blob: 5e7e7c08b9601500294b4fe7a0bdd7a2598fb16a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gather_tasks.h"
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <task-utils/walker.h>
#include "harvester.h"
#include "sample_bundle.h"
#include "src/lib/syslog/cpp/logger.h"
#include "task_tree.h"
namespace harvester {
namespace {
// Utilities to create a SampleBundle with task stats.
class SampleBundleBuilder final {
explicit SampleBundleBuilder(SampleBundle* samples)
: sample_bundle_(samples) {}
// Gather stats for a specific job.
// |koid| must refer to the same job as the job handle.
void AddJobStats(zx_handle_t job, zx_koid_t koid);
// Helper to add a value to the sample |int_sample_list_|.
void AddKoidValue(zx_koid_t koid, const std::string& path,
dockyard::SampleValue value);
// Helper to add a value to the string list.
void AddKoidString(zx_koid_t koid, const std::string& path,
const std::string& value);
// Helper to add the name of a koid to the string list.
// |koid| must refer to the same task as the task handle.
void AddKoidName(zx_handle_t task, zx_koid_t koid);
// Gather stats for a specific process.
// |koid| must refer to the same process as the process handle.
void AddProcessStats(zx_handle_t process, zx_koid_t koid);
// Gather state info for a specific thread.
// |koid| must refer to the same thread as the thread handle.
void AddThreadState(zx_handle_t thread, zx_koid_t koid);
// Gather cpu info for a specific thread.
// |koid| must refer to the same thread as the thread handle.
void AddThreadCpu(zx_handle_t thread, zx_koid_t koid);
SampleBundle* sample_bundle_;
SampleBundleBuilder() = delete;
// Gather stats for a specific job.
// |koid| must refer to the same job as the job handle.
void SampleBundleBuilder::AddJobStats(zx_handle_t job, zx_koid_t koid) {
zx_info_job_t info;
zx_status_t status =
zx_object_get_info(job, ZX_INFO_JOB, &info, sizeof(info),
/*actual=*/nullptr, /*avail=*/nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << ZxErrorString("AddJobStats", status);
AddKoidValue(koid, "kill_on_oom", info.kill_on_oom);
// Helper to add a value to the sample |int_sample_list_|.
void SampleBundleBuilder::AddKoidValue(zx_koid_t koid, const std::string& path,
dockyard::SampleValue value) {
sample_bundle_->AddIntSample("koid", koid, path, value);
// Helper to add a value to the string list.
void SampleBundleBuilder::AddKoidString(zx_koid_t koid, const std::string& path,
const std::string& value) {
sample_bundle_->AddStringSample("koid", koid, path, value);
// Helper to add the name of a koid to the string list.
// |koid| must refer to the same task as the task handle.
void SampleBundleBuilder::AddKoidName(zx_handle_t task, zx_koid_t koid) {
std::array<char, ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN> name;
zx_status_t status =
zx_object_get_property(task, ZX_PROP_NAME, &name, name.size());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << ZxErrorString("AddKoidName", status);
AddKoidString(koid, "name",;
FX_VLOGS(2) << "name " <<;
// Gather stats for a specific process.
// |koid| must refer to the same process as the process handle.
void SampleBundleBuilder::AddProcessStats(zx_handle_t process, zx_koid_t koid) {
zx_info_task_stats_t info;
zx_status_t status =
zx_object_get_info(process, ZX_INFO_TASK_STATS, &info, sizeof(info),
/*actual=*/nullptr, /*avail=*/nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << ZxErrorString("AddProcessStats", status)
<< " for koid " << koid;
AddKoidValue(koid, "memory_mapped_bytes", info.mem_mapped_bytes);
AddKoidValue(koid, "memory_private_bytes", info.mem_private_bytes);
AddKoidValue(koid, "memory_shared_bytes", info.mem_shared_bytes);
AddKoidValue(koid, "memory_scaled_shared_bytes",
AddKoidValue(koid, "memory_private_scaled_shared_bytes",
info.mem_private_bytes + info.mem_scaled_shared_bytes);
// Gather state info for a specific thread.
// |koid| must refer to the same thread as the thread handle.
void SampleBundleBuilder::AddThreadState(zx_handle_t thread, zx_koid_t koid) {
zx_info_thread_t info;
zx_status_t status =
zx_object_get_info(thread, ZX_INFO_THREAD, &info, sizeof(info),
/*actual=*/nullptr, /*avail=*/nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << ZxErrorString("AddThreadState", status);
AddKoidValue(koid, "thread_state", info.state);
// Gather cpu info for a specific thread.
// |koid| must refer to the same thread as the thread handle.
void SampleBundleBuilder::AddThreadCpu(zx_handle_t thread, zx_koid_t koid) {
zx_info_thread_stats_t stats;
zx_status_t status =
zx_object_get_info(thread, ZX_INFO_THREAD_STATS, &stats, sizeof(stats),
/*actual=*/nullptr, /*avail=*/nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << ZxErrorString("AddThreadCpu", status);
AddKoidValue(koid, "cpu_total", stats.total_runtime);
} // namespace
void AddTaskBasics(SampleBundle* samples,
const std::vector<TaskTree::Task>& tasks,
dockyard::KoidType type) {
SampleBundleBuilder builder(samples);
for (const auto& task : tasks) {
builder.AddKoidValue(task.koid, "type", type);
builder.AddKoidValue(task.koid, "parent_koid", task.parent_koid);
builder.AddKoidName(task.handle, task.koid);
void AddJobStats(SampleBundle* samples,
const std::vector<TaskTree::Task>& tasks) {
SampleBundleBuilder builder(samples);
for (const auto& task : tasks) {
builder.AddJobStats(task.handle, task.koid);
void AddProcessStats(SampleBundle* samples,
const std::vector<TaskTree::Task>& tasks) {
SampleBundleBuilder builder(samples);
for (const auto& task : tasks) {
builder.AddProcessStats(task.handle, task.koid);
void AddThreadStats(SampleBundle* samples,
const std::vector<TaskTree::Task>& tasks) {
SampleBundleBuilder builder(samples);
for (const auto& task : tasks) {
builder.AddThreadState(task.handle, task.koid);
builder.AddThreadCpu(task.handle, task.koid);
void GatherTasks::Gather() {
TaskTree task_tree;
SampleBundle samples;
AddTaskBasics(&samples, task_tree.Jobs(), dockyard::KoidType::JOB);
AddTaskBasics(&samples, task_tree.Processes(), dockyard::KoidType::PROCESS);
AddTaskBasics(&samples, task_tree.Threads(), dockyard::KoidType::THREAD);
AddJobStats(&samples, task_tree.Jobs());
AddProcessStats(&samples, task_tree.Processes());
AddThreadStats(&samples, task_tree.Threads());
} // namespace harvester