blob: be5e298504957dded0771dd984d7ea396c2d99a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/effects_stage.h"
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/effects_loader/effects_loader.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/effects_loader/effects_processor.h"
namespace media::audio {
namespace {
class MultiLibEffectsLoader {
Effect CreateEffectByName(std::string_view lib_name, std::string_view effect_name,
std::string_view instance_name, uint32_t frame_rate,
uint16_t channels_in, uint16_t channels_out, std::string_view config) {
auto it = std::find_if(holders_.begin(), holders_.end(),
[lib_name](auto& holder) { return holder.lib_name == lib_name; });
if (it == holders_.end()) {
Holder holder;
holder.lib_name = lib_name;
zx_status_t status = EffectsLoader::CreateWithModule(holder.lib_name.c_str(), &holder.loader);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return {};
it = holders_.insert(it, std::move(holder));
FX_CHECK(it != holders_.end());
return it->loader->CreateEffectByName(effect_name, instance_name, frame_rate, channels_in,
channels_out, config);
struct Holder {
std::string lib_name;
std::unique_ptr<EffectsLoader> loader;
std::vector<Holder> holders_;
std::pair<int64_t, uint32_t> AlignBufferRequest(int64_t frame, uint32_t length,
uint32_t alignment) {
uint64_t mask = ~(static_cast<uint64_t>(alignment) - 1);
int64_t aligned_frame = frame & mask;
uint32_t aligned_length = (length + alignment - 1) & mask;
return {aligned_frame, aligned_length};
} // namespace
// static
std::shared_ptr<EffectsStage> EffectsStage::Create(
const std::vector<PipelineConfig::Effect>& effects, std::shared_ptr<ReadableStream> source) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "EffectsStage::Create");
if (source->format().sample_format() != fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "EffectsStage can only be added to streams with FLOAT samples";
return nullptr;
auto processor = std::make_unique<EffectsProcessor>();
MultiLibEffectsLoader loader;
uint32_t frame_rate = source->format().frames_per_second();
uint16_t channels = source->format().channels();
for (const auto& effect_spec : effects) {
auto effect = loader.CreateEffectByName(effect_spec.lib_name, effect_spec.effect_name,
effect_spec.instance_name, frame_rate, channels,
channels, effect_spec.effect_config);
if (!effect) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Unable to create effect '" << effect_spec.effect_name << "' with config '"
<< effect_spec.effect_config << "' from lib '" << effect_spec.lib_name << "'";
return std::make_shared<EffectsStage>(std::move(source), std::move(processor));
EffectsStage::EffectsStage(std::shared_ptr<ReadableStream> source,
std::unique_ptr<EffectsProcessor> effects_processor)
: ReadableStream(source->format()),
effects_processor_(std::move(effects_processor)) {
// Initialize our lead time. Setting 0 here will resolve our lead time to effect delay in our
// |SetMinLeadTime| override.
std::optional<ReadableStream::Buffer> EffectsStage::DupCurrentBlock() {
// To minimize duplicate work, ReadLock saves the last buffer it got from source_->ReadBlock().
// We can discard this buffer once the caller tells us that the buffer has been fully consumed.
return std::make_optional<ReadableStream::Buffer>(
current_block_->start(), current_block_->length(), current_block_->payload(),
current_block_->is_continuous(), [this](bool fully_consumed) {
if (fully_consumed) {
current_block_ = std::nullopt;
std::optional<ReadableStream::Buffer> EffectsStage::ReadLock(zx::time ref_time, int64_t frame,
uint32_t frame_count) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "EffectsStage::ReadLock", "frame", frame, "length", frame_count);
// If we have a partially consumed block, return that here.
if (current_block_ && frame >= current_block_->start() && frame < current_block_->end()) {
return DupCurrentBlock();
// New frames are requested. Block-align the start frame and length.
auto [aligned_first_frame, aligned_frame_count] =
AlignBufferRequest(frame, frame_count, effects_processor_->block_size());
// Ensure we don't try to push more frames through our effects processor than supported.
uint32_t max_batch_size = effects_processor_->max_batch_size();
if (max_batch_size) {
aligned_frame_count = std::min<uint32_t>(aligned_frame_count, max_batch_size);
current_block_ = source_->ReadLock(ref_time, aligned_first_frame, aligned_frame_count);
if (current_block_) {
// TODO(50669): We assume that ReadLock always returns exactly the frames we request. This is
// not true in general, but in practice it's true because source_ is always a MixStage that
// outputs to an IntermediateBuffer.
FX_DCHECK(current_block_->start().Floor() == aligned_first_frame);
FX_DCHECK(current_block_->length().Floor() == aligned_frame_count);
auto payload = static_cast<float*>(current_block_->payload());
effects_processor_->ProcessInPlace(aligned_frame_count, payload);
return DupCurrentBlock();
return std::nullopt;
BaseStream::TimelineFunctionSnapshot EffectsStage::ReferenceClockToFractionalFrames() const {
auto snapshot = source_->ReferenceClockToFractionalFrames();
// Update our timeline function to include the latency introduced by these effects.
// Our effects shift incoming audio into the future by "delay_frames".
// So input frame[N] corresponds to output frame[N + delay_frames].
int64_t delay_frames = effects_processor_->delay_frames();
auto delay_frac_frames = FractionalFrames<int64_t>(delay_frames);
auto source_frac_frame_to_dest_frac_frame =
TimelineFunction(delay_frac_frames.raw_value(), 0, TimelineRate(1, 1));
snapshot.timeline_function = source_frac_frame_to_dest_frac_frame * snapshot.timeline_function;
return snapshot;
void EffectsStage::SetMinLeadTime(zx::duration external_lead_time) {
// Add in any additional lead time required by our effects.
zx::duration intrinsic_lead_time = ComputeIntrinsicMinLeadTime();
zx::duration total_lead_time = external_lead_time + intrinsic_lead_time;
// Apply the total lead time to us and propagate that value to our source.
void EffectsStage::SetEffectConfig(const std::string& instance_name, const std::string& config) {
for (auto& effect : *effects_processor_) {
if (effect.instance_name() == instance_name) {
zx::duration EffectsStage::ComputeIntrinsicMinLeadTime() const {
TimelineRate ticks_per_frame = format().frames_per_ns().Inverse();
uint32_t lead_frames = effects_processor_->delay_frames();
uint32_t block_frames = effects_processor_->block_size();
if (block_frames > 0) {
// If we have a block size, add up to |block_frames - 1| of additional lead time.
lead_frames += block_frames - 1;
return zx::duration(ticks_per_frame.Scale(lead_frames));
} // namespace media::audio