blob: b36bcffd1cc4a2fc11b6c591563418b44d6d4e69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gather_memory_digest.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "dockyard_proxy_fake.h"
#include "root_resource.h"
class GatherMemoryDigestTest : public ::testing::Test {};
TEST_F(GatherMemoryDigestTest, Inspectable) {
zx_handle_t root_resource;
zx_status_t ret = harvester::GetRootResource(&root_resource);
harvester::DockyardProxyFake dockyard_proxy;
harvester::GatherMemoryDigest gatherer(root_resource, &dockyard_proxy);
// No samples are currently gathered in this call. Test that this is
// available to call and doesn't crash.
uint64_t test_value;
// Test memory_digest:kernel.
dockyard_proxy.CheckValueSent("memory_digest:kernel", &test_value));
EXPECT_GT(test_value, 0ULL);
// Test summary bytes for the kernel.
uint64_t private_bytes;
EXPECT_GT(private_bytes, 0ULL);
uint64_t scaled_bytes;
EXPECT_GT(scaled_bytes, 0ULL);
uint64_t total_bytes;
EXPECT_GT(total_bytes, 0ULL);
// The scaled_bytes may vary from private_bytes to total_bytes. If the object
// has no shared memory then all three values will be equal.
EXPECT_GE(total_bytes, scaled_bytes);
EXPECT_GE(scaled_bytes, private_bytes);
// Test that the values have some sane value. If the kernel really can be
// using ten gigabytes for itself, then this test should be updated.
// If these fail and the kernel should not taking more than 10GB then verify
// that the memory::Capture is being initialized with memory::GetCapture().
const uint64_t TEN_GB = 1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 10;
EXPECT_GT(TEN_GB, private_bytes);
EXPECT_GT(TEN_GB, scaled_bytes);
EXPECT_GT(TEN_GB, total_bytes);