blob: 512871e04816cf5203de0319983b5d09b7a10d78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/types.h>
#include <lib/timekeeper/clock.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/developer/feedback/crash_reports/config.h"
#include "src/developer/feedback/crash_reports/settings.h"
#include "src/developer/feedback/utils/inspect_node_manager.h"
#include "src/developer/feedback/utils/inspect_protocol_stats.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace feedback {
// Encapsulates the global state exposed through Inspect.
class InspectManager {
InspectManager(inspect::Node* root_node, const timekeeper::Clock& clock);
// Exposes the static configuration of the crash reporter.
void ExposeConfig(const feedback::Config& config);
// Exposes the mutable settings of the crash reporter.
void ExposeSettings(feedback::Settings* settings);
// Exposes the static properties of the crash report database.
void ExposeDatabase(uint64_t max_crashpad_database_size_in_kb);
// Records the current size of the queue of pending reports.
void SetQueueSize(uint64_t size);
// Updates stats related to
void UpdateCrashReporterProtocolStats(InspectProtocolStatsUpdateFn update);
// Increase the total number of cleaned reports by |num_cleaned|.
void IncreaseReportsCleanedBy(uint64_t num_cleaned);
// Increase the total number of pruned reports by |num_pruned|.
void IncreaseReportsPrunedBy(uint64_t num_pruned);
// Adds a new report under the given program.
// Returns false if there is already a report with |local_report_id| as ID (for the given program
// or another).
bool AddReport(const std::string& program_name, const std::string& local_report_id);
// Sets the number of upload attempts for an existing report.
// Returns false if there are no reports with |local_report_id| as ID.
bool SetUploadAttempt(const std::string& local_report_id, uint64_t upload_attempt);
// Marks an existing report as uploaded, storing its server report ID.
// Returns false if there are no reports with |local_report_id| as ID.
bool MarkReportAsUploaded(const std::string& local_report_id,
const std::string& server_report_id);
// Mark an existing report as archived.
// Returns false if there are no reports with |local_report_id| as ID.
bool MarkReportAsArchived(const std::string& local_report_id);
// Mark an existing report as garbage collected.
// Returns false if there are no report with |local_report_id| as ID.
bool MarkReportAsGarbageCollected(const std::string& local_report_id);
bool Contains(const std::string& local_report_id);
// Callback to update |settings_| on upload policy changes.
void OnUploadPolicyChange(const feedback::Settings::UploadPolicy& upload_policy);
// Inspect node containing the static configuration.
struct Config {
// Inspect node containing the crash server configuration.
struct CrashServerConfig {
inspect::StringProperty upload_policy;
inspect::StringProperty url;
CrashServerConfig crash_server;
// Inspect node containing the mutable settings.
struct Settings {
inspect::StringProperty upload_policy;
// Inspect node containing the database properties.
struct Database {
inspect::UintProperty max_crashpad_database_size_in_kb;
inspect::UintProperty num_pruned;
inspect::UintProperty num_cleaned;
// Inspect node containing the queue properties.
struct Queue {
inspect::UintProperty size;
// Inspect node for a single report.
struct Report {
Report(const std::string& program_name, const std::string& local_report_id);
const std::string& Path() { return path_; }
inspect::StringProperty creation_time_;
inspect::UintProperty upload_attempts_;
inspect::StringProperty final_state_;
inspect::StringProperty server_id_;
inspect::StringProperty server_creation_time_;
// A |Report|'s path is its location relative to the root Inspect node in the Inspect tree.
// E.g., "/reports/$program_name/$local_report_id"
// Backslashes in $program_name are replaced with (char)0x07, the ASCII bell character.
std ::string path_;
InspectNodeManager node_manager_;
const timekeeper::Clock& clock_;
Config config_;
Settings settings_;
Database database_;
Queue queue_;
InspectProtocolStats crash_reporter_stats_;
// Maps a local report ID to a |Report|.
std::map<std::string, Report> reports_;
} // namespace feedback