blob: bf3faac74b4993c75b374d622ed0175de1b88846 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/display/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/default.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/edid/edid.h>
#include <lib/fidl-utils/bind.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/display/capture.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/display/controller.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/empty-protocol.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/i2cimpl.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_hash_table.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include "id-map.h"
#include "image.h"
namespace display {
class ClientProxy;
class Controller;
class ControllerTest;
class DisplayConfig;
class IntegrationTest;
class DisplayInfo : public IdMappable<fbl::RefPtr<DisplayInfo>>,
public fbl::RefCounted<DisplayInfo> {
bool has_edid;
edid::Edid edid;
fbl::Vector<edid::timing_params_t> edid_timings;
fbl::Vector<audio_stream_format_range_t> edid_audio_;
display_params_t params;
fbl::Array<uint8_t> edid_data_;
fbl::Array<zx_pixel_format_t> pixel_formats_;
fbl::Array<cursor_info_t> cursor_infos_;
// Flag indicating that the display is ready to be published to clients.
bool init_done = false;
// A list of all images which have been sent to display driver. For multiple
// images which are displayed at the same time, images with a lower z-order
// occur first.
list_node_t images = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(images);
// The number of layers in the applied configuration which are important for vsync (i.e.
// that have images).
uint32_t vsync_layer_count;
// Set when a layer change occurs on this display and cleared in vsync
// when the new layers are all active.
bool pending_layer_change;
// Flag indicating that a new configuration was delayed during a layer change
// and should be reapplied after the layer change completes.
bool delayed_apply;
// True when we're in the process of switching between display clients.
bool switching_client = false;
using ControllerParent =
ddk::Device<Controller, ddk::UnbindableNew, ddk::Openable, ddk::Messageable>;
class Controller : public ControllerParent,
public ddk::DisplayControllerInterfaceProtocol<Controller>,
public ddk::DisplayCaptureInterfaceProtocol<Controller>,
public ddk::EmptyProtocol<ZX_PROTOCOL_DISPLAY_CONTROLLER>,
private llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::display::Provider::Interface {
Controller(zx_device_t* parent);
static void PopulateDisplayMode(const edid::timing_params_t& params, display_mode_t* mode);
zx_status_t DdkOpen(zx_device_t** dev_out, uint32_t flags);
zx_status_t DdkMessage(fidl_msg_t* msg, fidl_txn_t* txn);
void DdkUnbindNew(ddk::UnbindTxn txn);
void DdkRelease();
zx_status_t Bind(std::unique_ptr<display::Controller>* device_ptr);
void DisplayControllerInterfaceOnDisplaysChanged(const added_display_args_t* displays_added,
size_t added_count,
const uint64_t* displays_removed,
size_t removed_count,
added_display_info_t* out_display_info_list,
size_t display_info_count,
size_t* display_info_actual);
void DisplayControllerInterfaceOnDisplayVsync(uint64_t display_id, zx_time_t timestamp,
const uint64_t* handles, size_t handle_count);
zx_status_t DisplayControllerInterfaceGetAudioFormat(uint64_t display_id, uint32_t fmt_idx,
audio_stream_format_range_t* fmt_out);
void DisplayCaptureInterfaceOnCaptureComplete();
void OnClientDead(ClientProxy* client);
void SetVcMode(uint8_t mode);
void ShowActiveDisplay();
void ApplyConfig(DisplayConfig* configs[], int32_t count, bool vc_client, uint32_t apply_stamp,
uint32_t client_id) __TA_EXCLUDES(mtx());
void ReleaseImage(Image* image);
void ReleaseCaptureImage(Image* image);
// |mtx()| must be held for as long as |edid| and |params| are retained.
bool GetPanelConfig(uint64_t display_id, const fbl::Vector<edid::timing_params_t>** timings,
const display_params_t** params) __TA_REQUIRES(mtx());
bool GetSupportedPixelFormats(uint64_t display_id, fbl::Array<zx_pixel_format_t>* fmts_out)
bool GetCursorInfo(uint64_t display_id, fbl::Array<cursor_info_t>* cursor_info_out)
bool GetDisplayIdentifiers(uint64_t display_id, const char** manufacturer_name,
const char** monitor_name, const char** monitor_serial)
bool GetDisplayPhysicalDimensions(uint64_t display_id, uint32_t* horizontal_size_mm,
uint32_t* vertical_size_mm) __TA_REQUIRES(mtx());
ddk::DisplayControllerImplProtocolClient* dc() { return &dc_; }
ddk::DisplayCaptureImplProtocolClient* dc_capture() {
if (dc_capture_.is_valid()) {
return &dc_capture_;
return nullptr;
async::Loop& loop() { return loop_; }
bool current_thread_is_loop() { return thrd_current() == loop_thread_; }
// Thread-safety annotations currently don't deal with pointer aliases. Use this to document
// places where we believe a mutex aliases mtx()
void AssertMtxAliasHeld(mtx_t* m) __TA_ASSERT(m) { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(m == mtx()); }
mtx_t* mtx() const { return &mtx_; }
// Test helpers
size_t TEST_imported_images_count() const;
friend ControllerTest;
friend IntegrationTest;
void HandleClientOwnershipChanges() __TA_REQUIRES(mtx());
void PopulateDisplayTimings(const fbl::RefPtr<DisplayInfo>& info) __TA_EXCLUDES(mtx());
void PopulateDisplayAudio(const fbl::RefPtr<DisplayInfo>& info);
zx_status_t CreateClient(bool is_vc, zx::channel device, zx::channel client);
void OpenVirtconController(zx::channel device, zx::channel controller,
OpenVirtconControllerCompleter::Sync _completer) override;
void OpenController(zx::channel device, zx::channel controller,
OpenControllerCompleter::Sync _completer) override;
// mtx_ is a global lock on state shared among clients.
mutable mtx_t mtx_;
bool unbinding_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx()) = false;
DisplayInfo::Map displays_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx());
bool vc_applied_ = false;
uint32_t applied_stamp_ = UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t applied_client_id_ = 0;
uint32_t next_client_id_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx()) = 1;
ClientProxy* vc_client_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx()) = nullptr;
bool vc_ready_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx());
ClientProxy* primary_client_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx()) = nullptr;
bool primary_ready_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx());
llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::display::VirtconMode vc_mode_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx()) =
ClientProxy* active_client_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx()) = nullptr;
async::Loop loop_;
thrd_t loop_thread_;
ddk::DisplayControllerImplProtocolClient dc_;
ddk::DisplayCaptureImplProtocolClient dc_capture_;
ddk::I2cImplProtocolClient i2c_;
} // namespace display