blob: ed7e70d89e61e56b5c8d2cc48d4db109923d45f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "lib/gtest/test_loop_fixture.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/acl_data_channel.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/acl_data_packet.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/device_wrapper.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/transport.h"
namespace bt {
namespace testing {
class FakeControllerBase;
// FakeControllerTest is a test harness intended for tests that rely on HCI
// transactions. It is templated on FakeControllerType which must derive from
// FakeControllerBase and must be able to send and receive HCI packets over
// Zircon channels, acting as the controller endpoint of HCI.
// The testing library provides two such types:
// - TestController (test_controller.h): Routes HCI packets directly to the
// test harness. It allows tests to setup expectations based on the receipt
// of HCI packets.
// - FakeController (fake_controller.h): Emulates a Bluetooth controller. This
// can respond to HCI commands the way a real controller would (albeit in a
// contrived fashion), emulate discovery and connection events, etc.
template <class FakeControllerType>
class FakeControllerTest : public ::gtest::TestLoopFixture {
// Default data buffer information used by ACLDataChannel.
static constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxDataPacketLength = 1024;
static constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxPacketCount = 5;
FakeControllerTest() = default;
virtual ~FakeControllerTest() = default;
// TestBase overrides:
void SetUp() override {
transport_ = hci::Transport::Create(FakeControllerTest<FakeControllerType>::SetUpTestDevice());
void TearDown() override {
if (!transport_)
if (transport_->IsInitialized()) {
transport_ = nullptr;
test_device_ = nullptr;
// Directly initializes the ACL data channel and wires up its data rx
// callback. It is OK to override the data rx callback after this is called.
// If data buffer information isn't provided, the ACLDataChannel will be
// initialized with shared BR/EDR/LE buffers using the constants declared
// above.
bool InitializeACLDataChannel(const hci::DataBufferInfo& bredr_buffer_info = hci::DataBufferInfo(
kDefaultMaxDataPacketLength, kDefaultMaxPacketCount),
const hci::DataBufferInfo& le_buffer_info = hci::DataBufferInfo()) {
if (!transport_->InitializeACLDataChannel(bredr_buffer_info, le_buffer_info)) {
return false;
std::bind(&FakeControllerTest<FakeControllerType>::OnDataReceived, this,
return true;
// Sets a callback which will be invoked when we receive packets from the test
// controller. |callback| will be posted on the test loop, thus no locking is
// necessary within the callback.
// InitializeACLDataChannel() must be called once and its data rx handler must
// not be overridden by tests for |callback| to work.
void set_data_received_callback(hci::ACLPacketHandler callback) {
data_received_callback_ = std::move(callback);
fxl::RefPtr<hci::Transport> transport() const { return transport_; }
hci::CommandChannel* cmd_channel() const { return transport_->command_channel(); }
hci::ACLDataChannel* acl_data_channel() const { return transport_->acl_data_channel(); }
// Deletes |test_device_| and resets the pointer.
void DeleteTestDevice() { test_device_ = nullptr; }
// Getters for internal fields frequently used by tests.
FakeControllerType* test_device() const { return test_device_.get(); }
zx::channel test_cmd_chan() { return std::move(cmd1_); }
zx::channel test_acl_chan() { return std::move(acl1_); }
// Starts processing data on the control and ACL data channels.
void StartTestDevice() {
// Channels to be moved to the tests
zx::channel cmd1_;
zx::channel acl1_;
// Initializes |test_device_| and returns the DeviceWrapper endpoint which can
// be passed to classes that are under test.
std::unique_ptr<hci::DeviceWrapper> SetUpTestDevice() {
zx::channel cmd0;
zx::channel acl0;
zx_status_t status = zx::channel::create(0, &cmd0, &cmd1_);
status = zx::channel::create(0, &acl0, &acl1_);
auto hci_dev = std::make_unique<hci::DummyDeviceWrapper>(std::move(cmd0), std::move(acl0));
test_device_ = std::make_unique<FakeControllerType>();
return hci_dev;
void OnDataReceived(hci::ACLDataPacketPtr data_packet) {
// Accessing |data_received_callback_| is racy but unlikely to cause issues
// in unit tests. NOTE(armansito): Famous last words?
if (!data_received_callback_)
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, packet = std::move(data_packet)]() mutable {
std::unique_ptr<FakeControllerType> test_device_;
fxl::RefPtr<hci::Transport> transport_;
hci::ACLPacketHandler data_received_callback_;
static_assert(std::is_base_of<FakeControllerBase, FakeControllerType>::value,
"TestBase must be used with a derivative of FakeControllerBase");
} // namespace testing
} // namespace bt