blob: cd37985f1f632427fa7f8955e169bc468826684a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "lib/zx/time.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/device_address.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/uint128.h"
// This file defines constants that are used by the Security Manager Protocol
// (SMP) that operates over the L2CAP SMP channel.
namespace bt {
namespace sm {
// v5.0, Vol 3, Part H, 3.2
// TODO( Delete kLEMTU & kBREDR MTU when Bearer is deprecated.
constexpr uint16_t kLEMTU = 23;
constexpr uint16_t kBREDRMTU = 65;
constexpr uint16_t kNoSecureConnectionsMtu = 23;
constexpr uint16_t kLeSecureConnectionsMtu = 65;
// SMP Timeout in seconds (Vol 3, Part H, 3.4)
constexpr zx::duration kPairingTimeout = zx::sec(30);
// The supported encryption key sizes (Vol 3, Part H, 2.3.4).
constexpr uint8_t kMinEncryptionKeySize = 7;
constexpr uint8_t kMaxEncryptionKeySize = 16;
// These are the sample ltk and random from (Vol 6, Part C, 1), they are
// delcared so that PairingState can reject any peers using them and prevent
// a mitm.
constexpr UInt128 kSpecSampleLtk = {0xBF, 0x01, 0xFB, 0x9D, 0x4E, 0xF3, 0xBC, 0x36,
0xD8, 0x74, 0xF5, 0x39, 0x41, 0x38, 0x68, 0x4C};
constexpr uint64_t kSpecSampleRandom = 0xABCDEF1234567890;
// The field that identifies the type of a command.
using Code = uint8_t;
struct Header {
Code code;
// Supported pairing methods.
enum class PairingMethod {
// Unauthenticated
// Local host inputs passkey. Authenticated.
// Local host displays passkey. Authenticated.
// Authenticated, LE Secure Connections only.
// Authenticated depending on OOB mechanism
enum class IOCapability : uint8_t {
kDisplayOnly = 0x00,
kDisplayYesNo = 0x01,
kKeyboardOnly = 0x02,
kNoInputNoOutput = 0x03,
kKeyboardDisplay = 0x04,
enum class OOBDataFlag : uint8_t {
kNotPresent = 0x00,
kPresent = 0x01,
// Possible values that can be assigned to the "AuthReq" bit field (Vol 3, Part
// H, Figure 3.3).
enum AuthReq : uint8_t {
// Indicates that bonding is requested.
kBondingFlag = (1 << 0),
// Indicates whether Man-in-the-middle protection is required.
kMITM = (1 << 2),
// Indicates whether Secure Connections is supported.
kSC = (1 << 3),
// Indicates whether Keypress notifications should be generated for the
// Passkey Entry protocol.
kKeypress = (1 << 4),
// Indicates whether cross-transport key generation is supported for Secure
// Connections.
kCT2 = (1 << 5),
using AuthReqField = uint8_t;
// Possible values for the Key Distribution/Generation fields (Vol 3, Part H,
// Figure 3.11)
enum KeyDistGen : uint8_t {
// LE: Indicates that the LTK will be distributed using the "Encryption
// Information" command in LE legacy pairing. Ignored in LE Secure
// Connections.
// BR/EDR: Indicates that the LTK will be derived from the BR/EDR Link Key.
kEncKey = (1 << 0),
// Indicates that the IRK will be distributed using the "Identity Information"
// command and the Identity Address using the "Identity Address Information"
// command.
kIdKey = (1 << 1),
// Indicates that the CSRK will be distributed using the "Signing Information"
// command.
kSignKey = (1 << 2),
// LE: Indicates that the BR/EDR Link Key will be derived from the LTK.
// Ignored if LE Secure Connections isn't supported.
// BR/EDR: Reserved for future use.
kLinkKey = (1 << 3),
using KeyDistGenField = uint8_t;
// Possible failure reason codes used in the "Pairing Failed" command.
// (Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.5).
enum class ErrorCode : uint8_t {
kNoError = 0x00,
// User input of passkey failed, e.g. due to cancelation.
kPasskeyEntryFailed = 0x01,
// OOB data is not available.
kOOBNotAvailable = 0x02,
// Authentication requirements cannot be met due to IO capabilities.
kAuthenticationRequirements = 0x03,
// The confirm value does not match what was calculated.
kConfirmValueFailed = 0x04,
// Pairing is not supported.
kPairingNotSupported = 0x05,
// The resultant encryption key size is insufficient given local security
// requirements.
kEncryptionKeySize = 0x06,
// An SMP command is not supported.
kCommandNotSupported = 0x07,
// Pairing failed due to an unspecified reason.
kUnspecifiedReason = 0x08,
// Pairing/authentication procedure is disallowed because too little time has
// elapsed since the last pairing/security request.
kRepeatedAttempts = 0x09,
// SMP command parameters were invalid.
kInvalidParameters = 0x0A,
// Indicates to the remote device that the DHKey Check value received doesn't
// match the one calculated locally.
kDHKeyCheckFailed = 0x0B,
// Indicates that the confirm values in the numeric comparison protocol do not
// match.
kNumericComparisonFailed = 0x0C,
// Indicates that pairing over the LE transport failed due to a concurrent
// pairing request over the BR/EDR transport.
kBREDRPairingInProgress = 0x0D,
// Indicates that the BR/EDR Link Key generated on the BR/EDR transport cannot
// be used to derive keys for the LE transport.
kCrossTransportKeyDerivationNotAllowed = 0x0E,
// Possible keypress notification types used in the "Keypress Notification"
// command (Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.8).
enum class KeypressNotificationType : uint8_t {
kStarted = 0,
kDigitEntered = 1,
kDigitErased = 2,
kCleared = 3,
kCompleted = 4,
// Possible address types used in the "Identity Address Information" command
// (Vol 3, Part H, 3.6.5).
enum class AddressType : uint8_t {
kPublic = 0x00,
kStaticRandom = 0x01,
// ========== SMP PDUs ========
constexpr Code kInvalidCode = 0x00;
// ======================================
// Pairing Request (Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.1)
constexpr Code kPairingRequest = 0x01;
struct PairingRequestParams {
// The local I/O capability.
IOCapability io_capability;
// Whether or not OOB authentication data is available.
OOBDataFlag oob_data_flag;
// The requested security properties (Vol 3, Part H, 2.3.1).
AuthReqField auth_req;
// Maximum encryption key size supported. Valid values are 7-16.
uint8_t max_encryption_key_size;
// The keys that the initiator requests to distribute/generate.
KeyDistGenField initiator_key_dist_gen;
// The keys that the responder requests to distribute/generate.
KeyDistGenField responder_key_dist_gen;
// =======================================
// Pairing Response (Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.2)
constexpr Code kPairingResponse = 0x02;
using PairingResponseParams = PairingRequestParams;
// ======================================
// Pairing Confirm (Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.3)
constexpr Code kPairingConfirm = 0x03;
using PairingConfirmValue = UInt128;
// =====================================
// Pairing Random (Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.4)
constexpr Code kPairingRandom = 0x04;
using PairingRandomValue = UInt128;
// =====================================
// Pairing Failed (Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.5)
constexpr Code kPairingFailed = 0x05;
using PairingFailedParams = ErrorCode;
// =============================================
// Encryption Information (LE Legacy Pairing only; Vol 3, Part H, 3.6.2)
constexpr Code kEncryptionInformation = 0x06;
using EncryptionInformationParams = UInt128;
// ====================================================================
// Master Identification (LE Legacy Pairing only; Vol 3, Part H, 3.6.3)
constexpr Code kMasterIdentification = 0x07;
struct MasterIdentificationParams {
uint16_t ediv;
uint64_t rand;
// ===========================================
// Identity Information (Vol 3, Part H, 3.6.4)
constexpr Code kIdentityInformation = 0x08;
using IRK = UInt128;
// ===================================================
// Identity Address Information (Vol 3, Part H, 3.6.5)
constexpr Code kIdentityAddressInformation = 0x09;
struct IdentityAddressInformationParams {
AddressType type;
DeviceAddressBytes bd_addr;
// ==========================================
// Signing Information (Vol 3, Part H, 3.6.6)
constexpr Code kSigningInformation = 0x0A;
using CSRK = UInt128;
// =======================================
// Security Request (Vol 3, Part H, 3.6.7)
constexpr Code kSecurityRequest = 0x0B;
// See enum AuthReq for parameters.
// ==================================================================
// Pairing Public Key (Secure Connections only; Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.6)
constexpr Code kPairingPublicKey = 0x0C;
struct PairingPublicKeyParams {
uint8_t x[32];
uint8_t y[32];
// ======================================================================
// Pairing DHKey Check (LE Secure Connections only; Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.7)
constexpr Code kPairingDHKeyCheck = 0x0D;
using PairingDHKeyCheckValueE = UInt128;
// ============================================
// Keypress Notification (Vol 3, Part H, 3.5.8)
constexpr Code kKeypressNotification = 0x0E;
// See enum KeypressNotificationType above for parameters.
} // namespace sm
} // namespace bt