blob: 538a2ffd00c433c67c1b6cc622556f67ef4e06d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <optional>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/l2cap.h"
namespace bt {
namespace l2cap {
namespace internal {
// The ChannelConfiguration class is used for decoding and encoding channel configuration options
// (Core spec v5.1, Vol 3, Part A, Section 5) that are in the payloads of Configuration Requests
// (Section 4.4) and Configuration Responses (Section 4.5). To decode a configuration option payload
// in a configuration request/response signaling channel packet, instantiate a new
// ChannelConfiguration and read options into it via ReadOptions() (which may fail to decode invalid
// option payloads). Unknown options (ones we don't support) that are not hints (types 0x80-0xFF)
// are available via unknown_options(). Unknown options should always be handled by rejecting the
// packet containing them (Section 5).
// Decoding a configuration option payload example:
// ChannelConfiguration config;
// if (!config.ReadOptions(payload_buffer)) {
// // Handle decoding failure
// }
// if (config.unknown_options.size() != 0) {
// // Reject packet
// }
// if (config.mtu_option()) {
// // Handle mtu option
// }
// Subsequent configuration payload buffers and objects can be merged into an existing configuration
// with additional calls to ReadOptions() or Merge(), which will overwrite current options with the
// new ones.
// A channel configuration can be iterated through and encoded with ChannelConfiguration::Options(),
// which returns a vector of non-null options. All options can then be encoded into a
// DynamicByteBuffer with *.Encode().
// Encoding channel configuration options example:
// ChannelConfiguration config;
// config.set_mtu_option(MtuOption(mtu));
// ConfigurationOption options = config.Options();
// DynamicByteBuffer encoded_mtu = options[0].Encode();
// payload_byte_buffer.Write(encoded_mtu);
class ChannelConfiguration final {
class ConfigurationOptionInterface {
virtual ~ConfigurationOptionInterface() = default;
virtual DynamicByteBuffer Encode() const = 0;
virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;
virtual OptionType type() const = 0;
virtual size_t size() const = 0;
using ConfigurationOptionPtr = std::unique_ptr<ConfigurationOptionInterface>;
using ConfigurationOptions = std::vector<ConfigurationOptionPtr>;
// Maximum Transmission Unit option (Core Spec v5.1, Vol 3, Part A, Sec 5.1).
// Specifies the max SDU size the sender is capable of accepting on a channel.
class MtuOption final : public ConfigurationOptionInterface {
static constexpr OptionType kType = OptionType::kMTU;
static constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLength = sizeof(MtuOptionPayload);
static constexpr size_t kEncodedSize = sizeof(ConfigurationOption) + kPayloadLength;
explicit MtuOption(uint16_t mtu) : mtu_(mtu) {}
// |data_buf| must contain encoded Mtu option data. The option will be initialized with the
// decoded fields.
explicit MtuOption(const ByteBuffer& data_buf);
uint16_t mtu() const { return mtu_; };
// ConfigurationOptionInterface overrides
DynamicByteBuffer Encode() const override;
std::string ToString() const override;
OptionType type() const override { return kType; }
size_t size() const override { return kEncodedSize; }
uint16_t mtu_;
// Retransmission and Flow Control option (Core Spec v5.1, Vol 3, Part A, Sec 5.4).
// Specifies channel transmission mode and the values of related parameters.
class RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption final : public ConfigurationOptionInterface {
static constexpr OptionType kType = OptionType::kRetransmissionAndFlowControl;
static constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLength = sizeof(RetransmissionAndFlowControlOptionPayload);
static constexpr size_t kEncodedSize = sizeof(ConfigurationOption) + kPayloadLength;
static RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption MakeBasicMode();
static RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption MakeEnhancedRetransmissionMode(
uint8_t tx_window_size, uint8_t max_transmit, uint16_t rtx_timeout,
uint16_t monitor_timeout, uint16_t mps);
// |data_buf| must contain encoded Retransmission And Flow Control option data. The option will
// be initialized with the decoded fields.
explicit RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption(const ByteBuffer& data_buf);
ChannelMode mode() const { return mode_; }
// TxWindow: receiver capability in request and transmit capability in response (ERTM)
uint8_t tx_window_size() const { return tx_window_size_; }
void set_tx_window_size(uint8_t tx_window_size) { tx_window_size_ = tx_window_size; }
// MaxTransmit: retransmissions allowed before disconnecting (ERTM: 0 means infinite) in request
// and ignored in response
uint8_t max_transmit() const { return max_transmit_; }
void set_max_transmit(uint8_t max_transmit) { max_transmit_ = max_transmit; }
// Retransmission time-out: 0 in request and error detection timeout in response (ERTM)
uint16_t rtx_timeout() const { return rtx_timeout_; }
void set_rtx_timeout(uint16_t rtx_timeout) { rtx_timeout_ = rtx_timeout; }
// Monitor time-out: 0 in request and link loss detection timeout in response (ERTM)
uint16_t monitor_timeout() const { return monitor_timeout_; }
void set_monitor_timeout(uint16_t monitor_timeout) { monitor_timeout_ = monitor_timeout; }
// Maximum PDU size
uint16_t mps() const { return mps_; }
void set_mps(uint16_t mps) { mps_ = mps; }
// ConfigurationOptionInterface overrides
DynamicByteBuffer Encode() const override;
std::string ToString() const override;
OptionType type() const override { return kType; }
size_t size() const override { return kEncodedSize; }
// If |mode| is kBasic, all other parameters are ignored.
RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption(ChannelMode mode, uint8_t tx_window_size,
uint8_t max_transmit, uint16_t rtx_timeout,
uint16_t monitor_timeout, uint16_t mps);
ChannelMode mode_;
uint8_t tx_window_size_;
uint8_t max_transmit_;
uint16_t rtx_timeout_;
uint16_t monitor_timeout_;
uint16_t mps_;
// Flush Timeout option (Core Spec v5.1, Vol 3, Part A, Sec 5.2).
// Specifies flush timeout that sender of this option is going to use.
class FlushTimeoutOption final : public ConfigurationOptionInterface {
static constexpr OptionType kType = OptionType::kFlushTimeout;
static constexpr uint8_t kPayloadLength = sizeof(FlushTimeoutOptionPayload);
static constexpr size_t kEncodedSize = sizeof(ConfigurationOption) + kPayloadLength;
explicit FlushTimeoutOption(uint16_t flush_timeout) : flush_timeout_(flush_timeout) {}
// |data_buf| must contain encoded Flush Timeout option data. The option will be initialized
// with the encoded flush timeout field.
explicit FlushTimeoutOption(const ByteBuffer& data_buf);
uint16_t flush_timeout() const { return flush_timeout_; };
// ConfigurationOptionInterface overrides
DynamicByteBuffer Encode() const override;
std::string ToString() const override;
OptionType type() const override { return kType; }
size_t size() const override { return kEncodedSize; }
uint16_t flush_timeout_;
// Unknown options that are not hints must be stored and sent in the Configuration Response.
// (Core Spec v5.1, Vol 3, Sec 4.5)
class UnknownOption final : public ConfigurationOptionInterface {
UnknownOption(OptionType type, uint8_t length, const ByteBuffer& data);
// Returns true if the unkown option is a hint and may be ignored/skipped. Returns false if
// the unknown option may not be ignored (the request containing this option must be
// refused).
bool IsHint() const;
const ByteBuffer& payload() const { return payload_; }
// ConfigurationOptionInterface overrides
DynamicByteBuffer Encode() const override;
// Only includes the type, since options can't be decoded.
std::string ToString() const override;
OptionType type() const override { return type_; }
size_t size() const override { return sizeof(ConfigurationOption) + payload_.size(); }
OptionType type_;
// Raw option payload buffer, since we can't parse it but we must create a response with it.
DynamicByteBuffer payload_;
// Update this configuration based on other configuration's options. Used for accumulating
// configuration options sent in a series of packets. Options that are already set in this
// configuration will be overwritten if they are set in |other|. Unknown options will be appended
// to the unknown options in this configuration.
void Merge(ChannelConfiguration other);
// Read encoded list of configuration options from |buffer| and update options accordingly.
// Returns true if all options decoded successfully.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadOptions(const ByteBuffer& options_payload);
// Convenience method that returns a vector containing only the options that have been set. Does
// not include unknown options.
ConfigurationOptions Options() const;
// Returns a user-friendly string representation. This is intended for debug messages
std::string ToString() const;
void set_mtu_option(std::optional<MtuOption> option) { mtu_option_ = std::move(option); }
void set_retransmission_flow_control_option(
std::optional<RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption> option) {
retransmission_flow_control_option_ = std::move(option);
void set_flush_timeout_option(std::optional<FlushTimeoutOption> option) {
flush_timeout_option_ = std::move(option);
// Returns MtuOption only if it has been previously read or set.
const std::optional<MtuOption>& mtu_option() const { return mtu_option_; }
// Returns RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption only if it has been previously read or set.
const std::optional<RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption>& retransmission_flow_control_option()
const {
return retransmission_flow_control_option_;
const std::optional<FlushTimeoutOption>& flush_timeout_option() const {
return flush_timeout_option_;
// Returns unknown options previously decoded by |ReadOptions|. Used for responding to peer with
// rejected options.
const std::vector<UnknownOption>& unknown_options() const { return unknown_options_; }
// Decoding callbacks
void OnReadMtuOption(MtuOption option) { mtu_option_ = option; }
void OnReadRetransmissionAndFlowControlOption(RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption option) {
retransmission_flow_control_option_ = option;
void OnReadFlushTimeoutOption(FlushTimeoutOption option) { flush_timeout_option_ = option; }
void OnReadUnknownOption(UnknownOption option);
// Returns number of bytes read. A return value of 0 indicates failure to read option.
size_t ReadNextOption(const ByteBuffer& options);
std::optional<MtuOption> mtu_option_;
std::optional<RetransmissionAndFlowControlOption> retransmission_flow_control_option_;
std::optional<FlushTimeoutOption> flush_timeout_option_;
std::vector<UnknownOption> unknown_options_;
}; // ChannelConfiguration
} // namespace internal
} // namespace l2cap
} // namespace bt