blob: 6572f448827a74992f42eee426c7eb14766305e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/att/attribute.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/att/database.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/types.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
namespace bt {
namespace gatt {
// Called to read the value of a dynamic characteristic or characteristic
// descriptor.
// - |service_id|: Identifies the service that the object belongs to.
// - |id|: Identifies the object to be read. This is a user assigned
// identifier provided while registering the service.
// - |offset|: The offset into the value that is being read.
// - |responder|: Should be called to respond to the read request with a
// characteristic or descriptor value, or an ATT error code.
using ReadResponder = att::Attribute::ReadResultCallback;
using ReadHandler =
fit::function<void(IdType service_id, IdType id, uint16_t offset, ReadResponder responder)>;
// Called to write the value of a dynamic characteristic or characteristic
// descriptor.
// - |service_id|: Identifies the service that the object belongs to.
// - |id|: Identifies the object to be written. This is a user assigned
// identifier provided while registering the service.
// - |offset|: The offset into the value that is being written.
// - |responder|: Should be called to respond to the write request with
// success or an ATT error code. This can be a null callback
// if the client has initiated a "Write Without Response"
// procedure, in which case a response is not required.
using WriteResponder = att::Attribute::WriteResultCallback;
using WriteHandler = fit::function<void(IdType service_id, IdType id, uint16_t offset,
const ByteBuffer& value, WriteResponder responder)>;
// Called when the peer device with the given |peer_id| has enabled or disabled
// notifications/indications on the characteristic with id |chrc_id|.
using ClientConfigCallback = fit::function<void(IdType service_id, IdType chrc_id, PeerId peer_id,
bool notify, bool indicate)>;
// Called with the ID and range of attributes handles spanned (inclusive) by a
// service that was added or removed.
using ServiceChangedCallback =
fit::function<void(IdType service_id, att::Handle start, att::Handle end)>;
// LocalServiceManager allows clients to implement GATT services. This
// internally maintains an attribute database and provides hooks for clients to
// respond to read and write requests, send notifications/indications,
// add/remove services, etc.
class LocalServiceManager final {
// Registers the GATT service hierarchy represented by |service| with the
// local attribute database. Once successfully registered, the service will be
// available for discovery and other ATT protocol requests.
// This method returns an opaque identifier on successful registration, which
// can be used by the caller to refer to the service in the future.
// Returns |kInvalidId| on failure. Registration can fail if the attribute
// database has run out of handles or if the hierarchy contains
// characteristics or descriptors with repeated IDs. Objects under |service|
// must have unique identifiers to aid in value request handling.
IdType RegisterService(ServicePtr service, ReadHandler read_handler, WriteHandler write_handler,
ClientConfigCallback ccc_callback);
// Unregisters the GATT service hierarchy identified by |service_id|. Returns
// false if |service_id| is unrecognized.
bool UnregisterService(IdType service_id);
// Returns the client characteristic configuration for the given |peer_id| and
// the characteristic identified by |service_id| and |chrc_id|. Returns false
// if |service_id| is unknown or no configurations exist for |chrc_id|.
struct ClientCharacteristicConfig {
att::Handle handle;
bool notify;
bool indicate;
bool GetCharacteristicConfig(IdType service_id, IdType chrc_id, PeerId peer_id,
ClientCharacteristicConfig* out_config);
// Erase any client characteristic configuration associated to a specific
// client and invoke its ClientConfigCallback to signal that notifications and
// indications are now disabled.
void DisconnectClient(PeerId peer_id);
void set_service_changed_callback(ServiceChangedCallback callback) {
service_changed_callback_ = std::move(callback);
fxl::RefPtr<att::Database> database() const { return db_; }
class ServiceData;
fxl::RefPtr<att::Database> db_;
IdType next_service_id_;
// Mapping from service instance ids to ServiceData.
std::unordered_map<IdType, std::unique_ptr<ServiceData>> services_;
ServiceChangedCallback service_changed_callback_;
} // namespace gatt
} // namespace bt