blob: 67f5bfa5465233129cce09d8c976af9aefc873e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/slab_allocator.h>
#include <memory>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/slab_allocator_traits.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/hci.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/hci_constants.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/packet.h"
// This file defines a fbl::SlabAllocator trait template that can be used to
// slab-allocate instances of hci::Packet. It's signature is as follows:
// template <typename HeaderType, size_t BufferSize, size_t NumBuffers>
// using PacketTraits = ...;
// The following defines a SlabAllocator that returns instances of
// Packet<MyHeader>. Each packet is configured to be backed by a 256 octet
// buffer and each slab can allocate 128 packets:
// my_packet.h:
// #include "packet.h"
// #include "slab_allocators.h"
// ...
// using MyPacket = hci::Packet<MyHeader>;
// using MyPacketTraits =
// hci::slab_allocators::PacketTraits<MyHeader, 256, 128>;
// ...
// DECLARE_STATIC_SLAB_ALLOCATOR_STORAGE(MyPacketTraits, my_max_num_slabs,
// true);
// ...
// #include "my_packet.h"
// std::unique_ptr<MyPacket> packet =
// fbl::SlabAllocator<MyPacketTraits>::New(my_payload_size);
// If the header type provided to PacketTraits would correspond to an explicit
// specialization of the Packet template, then the specialization MUST provide a
// default constructor that is visible to all of its subclasses.
namespace bt {
namespace hci {
namespace slab_allocators {
// Slab sizes for control (command/event) and ACL data packets used by the slab
// allocators. These are used by the CommandPacket, EventPacket, and
// ACLDataPacket classes.
// TODO(armansito): The slab sizes below are arbitrary; fine tune them based on
// usage.
constexpr size_t kMaxControlSlabSize = 65536; // 64K
constexpr size_t kMaxACLSlabSize = 65536; // 64K
constexpr size_t kMaxNumSlabs = 100;
// The largest possible control packet size.
constexpr size_t kLargeControlPayloadSize = kMaxCommandPacketPayloadSize;
constexpr size_t kLargeControlPacketSize = sizeof(CommandHeader) + kLargeControlPayloadSize;
constexpr size_t kNumLargeControlPackets = kMaxControlSlabSize / kLargeControlPacketSize;
// The average HCI control packet payload size. Most packets are under 16 bytes.
constexpr size_t kSmallControlPayloadSize = 16;
constexpr size_t kSmallControlPacketSize = sizeof(CommandHeader) + kSmallControlPayloadSize;
constexpr size_t kNumSmallControlPackets = kMaxControlSlabSize / kSmallControlPacketSize;
// Large, medium, and small buffer sizes for ACL data packets.
constexpr size_t kLargeACLDataPayloadSize = kMaxACLPayloadSize;
constexpr size_t kLargeACLDataPacketSize = sizeof(ACLDataHeader) + kLargeACLDataPayloadSize;
constexpr size_t kNumLargeACLDataPackets = kMaxACLSlabSize / kLargeACLDataPacketSize;
constexpr size_t kMediumACLDataPayloadSize = 256;
constexpr size_t kMediumACLDataPacketSize = sizeof(ACLDataHeader) + kMediumACLDataPayloadSize;
constexpr size_t kNumMediumACLDataPackets = kMaxACLSlabSize / kMediumACLDataPacketSize;
constexpr size_t kSmallACLDataPayloadSize = 64;
constexpr size_t kSmallACLDataPacketSize = sizeof(ACLDataHeader) + kSmallACLDataPayloadSize;
constexpr size_t kNumSmallACLDataPackets = kMaxACLSlabSize / kSmallACLDataPacketSize;
namespace internal {
// A FixedSizePacket provides fixed-size buffer storage for Packets and is the
// basis for a slab-allocated Packet.
template <typename HeaderType, size_t BufferSize>
class FixedSizePacket : public Packet<HeaderType> {
explicit FixedSizePacket(size_t payload_size = 0u) : Packet<HeaderType>() {
this->init_view(MutablePacketView<HeaderType>(&buffer_, payload_size));
~FixedSizePacket() override = default;
StaticByteBuffer<BufferSize> buffer_;
template <typename HeaderType, size_t BufferSize, size_t NumBuffers>
class SlabPacket;
} // namespace internal
template <typename HeaderType, size_t BufferSize, size_t NumBuffers>
using PacketTraits =
SlabAllocatorTraits<internal::SlabPacket<HeaderType, BufferSize, NumBuffers>,
sizeof(internal::FixedSizePacket<HeaderType, BufferSize>), NumBuffers>;
namespace internal {
template <typename HeaderType, size_t BufferSize, size_t NumBuffers>
class SlabPacket : public FixedSizePacket<HeaderType, BufferSize>,
public fbl::SlabAllocated<PacketTraits<HeaderType, BufferSize, NumBuffers>> {
explicit SlabPacket(size_t payload_size = 0u)
: FixedSizePacket<HeaderType, BufferSize>(payload_size) {}
} // namespace internal
} // namespace slab_allocators
} // namespace hci
} // namespace bt