blob: ed74859841adbc336575a0d62f39ab0193d32c85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// clang-format off
#include <Weave/DeviceLayer/internal/WeaveDeviceLayerInternal.h>
#include <Weave/DeviceLayer/internal/BLEManager.h>
// clang-format on
using namespace ::nl;
using namespace ::nl::Ble;
namespace nl {
namespace Weave {
namespace DeviceLayer {
namespace Internal {
BLEManagerImpl BLEManagerImpl::sInstance;
WEAVE_ERROR BLEManagerImpl::_Init() { return WEAVE_NO_ERROR; }
WEAVE_ERROR BLEManagerImpl::_SetWoBLEServiceMode(WoBLEServiceMode val) { return WEAVE_NO_ERROR; }
WEAVE_ERROR BLEManagerImpl::_SetAdvertisingEnabled(bool val) { return WEAVE_NO_ERROR; }
WEAVE_ERROR BLEManagerImpl::_SetFastAdvertisingEnabled(bool val) { return WEAVE_NO_ERROR; }
WEAVE_ERROR BLEManagerImpl::_GetDeviceName(char* buf, size_t bufSize) { return WEAVE_NO_ERROR; }
WEAVE_ERROR BLEManagerImpl::_SetDeviceName(const char* deviceName) { return WEAVE_NO_ERROR; }
void BLEManagerImpl::_OnPlatformEvent(const WeaveDeviceEvent* event) {}
uint16_t BLEManagerImpl::_NumConnections(void) { return 0; }
bool BLEManagerImpl::SubscribeCharacteristic(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const WeaveBleUUID* svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID* charId) {
return false;
bool BLEManagerImpl::UnsubscribeCharacteristic(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId,
const WeaveBleUUID* svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID* charId) {
return false;
bool BLEManagerImpl::CloseConnection(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId) { return false; }
uint16_t BLEManagerImpl::GetMTU(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId) const { return 0; }
bool BLEManagerImpl::SendIndication(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const WeaveBleUUID* svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID* charId, PacketBuffer* data) {
return false;
bool BLEManagerImpl::SendWriteRequest(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const WeaveBleUUID* svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID* charId, PacketBuffer* pBuf) {
return false;
bool BLEManagerImpl::SendReadRequest(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const WeaveBleUUID* svcId,
const WeaveBleUUID* charId, PacketBuffer* pBuf) {
return false;
bool BLEManagerImpl::SendReadResponse(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId,
const WeaveBleUUID* svcId, const WeaveBleUUID* charId) {
return false;
void BLEManagerImpl::NotifyWeaveConnectionClosed(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId) {}
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace Weave
} // namespace nl