds() {
std::vector<std::string> dirs;
if (!files::ReadDirContents(kSessionDirectoryLocation, &dirs)) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Could not open session directory location.";
return std::vector<std::string>();
std::vector<std::string> output;
for (const auto& dir : dirs) {
if (strncmp(dir.c_str(), kSessionDirectoryPrefix, strlen(kSessionDirectoryPrefix)) == 0) {
auto session_id = dir.substr(strlen(kSessionDirectoryPrefix));
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Found existing directory for session " << session_id;
return output;
// Returns an appropriate ID for the session, using the following logic and
// reporting the selected case to cobalt:
// * Ephemeral sessions receive a random ID
// * Persistent sessions receive an ID extracted from the first session
// directory on disk if possible, and a fixed ID if not.
std::string GetSessionId(bool is_ephemeral_account) {
if (is_ephemeral_account) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Creating session using random ephemeral account.";
uint32_t random_number = 0;
zx_cprng_draw(&random_number, sizeof random_number);
return std::to_string(random_number);
// TODO(50300): Once a sufficiently small number of devices are using legacy
// non-zero session IDs, remove support for sniffing an existing directory and
// just always use zero.
auto existing_sessions = GetExistingSessionIds();
if (existing_sessions.empty()) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Creating session using new persistent account.";
return kStandardSessionId;
if (existing_sessions.size() == 1) {
if (existing_sessions[0] == std::string(kStandardSessionId)) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Creating session using existing account with fixed ID.";
} else {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Creating session using existing account with legacy non-fixed ID.";
return existing_sessions[0];
// Walk through all existing sessions looking for the standard session id, which we use if we
// find it, and the lexicographically minimum session id which we use otherwise.
std::string lowest_session = existing_sessions[0];
for (const auto& existing_session : existing_sessions) {
if (existing_session == std::string(kStandardSessionId)) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Creating session using one of multiple existing accounts with fixed ID.";
return existing_session;
if (existing_session < lowest_session) {
lowest_session = existing_session;
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Creating session by picking the lowest of " << existing_sessions.size()
<< " existing directories. Fixed ID was not found.";
return lowest_session;
} // namespace
fuchsia::sys::Launcher* const launcher, bool is_ephemeral_account,
fuchsia::modular::AppConfig sessionmgr_config, fuchsia::modular::AppConfig session_shell_config,
fuchsia::modular::AppConfig story_shell_config, bool use_session_shell_for_story_shell_factory,
fuchsia::ui::views::ViewToken view_token, fuchsia::sys::ServiceListPtr additional_services,
zx::channel config_handle, GetPresentationCallback get_presentation,
OnSessionShutdownCallback on_session_shutdown)
: session_context_binding_(this),
weak_factory_(this) {
// 0. Generate the path to map '/data' for the sessionmgr we are starting
std::string session_id = GetSessionId(is_ephemeral_account);
auto data_origin = GetSessionDirectory(session_id);
// 1. Create a PseudoDir containing startup.config. This directory will be
// injected into sessionmgr's namespace and sessionmgr will read its
// configurations from there.
auto flat_namespace = MakeConfigNamespace(std::move(config_handle));
// 2. Launch Sessionmgr in the current environment.
sessionmgr_app_ = std::make_unique<AppClient<fuchsia::modular::Lifecycle>>(
launcher, std::move(sessionmgr_config), data_origin, std::move(additional_services),
// 3. Initialize the Sessionmgr service.
sessionmgr_->Initialize(session_id, std::move(session_shell_config),
std::move(story_shell_config), use_session_shell_for_story_shell_factory,
session_context_binding_.NewBinding(), std::move(view_token));
sessionmgr_app_->SetAppErrorHandler([weak_this = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()] {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Sessionmgr seems to have crashed unexpectedly. "
<< "Calling on_session_shutdown_().";
// This prevents us from receiving any further requests.
// Shutdown(), which expects a graceful shutdown of sessionmgr, does not
// apply here because sessionmgr crashed. Move |on_session_shutdown_| on to the stack before
// invoking it, in case the |on_session_shutdown_| deletes |this|.
auto on_session_shutdown = std::move(weak_this->on_session_shutdown_);
on_session_shutdown(ShutDownReason::CRASHED, /* logout_users= */ false);
// Don't touch |this|.
fuchsia::sys::FlatNamespacePtr SessionContextImpl::MakeConfigNamespace(zx::channel config_handle) {
// Determine where basemgr is reading configs from
std::string config_dir = modular_config::kOverriddenConfigDir;
if (!files::IsDirectory(config_dir)) {
config_dir = modular_config::kDefaultConfigDir;
if (!files::IsDirectory(config_dir)) {
return nullptr;
// Clone basemgr's config directory.
fbl::unique_fd dir(open(config_dir.c_str(), O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY));
auto flat_namespace = fuchsia::sys::FlatNamespace::New();
return flat_namespace;
// TODO(MF-120): Replace method in favor of letting sessionmgr launch base
// shell via SessionUserProvider.
void SessionContextImpl::Shutdown(bool logout_users, fit::function<void()> callback) {
if (shutdown_callbacks_.size() > 1) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "fuchsia::modular::internal::SessionContext::Shutdown() "
"already called, queuing callback while shutdown is in progress.";
// This should prevent us from receiving any further requests.
kSessionmgrTimeout, [weak_this = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), logout_users] {
// One of the callbacks might delete |SessionContextImpl|, so always guard against
// WeakPtr<SessionContextImpl>.
for (const auto& callback : weak_this->shutdown_callbacks_) {
if (!weak_this) {
ShutDownReason shutdown_reason =
logout_users ? ShutDownReason::LOGGED_OUT : ShutDownReason::CRASHED;
auto on_session_shutdown = std::move(weak_this->on_session_shutdown_);
on_session_shutdown(shutdown_reason, logout_users);
void SessionContextImpl::GetPresentation(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::policy::Presentation> request) {
FuturePtr<> SessionContextImpl::SwapSessionShell(fuchsia::modular::AppConfig session_shell_config) {
auto future = Future<>::Create("SwapSessionShell");
sessionmgr_->SwapSessionShell(std::move(session_shell_config), future->Completer());
return future;
void SessionContextImpl::Logout() {
Shutdown(/* logout_users= */ true, [] {});
void SessionContextImpl::Restart() {
Shutdown(/* logout_users= */ false, [] {});
void SessionContextImpl::Shutdown() {
Shutdown(/* logout_users= */ false, [] {});
} // namespace modular