blob: 03589d7a4c94a39fc26d047aa0b019fc0121cd60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gather_memory_digest.h"
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include "harvester.h"
#include "src/developer/memory/metrics/capture.h"
#include "src/developer/memory/metrics/digest.h"
#include "src/lib/syslog/cpp/logger.h"
// What is the verbose output level for trivia in this file. For easy debugging,
// change this value to 0 temporarily.
#define VERBOSE_FOR_FILE (3)
namespace harvester {
namespace {
// Helper to add a value to the sample |int_sample_list_|.
std::string KoidPath(zx_koid_t koid, const std::string& path) {
std::ostringstream label;
label << "koid:" << koid << ":" << path;
return label.str();
} // namespace
void GatherMemoryDigest::Gather() {
// See src/developer/memory/metrics/ kDefaultBucketMatches for a
// list of bucket names.
std::map<std::string, std::string> name_to_path = {
{"ZBI Buffer", "memory_digest:zbi_buffer"},
{"Graphics", "memory_digest:graphics"},
{"Video Buffer", "memory_digest:video_buffer"},
{"Fshost", "memory_digest:fs_host"},
{"Minfs", "memory_digest:min_fs"},
{"Blobfs", "memory_digest:blob_fs"},
{"Flutter", "memory_digest:flutter"},
{"Web", "memory_digest:web"},
{"Kronk", "memory_digest:kronk"},
{"Scenic", "memory_digest:scenic"},
{"Amlogic", "memory_digest:amlogic"},
{"Netstack", "memory_digest:net_stack"},
{"Amber", "memory_digest:amber"},
{"Pkgfs", "memory_digest:pkg_fs"},
{"Cast", "memory_digest:cast"},
{"Archivist", "memory_digest:archivist"},
{"Cobalt", "memory_digest:cobalt"},
// Special entries that are not part of kDefaultBucketMatches.
{"Orphaned", "memory_digest:orphaned"},
{"Kernel", "memory_digest:kernel"},
{"Free", "memory_digest:free"},
{"Undigested", "memory_digest:undigested"},
memory::Capture capture;
memory::CaptureState capture_state;
zx_status_t zx_status = memory::Capture::GetCaptureState(&capture_state);
if (zx_status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << ZxErrorString("GetCaptureState", zx_status)
<< " Memory Digest will not be collected";
zx_status = memory::Capture::GetCapture(&capture, capture_state, memory::VMO);
if (zx_status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << ZxErrorString("GetCapture", zx_status)
<< " Memory Digest will not be collected";
memory::Digest digest(capture, &digester_);
memory::Summary summary(capture, &namer_, digest.undigested_vmos());
SampleList list;
StringSampleList strings;
// Add digest samples.
for (auto const& bucket : digest.buckets()) {
const auto& iter = name_to_path.find(;
if (iter == name_to_path.end()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Unknown bucket name: " <<;
list.emplace_back(iter->second, bucket.size());
// Add summary samples.
for (auto const& process : summary.process_summaries()) {
list.emplace_back(KoidPath(process.koid(), "summary:private_bytes"),
list.emplace_back(KoidPath(process.koid(), "summary:scaled_bytes"),
list.emplace_back(KoidPath(process.koid(), "summary:total_bytes"),
strings.emplace_back(KoidPath(process.koid(), "name"),;
FX_VLOGS(VERBOSE_FOR_FILE) << "GatherMemoryDigest::Gather";
for (auto const& item : list) {
FX_VLOGS(VERBOSE_FOR_FILE) << item.first << ": " << item.second;
for (auto const& item : strings) {
FX_VLOGS(VERBOSE_FOR_FILE) << item.first << ": " << item.second;
DockyardProxyStatus status = Dockyard().SendSampleList(list);
if (status != DockyardProxyStatus::OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << DockyardErrorString("SendSampleList", status)
<< " Memory digest and summary samples will be missing";
status = Dockyard().SendStringSampleList(strings);
if (status != DockyardProxyStatus::OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << DockyardErrorString("SendStringSampleList", status)
<< " Memory digest and summary names will be missing";
} // namespace harvester