blob: 2caf5166c61f6fd3d0dcaba87012577d1859e9c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/hci.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/testing/fake_controller_base.h"
namespace bt {
namespace testing {
// TODO(46656): add file name, line number, and expectation expression
struct PacketExpectation {
DynamicByteBuffer data;
class Transaction {
// The |expected| buffer and the buffers in |replies| will be copied, so their lifetime does not
// need to extend past Transaction construction.
Transaction(const ByteBuffer& expected, const std::vector<const ByteBuffer*>& replies);
virtual ~Transaction() = default;
Transaction(Transaction&& other) = default;
Transaction& operator=(Transaction&& other) = default;
// Returns true if the transaction matches the given HCI packet.
virtual bool Match(const ByteBuffer& packet);
const PacketExpectation& expected() { return expected_; }
void set_expected(const PacketExpectation& expected) {
expected_ = PacketExpectation{DynamicByteBuffer(};
std::queue<DynamicByteBuffer>& replies() { return replies_; }
PacketExpectation expected_;
std::queue<DynamicByteBuffer> replies_;
// A CommandTransaction is used to set up an expectation for a command channel
// packet and the events that should be sent back in response to it.
class CommandTransaction final : public Transaction {
CommandTransaction(const ByteBuffer& expected, const std::vector<const ByteBuffer*>& replies)
: Transaction(expected, replies), prefix_(false) {}
// Match by opcode only.
CommandTransaction(hci::OpCode expected_opcode, const std::vector<const ByteBuffer*>& replies);
// Move constructor and assignment operator.
CommandTransaction(CommandTransaction&& other) = default;
CommandTransaction& operator=(CommandTransaction&& other) = default;
// Returns true if the transaction matches the given HCI command packet.
bool Match(const ByteBuffer& cmd) override;
bool prefix_ = false;
// A DataTransaction is used to set up an expectation for an acl data channel
class DataTransaction final : public Transaction {
DataTransaction(const ByteBuffer& expected, const std::vector<const ByteBuffer*>& replies)
: Transaction(expected, replies) {}
DataTransaction(DataTransaction&& other) = default;
DataTransaction& operator=(DataTransaction&& other) = default;
// Helper macro for expecting a data packet and specifying a variable number of responses that the
// TestController should send in response to the expected packet.
// TODO(46656): add file & line number arguments
#define EXPECT_ACL_PACKET_OUT(device, packet_buffer, ...) \
(device)->QueueDataTransaction((packet_buffer), {__VA_ARGS__})
// TestController allows unit tests to set up an expected sequence of HCI
// command packets and ACL data packets and any packets that should be sent back in response. The
// code internally verifies each received packet using gtest ASSERT_* macros.
class TestController : public FakeControllerBase {
~TestController() override;
// Queues a transaction into the TestController's expected command queue. Each
// packet received through the command channel endpoint will be verified
// against the next expected transaction in the queue. A mismatch will cause a
// fatal assertion. On a match, TestController will send back the replies
// provided in the transaction.
void QueueCommandTransaction(CommandTransaction transaction);
void QueueCommandTransaction(const ByteBuffer& expected,
const std::vector<const ByteBuffer*>& replies);
// Queues a transaction into the TestController's expected ACL data queue. Each
// packet received through the ACL data channel endpoint will be verified
// against the next expected transaction in the queue. A mismatch will cause a
// fatal assertion. On a match, TestController will send back the replies
// provided in the transaction.
void QueueDataTransaction(DataTransaction transaction);
void QueueDataTransaction(const ByteBuffer& expected,
const std::vector<const ByteBuffer*>& replies);
// Returns true iff all transactions queued with QueueDataTransaction() have been received.
bool AllExpectedDataPacketsSent() const;
// TODO(benlawson): remove after all TestController tests have been refactored to use data
// expectations
void set_data_expectations_enabled(bool enabled) { data_expectations_enabled_ = enabled; }
// Callback to invoke when a packet is received over the data channel. Care
// should be taken to ensure that a callback with a reference to test case
// variables is not invoked when tearing down.
using DataCallback = fit::function<void(const ByteBuffer& packet)>;
void SetDataCallback(DataCallback callback, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
void ClearDataCallback();
// Callback invoked when a transaction completes. Care should be taken to
// ensure that a callback with a reference to test case variables is not
// invoked when tearing down.
using TransactionCallback = fit::function<void(const ByteBuffer& rx)>;
void SetTransactionCallback(TransactionCallback callback, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
void SetTransactionCallback(fit::closure callback, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
void ClearTransactionCallback();
// FakeControllerBase overrides:
void OnCommandPacketReceived(const PacketView<hci::CommandHeader>& command_packet) override;
void OnACLDataPacketReceived(const ByteBuffer& acl_data_packet) override;
std::queue<CommandTransaction> cmd_transactions_;
std::queue<DataTransaction> data_transactions_;
bool data_expectations_enabled_;
DataCallback data_callback_;
async_dispatcher_t* data_dispatcher_;
TransactionCallback transaction_callback_;
async_dispatcher_t* transaction_dispatcher_;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace bt