blob: ebf3267ddc988d7fe57550421cbadc0d686632f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "src/lib/line_input/line_input.h"
#include "third_party/quickjs/quickjs-libc.h"
#include "third_party/quickjs/quickjs.h"
namespace shell::repl {
// This class implements a Javascript repl.
// Once created it can be fed input through FeedInput, until FeedInput returns true (when a \q
// command is detected in the input): the repl will not accept any more input, and all input after
// \q was ignored.
// Before execution, the prompt is hidden and the scripts are wrapped in the
// evalScriptAwaitsPromise() (repl_cc.js) function: this function executes the script, then:
// - if its result is a promise: it waits (through a callback function to the promise) for it to
// resolve (or reject), then prints its result and shows the prompt again
// - else it prints it and shows the prompt immediately
// Three shell specific commands are available: \h for help, \q to exit, c to make the prompt show
// again after an uncaught error in a promise
class Repl {
Repl(JSContext* ctx, const std::string& prompt);
// Takes as argument a buffer containing the characters of input, and the number of characters
// Ignores all input but 'Ctrl-Z' if a command is still running (ie running_ is set to true)
// Returns true if "\q" was entered at the beginning of a line
bool FeedInput(uint8_t* bytes, size_t num_bytes);
// Returns the cmd stored in cur_cmd_ field
const char* GetCmd();
// Returns the line stored in cur_line_ field
const char* GetLine();
// Shows the prompt, and sets running_ to false
void ShowPrompt();
void Write(const char* output);
void ChangeOutput(std::ostream* os);
virtual ~Repl() = default;
// used for testing
Repl(JSContext* ctx, const std::string& prompt, fit::function<void(const std::string&)> cb);
// sets exit_shell_cmd_ to true if "\q" (exiting the shell) was typed
virtual void HandleLine(const std::string& line);
// calls the JS function evalScriptAwaitsPromise()
virtual void EvalCmd(const std::string& cmd);
// Given a possibly incomplete Javascript script, returns the list of currently open brackets ({[,
// * for block comments and / for regular expressions
std::string OpenSymbols(const std::string& cmd);
std::string GetAndExecuteShellCmd(std::string cmd);
std::string mexpr_;
line_input::LineInputStdout li_;
JSContext* ctx_;
std::ostream* output_;
bool exit_shell_cmd_;
bool running_; // set to true at the beginning of a JS script execution, and set to false by
// ShowPrompt().
std::string cur_cmd_;
std::string line_to_complete_;
} // namespace shell::repl