blob: 102ff6fb1ae28ab0f91a905f11c022525927f00d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/vmar.h>
#include "include/lib/dma-buffer/buffer.h"
namespace dma_buffer {
__EXPORT __WEAK zx_status_t ContiguousBuffer::Create(const zx::bti& bti, size_t size,
uint32_t alignment_log2,
std::optional<ContiguousBuffer>* out) {
zx::vmo vmo;
zx_status_t status;
status = zx::vmo::create_contiguous(bti, size, alignment_log2, &vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
void* virt;
zx_paddr_t phys;
status = zx::vmar::root_self()->map(0, vmo, 0, size, ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
zx::pmt pmt;
status = | ZX_BTI_PERM_WRITE, vmo, 0, size, &phys, 1, &pmt);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
ContiguousBuffer buffer(size, std::move(vmo), virt, phys, std::move(pmt));
*out = std::move(buffer);
return ZX_OK;
__EXPORT __WEAK ContiguousBuffer::~ContiguousBuffer() {}
__EXPORT __WEAK zx_status_t PagedBuffer::Create(const zx::bti& bti, size_t size, bool is_cached,
std::optional<PagedBuffer>* out) {
zx::vmo vmo;
zx_status_t status;
status = zx::vmo::create(size, 0, &vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (!is_cached) {
status = vmo.set_cache_policy(ZX_CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED_DEVICE);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (size % ZX_PAGE_SIZE) {
size = ((size / ZX_PAGE_SIZE) + 1) * ZX_PAGE_SIZE;
void* virt;
std::vector<zx_paddr_t> phys;
phys.resize(size / ZX_PAGE_SIZE);
status = zx::vmar::root_self()->map(0, vmo, 0, size, ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
zx::pmt pmt;
status = | ZX_BTI_PERM_WRITE, vmo, 0, size,, phys.size(), &pmt);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
PagedBuffer buffer(size, std::move(vmo), virt, std::move(phys), std::move(pmt));
*out = std::move(buffer);
return ZX_OK;
__EXPORT __WEAK PagedBuffer::~PagedBuffer() {}
} // namespace dma_buffer