blob: c6f98c5a6e3dfc2a67e732094ee7598e166d4f01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Netstack Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dns
import (
const (
// djbdns dnscache allows 16 levels of aliases. The same value is used here.
maxCNAMELevel = 16
// TODO: Think about a good value. dnsmasq defaults to 150 names.
maxEntries = 1024
tag = "DNS"
var (
errCNAMELevel = errors.New("too many CNAME levels")
errCNAMELoop = errors.New("loop in CNAME aliases")
// Stubbable in test.
timeNow = time.Now
// Single entry in the cache, like a TypeA resource holding an IPv4 address.
type cacheEntry struct {
rr dnsmessage.Resource // the resource
ttd time.Time // when this entry expires
// Returns true if this entry is a CNAME that points at something no longer in our cache.
func (entry *cacheEntry) isDanglingCNAME(cache *cacheInfo) bool {
switch rr := entry.rr.Body.(type) {
case *dnsmessage.CNAMEResource:
return[rr.CNAME] == nil
return false
// The full cache.
type cacheInfo struct {
mu struct {
m map[dnsmessage.Name][]cacheEntry
numEntries int
func makeCache() cacheInfo {
c := cacheInfo{} = make(map[dnsmessage.Name][]cacheEntry)
return c
// Returns a list of Resources with the same class, type and domain name as
// question.
// c's read lock ( MUST be held.
func (cache *cacheInfo) lookup(question dnsmessage.Question, visited map[dnsmessage.Name]struct{}, level uint8) ([]dnsmessage.Resource, error) {
if level > maxCNAMELevel {
return nil, errCNAMELevel
if _, ok := visited[question.Name]; ok {
// By the robustness principle, domain software should not fail when presented with CNAME chains or loops;
// CNAME chains should be followed and CNAME loops signalled as an error. (RFC 1034 Section 5.2.2)
return nil, errCNAMELoop
visited[question.Name] = struct{}{}
entries :=[question.Name]
rrs := make([]dnsmessage.Resource, 0, len(entries))
for _, entry := range entries {
h := entry.rr.Header
if h.Class == question.Class && h.Name == question.Name {
switch body := entry.rr.Body.(type) {
case *dnsmessage.CNAMEResource:
newrrs, err := cache.lookup(dnsmessage.Question{
Name: body.CNAME,
Class: question.Class,
Type: question.Type,
}, visited, level+1)
if err != nil {
return []dnsmessage.Resource{}, err
rrs = append(rrs, newrrs...)
if h.Type == question.Type {
rrs = append(rrs, entry.rr)
return rrs, nil
// Finds the minimum TTL value of any SOA resource in a response. Returns 0 if not found.
// This is used for caching a failed DNS query. See RFC 2308.
func findSOAMinTTL(auths []dnsmessage.Resource) uint32 {
minTTL := uint32(math.MaxUint32)
foundSOA := false
for _, auth := range auths {
if auth.Header.Class == dnsmessage.ClassINET {
switch soa := auth.Body.(type) {
case *dnsmessage.SOAResource:
foundSOA = true
if soa.MinTTL < minTTL {
minTTL = soa.MinTTL
if foundSOA {
return minTTL
return 0
// Attempts to add a new entry into the cache. Can fail if the cache is full.
func (cache *cacheInfo) insert(rr dnsmessage.Resource) {
h := rr.Header
newEntry := cacheEntry{
ttd: timeNow().Add(time.Duration(h.TTL) * time.Second),
rr: rr,
entries :=[h.Name]
for i := range entries {
existing := &entries[i]
// If a CNAME RR is present at a node, no other data should be present;
// this ensures that the data for a canonical name and its aliases cannot be different. (RFC 1034 Section 3.6.2)
// A CNAME record is not allowed to coexist with any other data. (RFC 1912 Section 2.4)
// The new record resource will overwrite the existing CNAMEResource.
if existing.rr.Header.Type == dnsmessage.TypeCNAME {
*existing = newEntry
syslog.VLogTf(syslog.TraceVerbosity, tag, "DNS cache overwrite: %v(%v expires %v)", h.Name, h.Type, existing.ttd)
if h.Type == dnsmessage.TypeCNAME { -= len(entries) - 1[h.Name] = []cacheEntry{newEntry}
syslog.VLogTf(syslog.TraceVerbosity, tag, "DNS cache overwrite: %v(%v expires %v)", h.Name, h.Type, existing.ttd)
if h.Class != existing.rr.Header.Class || h.Type != existing.rr.Header.Type {
if existing.rr.Body == nil {
// We have a valid record now; replace the negative resource entirely.
existing.rr = rr
existing.ttd = newEntry.ttd
} else {
switch b1 := rr.Body.(type) {
case *dnsmessage.AResource:
if b2, ok := existing.rr.Body.(*dnsmessage.AResource); !ok || b1.A != b2.A {
case *dnsmessage.AAAAResource:
if b2, ok := existing.rr.Body.(*dnsmessage.AAAAResource); !ok || b1.AAAA != b2.AAAA {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type %T", b1))
existing.ttd = newEntry.ttd
existing.rr.Header.TTL = h.TTL
syslog.VLogTf(syslog.TraceVerbosity, tag, "DNS cache update: %v(%v) expires %v", h.Name, h.Type, existing.ttd)
if <= maxEntries {
syslog.VLogTf(syslog.TraceVerbosity, tag, "DNS cache insert: %v(%v) expires %v", h.Name, h.Type, newEntry.ttd)[h.Name] = append(entries, newEntry)
} else {
// TODO(mpcomplete): might be better to evict the LRU entry instead.
// TODO(mpcomplete): RFC 1035 7.4 says that if we can't cache this RR, we
// shouldn't cache any other RRs for the same name in this response.
syslog.WarnTf(tag, "DNS cache is full; insert failed: %v(%v)", h.Name, h.Type)
// Attempts to add each Resource as a new entry in the cache. Can fail if the cache is full.
func (cache *cacheInfo) insertAll(rrs []dnsmessage.Resource) {
for _, rr := range rrs {
h := rr.Header
if h.Class == dnsmessage.ClassINET {
switch h.Type {
case dnsmessage.TypeA, dnsmessage.TypeAAAA, dnsmessage.TypeCNAME:
func (cache *cacheInfo) insertNegative(question dnsmessage.Question, msg dnsmessage.Message) {
minTTL := findSOAMinTTL(msg.Authorities)
if minTTL == 0 {
// Don't cache without a TTL value.
Header: dnsmessage.ResourceHeader{
Name: question.Name,
Type: question.Type,
Class: dnsmessage.ClassINET,
TTL: minTTL,
Body: nil,
// Removes every expired/dangling entry from the cache.
func (cache *cacheInfo) prune() {
now := timeNow()
for name, entries := range {
removed := false
for i := 0; i < len(entries); {
if now.After(entries[i].ttd) || entries[i].isDanglingCNAME(cache) {
entries[i] = entries[len(entries)-1]
entries = entries[:len(entries)-1]
removed = true
} else {
if len(entries) == 0 {
delete(, name)
} else if removed {[name] = entries
func (cache *cacheInfo) newResolverWithFallback(fallback Resolver) Resolver {
var mu struct {
throttled map[dnsmessage.Question]struct{}
mu.throttled = make(map[dnsmessage.Question]struct{})
return func(question dnsmessage.Question) (dnsmessage.Name, []dnsmessage.Resource, dnsmessage.Message, error) {
if !(question.Class == dnsmessage.ClassINET && (question.Type == dnsmessage.TypeA || question.Type == dnsmessage.TypeAAAA)) {
panic("unexpected question type")
visited := make(map[dnsmessage.Name]struct{})
rrs, err := cache.lookup(question, visited, 0)
if err == nil && len(rrs) != 0 {
syslog.VLogTf(syslog.TraceVerbosity, tag, "DNS cache hit %v(%v) => %v", question.Name, question.Type, rrs)
return dnsmessage.Name{}, rrs, dnsmessage.Message{}, nil
if err != nil {
syslog.ErrorTf(tag, "DNS cache lookup failed for the message %v(%v) with error: %s", question.Name, question.Type, err)
syslog.VLogTf(syslog.TraceVerbosity, tag, "DNS cache miss for the message %v(%v)", question.Name, question.Type)
cname, rrs, msg, err := fallback(question)
if err != nil {
_, throttled := mu.throttled[question]
if !throttled {
mu.throttled[question] = struct{}{}
if !throttled {
time.AfterFunc(10*time.Second, func() {
delete(mu.throttled, question)
syslog.VLogTf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, tag, "%s", err)
if err == nil {
} else if err, ok := err.(*Error); ok && err.CacheNegative {
cache.insertNegative(question, msg)
return cname, rrs, msg, err