blob: 76b1adaa1a5f2ef2f6d570d2aa8e3d345db69055 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/att/bearer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/att/database.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/uuid.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/gatt_defs.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace bt {
namespace att {
class Attribute;
class Database;
class PacketReader;
} // namespace att
namespace gatt {
// A GATT Server implements the server-role of the ATT protocol over a single
// ATT Bearer. A unique Server instance should exist for each logical link that
// supports GATT.
// A Server responds to incoming requests by querying the database that it
// is initialized with. Each Server shares an att::Bearer with a Client.
class Server final {
// |peer_id| is the unique system identifier for the peer device.
// |database| will be queried by the Server to resolve transactions.
// |bearer| is the ATT data bearer that this Server operates on.
Server(PeerId peer_id, fxl::RefPtr<att::Database> database, fxl::RefPtr<att::Bearer> bearer);
// Sends a Handle-Value notification or indication PDU with the given
// attribute handle. If |indicate| is true, then an indication will be sent.
// The underlying att::Bearer will disconnect the link if a confirmation is
// not received in a timely manner.
void SendNotification(att::Handle handle, const ByteBuffer& value, bool indicate);
// ATT protocol request handlers:
void OnExchangeMTU(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnFindInformation(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnReadByGroupType(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnReadByType(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnReadRequest(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnWriteRequest(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnWriteCommand(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnReadBlobRequest(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnFindByTypeValueRequest(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnPrepareWriteRequest(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
void OnExecuteWriteRequest(att::Bearer::TransactionId tid, const att::PacketReader& packet);
// Helper function to serve the Read By Type and Read By Group Type requests.
// This searches |db| for attributes with the given |type| and adds as many
// attributes as it can fit within the given |max_data_list_size|. The
// attribute value that should be included within each attribute data list
// entry is returned in |out_value_size|.
// If the result is a dynamic attribute, |out_results| will contain at most
// one entry. |out_value_size| will point to an undefined value in that case.
// Returns att::ErrorCode::kNoError on success. On error, returns an error
// code that can be used in a ATT Error Response.
att::ErrorCode ReadByTypeHelper(att::Handle start, att::Handle end, const UUID& type,
bool group_type, size_t max_data_list_size, size_t max_value_size,
size_t entry_prefix_size, size_t* out_value_size,
std::list<const att::Attribute*>* out_results);
PeerId peer_id_;
fxl::RefPtr<att::Database> db_;
fxl::RefPtr<att::Bearer> att_;
// The queue data structure used for queued writes (see Vol 3, Part F, 3.4.6).
att::PrepareWriteQueue prepare_queue_;
// ATT protocol request handler IDs
// TODO(armansito): Storing all these IDs here feels wasteful. Provide a way
// to unregister GATT server callbacks collectively from an att::Bearer, given
// that it's server-role functionalities are uniquely handled by this class.
att::Bearer::HandlerId exchange_mtu_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId find_information_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId read_by_group_type_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId read_by_type_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId read_req_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId write_req_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId write_cmd_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId read_blob_req_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId find_by_type_value_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId prepare_write_id_;
att::Bearer::HandlerId exec_write_id_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<Server> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace gatt
} // namespace bt