blob: 500109a01a2f3f1b226f83b06077e2af04bd4a10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <optional>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/uint128.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/hci_constants.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/link_key.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/smp.h"
namespace bt {
namespace sm {
// Represents the features exchanged during Pairing Phase 1.
struct PairingFeatures final {
PairingFeatures(bool initiator, bool sc, bool will_bond, PairingMethod method,
uint8_t enc_key_size, KeyDistGenField local_kd, KeyDistGenField remote_kd);
// True if the local device is in the "initiator" role.
bool initiator;
// True if LE Secure Connections pairing should be used. Otherwise, LE Legacy
// Pairing should be used.
bool secure_connections;
// True if pairing is to be performed with bonding, false if not
bool will_bond;
// Indicates the key generation model used for Phase 2.
PairingMethod method;
// The negotiated encryption key size.
uint8_t encryption_key_size;
// The keys that we must distribute to the peer.
KeyDistGenField local_key_distribution;
// The keys that will be distributed to us by the peer.
KeyDistGenField remote_key_distribution;
enum class SecurityLevel {
// No encryption
kNoSecurity = 0,
// Encrypted without MITM protection (unauthenticated)
kEncrypted = 1,
// Encrypted with MITM protection (authenticated)
kAuthenticated = 2,
// Returns a string representation of |level| for debug messages.
const char* LevelToString(SecurityLevel level);
// Represents the security properties of a key. The security properties of a
// connection's LTK defines the security properties of the connection.
class SecurityProperties final {
SecurityProperties(SecurityLevel level, size_t enc_key_size, bool secure_connections);
// Build from a BR/EDR Link Key that resulted from pairing. |lk_type| should not be
// kChangedCombination, because that means that the link key is the same type as before it was
// changed, which this has no knowledge of.
// Legacy pairing keys will be considered to have security level kNoSecurity because legacy
// pairing is superceded by Secure Simple Pairing in Core Spec v2.1 + EDR in 2007. Backwards
// compatiblity is optional per v5.0, Vol 3, Part C, Section 5. Furthermore, the last Core Spec
// with only legacy pairing (v2.0 + EDR) was withdrawn by Bluetooth SIG on 2019-01-28.
// TODO(36360): SecurityProperties will treat kDebugCombination keys as "encrypted,
// unauthenticated, and no Secure Connections" to potentially allow their use as valid link keys,
// but does not store the fact that they originate from a controller in pairing debug mode, a
// potential hazard. Care should be taken at the controller interface to enforce particular
// policies regarding debug keys.
explicit SecurityProperties(hci::LinkKeyType lk_type);
SecurityLevel level() const { return level_; }
size_t enc_key_size() const { return enc_key_size_; }
bool secure_connections() const { return sc_; }
bool authenticated() const { return level_ == SecurityLevel::kAuthenticated; }
// Returns the BR/EDR link key type that produces the current security properties. Returns
// std::nullopt if the current security level is kNoSecurity.
// SecurityProperties does not encode the use of LinkKeyType::kDebugCombination keys (see Core
// Spec v5.0 Vol 2, Part E Section 7.6.4), produced when a controller is in debug mode, so
// SecurityProperties constructed from LinkKeyType::kDebugCombination returns
// LinkKeyType::kUnauthenticatedCombination192 from this method.
std::optional<hci::LinkKeyType> GetLinkKeyType() const;
// Returns a string representation of these properties.
std::string ToString() const;
// Compare two properties for equality.
bool operator==(const SecurityProperties& other) const {
return level_ == other.level_ && enc_key_size_ == other.enc_key_size_ && sc_ == other.sc_;
bool operator!=(const SecurityProperties& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
SecurityLevel level_;
size_t enc_key_size_;
bool sc_;
// Represents a reusable long term key for a specific transport.
class LTK final {
LTK() = default;
LTK(const SecurityProperties& security, const hci::LinkKey& key);
const SecurityProperties& security() const { return security_; }
const hci::LinkKey& key() const { return key_; }
bool operator==(const LTK& other) const {
return security() == && key() == other.key();
SecurityProperties security_;
hci::LinkKey key_;
// Represents a 128-bit key.
class Key final {
Key() = default;
Key(const SecurityProperties& security, const UInt128& value);
const SecurityProperties& security() const { return security_; }
const UInt128& value() const { return value_; }
bool operator==(const Key& other) const {
return security() == && value() == other.value();
SecurityProperties security_;
UInt128 value_;
// Container for LE pairing data.
struct PairingData final {
// The identity address.
std::optional<DeviceAddress> identity_address;
// The long term key used for link encryption.
std::optional<sm::LTK> ltk;
// The identity resolving key used to resolve RPAs to |identity|.
std::optional<sm::Key> irk;
// The connection signature resolving key used in LE security mode 2.
std::optional<sm::Key> csrk;
bool operator==(const PairingData& other) const {
return identity_address == other.identity_address && ltk == other.ltk && irk == other.irk &&
csrk == other.csrk;
// Container for identity information for distribution.
struct IdentityInfo {
UInt128 irk;
DeviceAddress address;
// Enum for the possible values of the SM Bondable Mode as defined in spec V5.1 Vol 3 Part C
// Section 9.4
enum class BondableMode {
// Allows pairing which results in bonding, as well as pairing which does not
// Does not allow pairing which results in bonding
// Represents the local device's settings for easy mapping to Pairing(Request|Response)Parameters.
struct LocalPairingParams {
// The local I/O capability.
IOCapability io_capability;
// Whether or not OOB authentication data is available locally.
OOBDataFlag oob_data_flag;
// The local requested security properties (Vol 3, Part H, 2.3.1).
AuthReqField auth_req;
// Maximum encryption key size supported by the local device. Valid values are 7-16.
uint8_t max_encryption_key_size;
// The keys that the local system is able to distribute.
KeyDistGenField local_keys;
// The keys that are desired from the peer.
KeyDistGenField remote_keys;
// Used by Phase 2 classes to notify their owner that a new encryption key is ready. For Legacy
// Pairing, this is the STK which may only be used for the current session. For Secure Connections,
// this is the LTK which may be persisted.
using OnPhase2KeyGeneratedCallback = fit::function<void(const UInt128&)>;
} // namespace sm
} // namespace bt