blob: a6ed094501ccad6765223d58d47a178a34102fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "client.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/test_helpers.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/fake_channel_test.h"
namespace bt {
namespace gatt {
namespace {
constexpr UUID kTestUuid1((uint16_t)0xDEAD);
constexpr UUID kTestUuid2((uint16_t)0xBEEF);
constexpr UUID kTestUuid3({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15});
// clang-format off
const auto kDiscoverAllPrimaryRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x10, // opcode: read by group type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x00, 0x28 // type: primary service (0x2800)
const auto kDiscoverAllPrimary16ByUUID = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x06, // opcode: find by type value request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x00, 0x28, // type: primary service (0x2800)
0xAD, 0xDE // UUID
const auto kDiscoverAllPrimary128ByUUID = CreateStaticByteBuffer(
0x06, // opcode: find by type value request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x00, 0x28, // type: primary service (0x2800)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 // UUID
// clang-format on
void NopSvcCallback(const gatt::ServiceData&) {}
void NopChrcCallback(const gatt::CharacteristicData&) {}
void NopDescCallback(const gatt::DescriptorData&) {}
class GATT_ClientTest : public l2cap::testing::FakeChannelTest {
GATT_ClientTest() = default;
~GATT_ClientTest() override = default;
void SetUp() override {
ChannelOptions options(l2cap::kATTChannelId);
fake_chan_ = CreateFakeChannel(options);
att_ = att::Bearer::Create(fake_chan_);
client_ = Client::Create(att_);
void TearDown() override {
client_ = nullptr;
att_ = nullptr;
// |out_status| must remain valid.
void SendDiscoverDescriptors(att::Status* out_status, Client::DescriptorCallback desc_callback,
att::Handle range_start = 0x0001, att::Handle range_end = 0xFFFF) {
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [=, desc_callback = std::move(desc_callback)]() mutable {
client()->DiscoverDescriptors(range_start, range_end, std::move(desc_callback),
[out_status](att::Status val) { *out_status = val; });
// Blocks until the fake channel receives a Find Information request with the
// given handles
bool ExpectFindInformation(att::Handle range_start = 0x0001, att::Handle range_end = 0xFFFF) {
return Expect(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x04, // opcode
UpperBits(range_start), // start handle
LowerBits(range_end), UpperBits(range_end) // end hanle
att::Bearer* att() const { return att_.get(); }
Client* client() const { return client_.get(); }
l2cap::testing::FakeChannel* fake_chan() const { return fake_chan_.get(); }
fbl::RefPtr<l2cap::testing::FakeChannel> fake_chan_;
fxl::RefPtr<att::Bearer> att_;
std::unique_ptr<Client> client_;
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExchangeMTUMalformedResponse) {
constexpr uint16_t kPreferredMTU = 100;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x02, // opcode: exchange MTU
kPreferredMTU, 0x00 // client rx mtu: kPreferredMTU
// Initialize to a non-zero value.
uint16_t final_mtu = kPreferredMTU;
att::Status status;
auto mtu_cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, uint16_t val) {
final_mtu = val;
status = cb_status;
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, mtu_cb] { client()->ExchangeMTU(mtu_cb); });
// Respond back with a malformed PDU. This should cause a link error and the
// MTU request should fail.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x03, // opcode: exchange MTU response
30 // server rx mtu is one octet too short
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
EXPECT_EQ(0, final_mtu);
// Tests that the ATT "Request Not Supported" error results in the default MTU.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExchangeMTUErrorNotSupported) {
constexpr uint16_t kPreferredMTU = 100;
constexpr uint16_t kInitialMTU = 50;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x02, // opcode: exchange MTU
kPreferredMTU, 0x00 // client rx mtu: kPreferredMTU
uint16_t final_mtu = 0;
att::Status status;
auto mtu_cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, uint16_t val) {
final_mtu = val;
status = cb_status;
// Set the initial MTU to something other than the default LE MTU since we
// want to confirm that the MTU changes to the default.
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, mtu_cb] { client()->ExchangeMTU(mtu_cb); });
// Respond with "Request Not Supported". This will cause us to switch to the
// default MTU.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x02, // request: exchange MTU
0x00, 0x00, // handle: 0
0x06 // error: Request Not Supported
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kRequestNotSupported, status.protocol_error());
EXPECT_EQ(att::kLEMinMTU, final_mtu);
EXPECT_EQ(att::kLEMinMTU, att()->mtu());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExchangeMTUErrorOther) {
constexpr uint16_t kPreferredMTU = 100;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x02, // opcode: exchange MTU
kPreferredMTU, 0x00 // client rx mtu: kPreferredMTU
uint16_t final_mtu = kPreferredMTU;
att::Status status;
auto mtu_cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, uint16_t val) {
final_mtu = val;
status = cb_status;
EXPECT_EQ(att::kLEMinMTU, att()->mtu());
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, mtu_cb] { client()->ExchangeMTU(mtu_cb); });
// Respond with an error. The MTU should remain unchanged.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x02, // request: exchange MTU
0x00, 0x00, // handle: 0
0x0E // error: Unlikely Error
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kUnlikelyError, status.protocol_error());
EXPECT_EQ(0, final_mtu);
EXPECT_EQ(att::kLEMinMTU, att()->mtu());
// Tests that the client rx MTU is selected when smaller.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExchangeMTUSelectLocal) {
constexpr uint16_t kPreferredMTU = 100;
constexpr uint16_t kServerRxMTU = kPreferredMTU + 1;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x02, // opcode: exchange MTU
kPreferredMTU, 0x00 // client rx mtu: kPreferredMTU
uint16_t final_mtu = 0;
att::Status status;
auto mtu_cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, uint16_t val) {
final_mtu = val;
status = cb_status;
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, mtu_cb] { client()->ExchangeMTU(mtu_cb); });
ASSERT_EQ(att::kLEMinMTU, att()->mtu());
// Respond with an error. The MTU should remain unchanged.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x03, // opcode: exchange MTU response
kServerRxMTU, 0x00 // server rx mtu
EXPECT_EQ(kPreferredMTU, final_mtu);
EXPECT_EQ(kPreferredMTU, att()->mtu());
// Tests that the server rx MTU is selected when smaller.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExchangeMTUSelectRemote) {
constexpr uint16_t kPreferredMTU = 100;
constexpr uint16_t kServerRxMTU = kPreferredMTU - 1;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x02, // opcode: exchange MTU
kPreferredMTU, 0x00 // client rx mtu: kPreferredMTU
uint16_t final_mtu = 0;
att::Status status;
auto mtu_cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, uint16_t val) {
final_mtu = val;
status = cb_status;
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, mtu_cb] { client()->ExchangeMTU(mtu_cb); });
ASSERT_EQ(att::kLEMinMTU, att()->mtu());
// Respond with an error. The MTU should remain unchanged.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x03, // opcode: exchange MTU response
kServerRxMTU, 0x00 // server rx mtu
EXPECT_EQ(kServerRxMTU, final_mtu);
EXPECT_EQ(kServerRxMTU, att()->mtu());
// Tests that the default MTU is selected when one of the MTUs is too small.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExchangeMTUSelectDefault) {
constexpr uint16_t kPreferredMTU = 100;
constexpr uint16_t kServerRxMTU = 5; // Smaller than the LE default MTU
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x02, // opcode: exchange MTU
kPreferredMTU, 0x00 // client rx mtu: kPreferredMTU
uint16_t final_mtu = 0;
att::Status status;
auto mtu_cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, uint16_t val) {
final_mtu = val;
status = cb_status;
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, mtu_cb] { client()->ExchangeMTU(mtu_cb); });
ASSERT_EQ(att::kLEMinMTU, att()->mtu());
// Respond with an error. The MTU should remain unchanged.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x03, // opcode: exchange MTU response
kServerRxMTU, 0x00 // server rx mtu
EXPECT_EQ(att::kLEMinMTU, final_mtu);
EXPECT_EQ(att::kLEMinMTU, att()->mtu());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryResponseTooShort) {
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(NopSvcCallback, res_cb); });
// Respond back with a malformed payload.
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryMalformedDataLength) {
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(NopSvcCallback, res_cb); });
// Respond back with an unexpected data length. This is 6 for services with a
// 16-bit UUID (start (2) + end (2) + uuid (2)) and 20 for 128-bit
// (start (2) + end (2) + uuid (16)).
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x11, // opcode: read by group type response
7, // data length: 7 (not 6 or 20)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6 // one entry of length 7, which will be ignored
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryMalformedAttrDataList) {
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(NopSvcCallback, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x11, // opcode: read by group type response
6, // data length: 6 (16-bit UUIDs)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, // entry 1: correct size
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 // entry 2: incorrect size
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
// Tests that we handle an empty attribute data list. In practice, the
// server would send an "Attribute Not Found" error instead but our stack treats
// an empty data list as not an error.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryEmptyDataList) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(NopSvcCallback, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x11, // opcode: read by group type response
6 // data length: 6 (16-bit UUIDs)
// data list is empty
// The first request results in "Attribute Not Found".
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryAttributeNotFound) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(NopSvcCallback, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x10, // request: read by group type
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x0A // error: Attribute Not Found
// The procedure succeeds with no services.
// The first request results in an error.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryError) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(NopSvcCallback, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x10, // request: read by group type
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x06 // error: Request Not Supported
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kRequestNotSupported, status.protocol_error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryMalformedServiceRange) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[this, res_cb] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(NopSvcCallback, res_cb); });
// Return a service where start > end.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x11, // opcode: read by group type response
0x06, // data length: 6 (16-bit UUIDs)
0x02, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0002
0x01, 0x00 // svc 1 end: 0x0001
// The procedure should be over since the last service in the payload has
// end handle 0xFFFF.
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimary16BitResultsSingleRequest) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<ServiceData> services;
auto svc_cb = [&services](const ServiceData& svc) { services.push_back(svc); };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[this, svc_cb, res_cb] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(svc_cb, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x11, // opcode: read by group type response
0x06, // data length: 6 (16-bit UUIDs)
0x01, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0001
0x05, 0x00, // svc 1 end: 0x0005
0xAD, 0xDE, // svc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
0x06, 0x00, // svc 2 start: 0x0006
0xFF, 0xFF, // svc 2 end: 0xFFFF
0xEF, 0xBE // svc 2 uuid: 0xBEEF
// The procedure should be over since the last service in the payload has
// end handle 0xFFFF.
EXPECT_EQ(2u, services.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, services[0].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0005, services[0].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid1, services[0].type);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0006, services[1].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFFF, services[1].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid2, services[1].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimary128BitResultSingleRequest) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<ServiceData> services;
auto svc_cb = [&services](const ServiceData& svc) { services.push_back(svc); };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[this, svc_cb, res_cb] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(svc_cb, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x11, // opcode: read by group type response
0x14, // data length: 20 (128-bit UUIDs)
0x01, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0008
0xFF, 0xFF, // svc 1 end: 0xFFFF
// UUID matches |kTestUuid3| declared above.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
// The procedure should be over since the last service in the payload has
// end handle 0xFFFF.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, services.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, services[0].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFFF, services[0].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid3, services[0].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryMultipleRequests) {
const auto kExpectedRequest1 =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x10, // opcode: read by group type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x00, 0x28 // type: primary service (0x2800)
const auto kExpectedRequest2 =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x10, // opcode: read by group type request
0x08, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0008
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x00, 0x28 // type: primary service (0x2800)
const auto kExpectedRequest3 =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x10, // opcode: read by group type request
0x0A, 0x00, // start handle: 0x000A
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x00, 0x28 // type: primary service (0x2800)
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<ServiceData> services;
auto svc_cb = [&services](const ServiceData& svc) { services.push_back(svc); };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
[this, svc_cb, res_cb] { client()->DiscoverPrimaryServices(svc_cb, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x11, // opcode: read by group type response
0x06, // data length: 6 (16-bit UUIDs)
0x01, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0001
0x05, 0x00, // svc 1 end: 0x0005
0xAD, 0xDE, // svc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
0x06, 0x00, // svc 2 start: 0x0006
0x07, 0x00, // svc 2 end: 0x0007
0xEF, 0xBE // svc 2 uuid: 0xBEEF
// The client should follow up with a second request following the last end
// handle.
// Respond with one 128-bit service UUID.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x11, // opcode: read by group type response
0x14, // data length: 20 (128-bit UUIDs)
0x08, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0008
0x09, 0x00, // svc 1 end: 0x0009
// UUID matches |kTestUuid3| declared above.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
// The client should follow up with a third request following the last end
// handle.
// Terminate the procedure with an error response.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x10, // request: read by group type
0x0A, 0x00, // handle: 0x000A
0x0A // error: Attribute Not Found
// The procedure should be over since the last service in the payload has
// end handle 0xFFFF.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, services.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, services[0].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0005, services[0].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid1, services[0].type);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0006, services[1].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0007, services[1].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid2, services[1].type);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0008, services[2].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0009, services[2].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid3, services[2].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryByUUIDByResponseTooShort) {
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID(NopSvcCallback, res_cb, kTestUuid1);
// Respond back with a malformed payload.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x7, 0x0));
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
// Tests that we handle an empty handle information list properly. In practice, the
// server would send an "Attribute Not Found" error instead. A handle list that is
// empty is an error.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryByUUIDEmptyDataList) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID(NopSvcCallback, res_cb, kTestUuid1);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x07 // opcode: find by value type response
// data list is empty
// The first request results in "Attribute Not Found".
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryByUUIDAttributeNotFound) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID(NopSvcCallback, res_cb, kTestUuid1);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x06, // request: find by type value
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x0A // error: Attribute Not Found
// The procedure succeeds with no services.
// The first request results in an error.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryByUUIDError) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID(NopSvcCallback, res_cb, kTestUuid1);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x06, // request: find by type value
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x06 // error: Request Not Supported
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kRequestNotSupported, status.protocol_error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryByUUIDMalformedServiceRange) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, res_cb] {
client()->DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID(NopSvcCallback, res_cb, kTestUuid1);
// Return a service where start > end.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x07, // opcode: find by type value response
0x02, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0002
0x01, 0x00 // svc 1 end: 0x0001
// The procedure should be over since the last service in the payload has
// end handle 0xFFFF.
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryByUUID16BitResultsSingleRequest) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<ServiceData> services;
auto svc_cb = [&services](const ServiceData& svc) { services.push_back(svc); };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, svc_cb, res_cb] {
client()->DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID(svc_cb, res_cb, kTestUuid1);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x07, // opcode: find by type value response
0x01, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0001
0x05, 0x00, // svc 1 end: 0x0005
0x06, 0x00, // svc 2 start: 0x0006
0xFF, 0xFF // svc 2 end: 0xFFFF
// The procedure should be over since the last service in the payload has
// end handle 0xFFFF.
EXPECT_EQ(2u, services.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, services[0].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0005, services[0].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid1, services[0].type);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0006, services[1].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFFF, services[1].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid1, services[1].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryByUUID128BitResultSingleRequest) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<ServiceData> services;
auto svc_cb = [&services](const ServiceData& svc) { services.push_back(svc); };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, svc_cb, res_cb] {
client()->DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID(svc_cb, res_cb, kTestUuid3);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x07, // opcode: find by type value response
0x01, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0008
0xFF, 0xFF // svc 1 end: 0xFFFF
// The procedure should be over since the last service in the payload has
// end handle 0xFFFF.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, services.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, services[0].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0xFFFF, services[0].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid3, services[0].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DiscoverAllPrimaryByUUIDMultipleRequests) {
const auto kExpectedRequest1 =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x06, // opcode: find by type value request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x00, 0x28, // type: primary service (0x2800)
0xAD, 0xDE // svc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
const auto kExpectedRequest2 =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x06, // opcode: find by type value request
0x08, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0008
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x00, 0x28, // type: primary service (0x2800)
0xAD, 0xDE // svc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
const auto kExpectedRequest3 =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x06, // opcode: find by type value request
0x0A, 0x00, // start handle: 0x000A
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x00, 0x28, // type: primary service (0x2800)
0xAD, 0xDE // svc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<ServiceData> services;
auto svc_cb = [&services](const ServiceData& svc) { services.push_back(svc); };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, svc_cb, res_cb] {
client()->DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID(svc_cb, res_cb, kTestUuid1);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x07, // opcode: find by type value response
0x01, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0001
0x05, 0x00, // svc 1 end: 0x0005
0x06, 0x00, // svc 2 start: 0x0006
0x07, 0x00 // svc 2 end: 0x0007
// The client should follow up with a second request following the last end
// handle.
// Respond with one 128-bit service UUID.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x07, // opcode: find by type value response
0x08, 0x00, // svc 1 start: 0x0008
0x09, 0x00 // svc 1 end: 0x0009
// The client should follow up with a third request following the last end
// handle.
// Terminate the procedure with an error response.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x06, // request: find by type value
0x0A, 0x00, // handle: 0x000A
0x0A // error: Attribute Not Found
// The procedure should be over since the last service in the payload has
// end handle 0xFFFF.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, services.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, services[0].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0005, services[0].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid1, services[0].type);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0006, services[1].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0007, services[1].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid1, services[1].type);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0008, services[2].range_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0009, services[2].range_end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid1, services[2].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryHandlesEqual) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0001;
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed); // Initialize as error
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Should succeed immediately.
client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, NopChrcCallback, res_cb);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryResponseTooShort) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, NopChrcCallback, res_cb);
// Respond back with a malformed payload.
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryMalformedDataLength) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, NopChrcCallback, res_cb);
// Respond back with an unexpected data length. This is 7 for characteristics
// with a 16-bit UUID (handle (2) + props (1) + value handle (2) + uuid (2))
// and 21 for 128-bit (handle (2) + props (1) + value handle (2) + uuid (16)).
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
8, // data length: 8 (not 7 or 21)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7 // one entry of length 8, which will be ignored
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryMalformedAttrDataList) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, NopChrcCallback, res_cb);
// Respond back with an unexpected data length. This is 7 for characteristics
// with a 16-bit UUID (handle (2) + props (1) + value handle (2) + uuid (2))
// and 21 for 128-bit (handle (2) + props (1) + value handle (2) + uuid (16)).
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
7, // data length: 7 (16-bit UUIDs)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, // entry 1: correct size
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 // entry 2: incorrect size
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryEmptyDataList) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, NopChrcCallback, res_cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
7 // data length: 7 (16-bit UUIDs)
// data list empty
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryAttributeNotFound) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, NopChrcCallback, res_cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x08, // request: read by type
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x0A // error: Attribute Not Found
// Attribute Not Found error means the procedure is over.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryError) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, NopChrcCallback, res_cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x08, // request: read by type
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x06 // error: Request Not Supported
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kRequestNotSupported, status.protocol_error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscovery16BitResultsSingleRequest) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0005;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0x05, 0x00, // end handle: 0x0005
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<CharacteristicData> chrcs;
auto chrc_cb = [&chrcs](const CharacteristicData& chrc) { chrcs.push_back(chrc); };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, chrc_cb, res_cb); });
0x09, // opcode: read by type response
0x07, // data length: 7 (16-bit UUIDs)
0x03, 0x00, // chrc 1 handle
0x00, // chrc 1 properties
0x04, 0x00, // chrc 1 value handle
0xAD, 0xDE, // chrc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
0x05, 0x00, // chrc 2 handle (0x0005 is the end of the requested range)
0x01, // chrc 2 properties
0x06, 0x00, // chrc 2 value handle
0xEF, 0xBE // chrc 2 uuid: 0xBEEF
ASSERT_EQ(2u, chrcs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0003, chrcs[0].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0, chrcs[0].properties);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0004, chrcs[0].value_handle);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid1, chrcs[0].type);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0005, chrcs[1].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(1, chrcs[1].properties);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0006, chrcs[1].value_handle);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid2, chrcs[1].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscovery128BitResultsSingleRequest) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0005;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0x05, 0x00, // end handle: 0x0005
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<CharacteristicData> chrcs;
auto chrc_cb = [&chrcs](const CharacteristicData& chrc) { chrcs.push_back(chrc); };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, chrc_cb, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
0x15, // data length: 21 (128-bit UUIDs)
0x05, 0x00, // chrc handle
0x00, // chrc properties
0x06, 0x00, // chrc value handle
// UUID matches |kTestUuid3| declared above.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
EXPECT_EQ(1u, chrcs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0005, chrcs[0].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0, chrcs[0].properties);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0006, chrcs[0].value_handle);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid3, chrcs[0].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryMultipleRequests) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest1 =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x01, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0001
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
const auto kExpectedRequest2 =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x06, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0006
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
const auto kExpectedRequest3 =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x08, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0008
0xFF, 0xFF, // end handle: 0xFFFF
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<CharacteristicData> chrcs;
auto chrc_cb = [&chrcs](const CharacteristicData& chrc) { chrcs.push_back(chrc); };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, chrc_cb, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
0x07, // data length: 7 (16-bit UUIDs)
0x03, 0x00, // chrc 1 handle
0x00, // chrc 1 properties
0x04, 0x00, // chrc 1 value handle
0xAD, 0xDE, // chrc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
0x05, 0x00, // chrc 2 handle
0x01, // chrc 2 properties
0x06, 0x00, // chrc 2 value handle
0xEF, 0xBE // chrc 2 uuid: 0xBEEF
// The client should follow up with a second request following the last
// characteristic declaration handle.
// Respond with one characteristic with a 128-bit UUID
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
0x15, // data length: 21 (128-bit UUIDs)
0x07, 0x00, // chrc handle
0x00, // chrc properties
0x08, 0x00, // chrc value handle
// UUID matches |kTestUuid3| declared above.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
// The client should follow up with a third request following the last
// characteristic declaration handle.
// Terminate the procedure with an error response.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x08, // request: read by type
0x0A, 0x00, // handle: 0x000A
0x0A // error: Attribute Not Found
EXPECT_EQ(3u, chrcs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0003, chrcs[0].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0, chrcs[0].properties);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0004, chrcs[0].value_handle);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid1, chrcs[0].type);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0005, chrcs[1].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(1, chrcs[1].properties);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0006, chrcs[1].value_handle);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid2, chrcs[1].type);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0007, chrcs[2].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0, chrcs[2].properties);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0008, chrcs[2].value_handle);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestUuid3, chrcs[2].type);
// Expects the discovery procedure to end with an error if a batch contains
// results that are from before requested range.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryResultsBeforeRange) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0002;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0005;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x02, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0002
0x05, 0x00, // end handle: 0x0005
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<CharacteristicData> chrcs;
auto chrc_cb = [&chrcs](const CharacteristicData& chrc) { chrcs.push_back(chrc); };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, chrc_cb, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
0x07, // data length: 7 (16-bit UUIDs)
0x00, // chrc 1 handle (handle is before the range)
0x00, // chrc 1 properties
0x02, 0x00, // chrc 1 value handle
0xAD, 0xDE // chrc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
// Expects the discovery procedure to end with an error if a batch contains
// results that are from beyond the requested range.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryResultsBeyondRange) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0002;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0005;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x02, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0002
0x05, 0x00, // end handle: 0x0005
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<CharacteristicData> chrcs;
auto chrc_cb = [&chrcs](const CharacteristicData& chrc) { chrcs.push_back(chrc); };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, chrc_cb, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
0x07, // data length: 7 (16-bit UUIDs)
0x00, // chrc 1 handle (handle is beyond the range)
0x00, // chrc 1 properties
0x07, 0x00, // chrc 1 value handle
0xAD, 0xDE // chrc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
// Expects the characteristic value handle to immediately follow the
// declaration as specified in Vol 3, Part G, 3.3.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryValueNotContiguous) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0002;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0005;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x02, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0002
0x05, 0x00, // end handle: 0x0005
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<CharacteristicData> chrcs;
auto chrc_cb = [&chrcs](const CharacteristicData& chrc) { chrcs.push_back(chrc); };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, chrc_cb, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
0x07, // data length: 7 (16-bit UUIDs)
0x02, 0x00, // chrc 1 handle
0x00, // chrc 1 properties
0x04, 0x00, // chrc 1 value handle (not immediate)
0xAD, 0xDE // chrc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, CharacteristicDiscoveryHandlesNotIncreasing) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0002;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0005;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x08, // opcode: read by type request
0x02, 0x00, // start handle: 0x0002
0x05, 0x00, // end handle: 0x0005
0x03, 0x28 // type: characteristic decl. (0x2803)
att::Status status;
auto res_cb = [&status](att::Status val) { status = val; };
std::vector<CharacteristicData> chrcs;
auto chrc_cb = [&chrcs](const CharacteristicData& chrc) { chrcs.push_back(chrc); };
// Initiate the request on the message loop since Expect() below blocks.
[&, this] { client()->DiscoverCharacteristics(kStart, kEnd, chrc_cb, res_cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x09, // opcode: read by type response
0x07, // data length: 7 (16-bit UUIDs)
0x02, 0x00, // chrc 1 handle
0x00, // chrc 1 properties
0x03, 0x00, // chrc 1 value handle
0xAD, 0xDE, // chrc 1 uuid: 0xDEAD
0x02, 0x00, // chrc 1 handle (repeated)
0x00, // chrc 1 properties
0x03, 0x00, // chrc 1 value handle
0xEF, 0xBE // chrc 1 uuid: 0xBEEF
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
// The first characteristic should be reported.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, chrcs.size());
// Equal handles should result should not short-circuit and result in a request.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryHandlesEqual) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0001;
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed); // Initialize as error
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback, kStart, kEnd);
EXPECT_TRUE(ExpectFindInformation(kStart, kEnd));
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryResponseTooShort) {
att::Status status;
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback);
// Respond back with a malformed payload.
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryMalformedDataLength) {
att::Status status;
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x03 // format (must be 1 or 2)
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryMalformedAttrDataList16) {
att::Status status;
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x01, // format: 16-bit. Data length must be 4
1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryMalformedAttrDataList128) {
att::Status status;
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x02, // format: 128-bit. Data length must be 18
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryEmptyDataList) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x01 // format: 16-bit.
// data list empty
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryAttributeNotFound) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x04, // request: find information
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x0A // error: Attribute Not Found
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryError) {
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x04, // request: find information
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x06 // error: Request Not Supported
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kRequestNotSupported, status.protocol_error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscovery16BitResultsSingleRequest) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0003;
std::vector<DescriptorData> descrs;
auto desc_cb = [&descrs](const DescriptorData& desc) { descrs.push_back(desc); };
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, std::move(desc_cb), kStart, kEnd);
ASSERT_TRUE(ExpectFindInformation(kStart, kEnd));
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x01, // format: 16-bit. Data length must be 4
0x01, 0x00, // desc 1 handle
0xEF, 0xBE, // desc 1 uuid
0x02, 0x00, // desc 2 handle
0xAD, 0xDE, // desc 2 uuid
0x03, 0x00, // desc 3 handle
0xFE, 0xFE // desc 3 uuid
ASSERT_EQ(3u, descrs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, descrs[0].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0002, descrs[1].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0003, descrs[2].handle);
EXPECT_EQ((uint16_t)0xBEEF, descrs[0].type);
EXPECT_EQ((uint16_t)0xDEAD, descrs[1].type);
EXPECT_EQ((uint16_t)0xFEFE, descrs[2].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscovery128BitResultsSingleRequest) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0002;
std::vector<DescriptorData> descrs;
auto desc_cb = [&descrs](const DescriptorData& desc) { descrs.push_back(desc); };
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, std::move(desc_cb), kStart, kEnd);
ASSERT_TRUE(ExpectFindInformation(kStart, kEnd));
0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x02, // format: 128-bit. Data length must be 18
0x01, 0x00, // desc 1 handle
0xFB, 0x34, 0x9B, 0x5F, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEF, 0xBE, 0x00,
0x00, // desc 1 uuid
0x02, 0x00, // desc 2 handle
0xFB, 0x34, 0x9B, 0x5F, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0xAD, 0xDE, 0x00,
0x00 // desc 2 uuid
ASSERT_EQ(2u, descrs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, descrs[0].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0002, descrs[1].handle);
EXPECT_EQ((uint16_t)0xBEEF, descrs[0].type);
EXPECT_EQ((uint16_t)0xDEAD, descrs[1].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryMultipleRequests) {
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0005;
constexpr att::Handle kStart1 = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kStart2 = 0x0003;
constexpr att::Handle kStart3 = 0x0004;
std::vector<DescriptorData> descrs;
auto desc_cb = [&descrs](const DescriptorData& desc) { descrs.push_back(desc); };
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, std::move(desc_cb), kStart1, kEnd);
// Batch 1
ASSERT_TRUE(ExpectFindInformation(kStart1, kEnd));
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x01, // format: 16-bit. Data length must be 4
0x01, 0x00, // desc 1 handle
0xEF, 0xBE, // desc 1 uuid
0x02, 0x00, // desc 2 handle
0xAD, 0xDE // desc 2 uuid
// Batch 2
ASSERT_TRUE(ExpectFindInformation(kStart2, kEnd));
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x02, // format: 128-bit. Data length must be 18
0x03, 0x00, // desc 3 handle
0xFB, 0x34, 0x9B, 0x5F, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00,
0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0x00,
0x00 // desc 3 uuid
// Batch 3
ASSERT_TRUE(ExpectFindInformation(kStart3, kEnd));
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x08, // request: read by type
0x04, 0x00, // handle: kStart3 (0x0004)
0x0A // error: Attribute Not Found
ASSERT_EQ(3u, descrs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0x0001, descrs[0].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0002, descrs[1].handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0x0003, descrs[2].handle);
EXPECT_EQ((uint16_t)0xBEEF, descrs[0].type);
EXPECT_EQ((uint16_t)0xDEAD, descrs[1].type);
EXPECT_EQ((uint16_t)0xFEFE, descrs[2].type);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryResultsBeforeRange) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0002;
att::Status status;
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback, kStart);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x01, // format: 16-bit.
0x01, 0x00, // handle is before the range
0xEF, 0xBE // uuid
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryResultsBeyondRange) {
constexpr att::Handle kStart = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEnd = 0x0002;
att::Status status;
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback, kStart, kEnd);
ASSERT_TRUE(ExpectFindInformation(kStart, kEnd));
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x01, // format: 16-bit.
0x03, 0x00, // handle is beyond the range
0xEF, 0xBE // uuid
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, DescriptorDiscoveryHandlesNotIncreasing) {
att::Status status;
SendDiscoverDescriptors(&status, NopDescCallback);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x05, // opcode: find information response
0x01, // format: 16-bit.
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0xEF, 0xBE, // uuid
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001 (repeats)
0xAD, 0xDE // uuid
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, WriteRequestMalformedResponse) {
const auto kValue = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x12, // opcode: write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request in a message loop task, as Expect() below blocks on
// the message loop.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->WriteRequest(kHandle, kValue, cb); });
// Respond back with a malformed PDU. This should result in a link error.
0x013, // opcode: write response
0 // One byte payload. The write request has no parameters.
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, WriteRequestExceedsMtu) {
const auto kValue = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 0x0001;
constexpr size_t kMtu = 5;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x12, // opcode: write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
ASSERT_EQ(kMtu + 1, kExpectedRequest.size());
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
client()->WriteRequest(kHandle, kValue, cb);
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, WriteRequestError) {
const auto kValue = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x12, // opcode: write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->WriteRequest(kHandle, kValue, cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x12, // request: write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x06 // error: Request Not Supported
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kRequestNotSupported, status.protocol_error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, WriteRequestSuccess) {
const auto kValue = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x12, // opcode: write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->WriteRequest(kHandle, kValue, cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x13 // opcode: write response
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, PrepareWriteRequestExceedsMtu) {
const auto kValue = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 0x0001;
constexpr auto kOffset = 0;
constexpr size_t kMtu = 7;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
ASSERT_EQ(kMtu + 1, kExpectedRequest.size());
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status, const ByteBuffer& value) { status = cb_status; };
client()->PrepareWriteRequest(kHandle, kOffset, kValue, cb);
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, PrepareWriteRequestError) {
const auto kValue = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 5;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x05, 0x00, // offset: 0x0005
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status, const ByteBuffer& value) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
[&, this] { client()->PrepareWriteRequest(kHandle, kOffset, kValue, cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x16, // request: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x06 // error: Request Not Supported
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kRequestNotSupported, status.protocol_error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, PrepareWriteRequestSuccess) {
const auto kValue = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status, const ByteBuffer& value) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
[&, this] { client()->PrepareWriteRequest(kHandle, kOffset, kValue, cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecuteWriteRequestPendingSuccess) {
const auto kFlag = att::ExecuteWriteFlag::kWritePending;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x01 // flag: write pending
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->ExecuteWriteRequest(kFlag, cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecuteWriteRequestCancelSuccess) {
const auto kFlag = att::ExecuteWriteFlag::kCancelAll;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x00 // flag: cancel all
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->ExecuteWriteRequest(kFlag, cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
// ExecutePrepareWrites should send each QueuedWrite request in the
// PrepareWriteQueue as a PrepareWriteRequest then finally send an ExecuteWrite.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesSuccess) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kValue2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('b', 'a', 'r');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedPrep2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x01 // flag: write pending
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kDisabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
// The client should follow up with a second prepare write request
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
// The client should send an execute write request following the prepared
// writes
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
// When the PreparedWrite request exceeds the mtu, the client should
// automatically send a kCancellAll request.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesMalformedFailure) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
constexpr size_t kMtu = 7;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o');
const auto kValue2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('b', 'a', 'r');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o' // value: "fo"
const auto kExpectedPrep2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x02, 0x00, // offset: 0x0002
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x00 // flag: kCancelAll
ASSERT_EQ(kMtu, kExpectedPrep1.size());
ASSERT_EQ(kMtu + 1, kExpectedPrep2.size());
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kDisabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o' // value: "foo"
// The second request is malformed, the client should send an ExecuteWrite
// instead of the malformed PrepareWrite.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status.error());
// When the PreparedWrite receives an error response, the client should
// automatically send a kCancellAll request.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesErrorFailure) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kValue2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('b', 'a', 'r');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "fo"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x00 // flag: kCancelAll
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kDisabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x16, // request: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x06 // error: Request Not Supported
// The first request returned an error, the client should send an ExecuteWrite
// instead of the second PrepareWrite.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kRequestNotSupported, status.protocol_error());
// ExecutePrepareWrites should enqueue immediately and send both long writes,
// one after the other.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesEnqueueRequestSuccess) {
const auto kHandle1 = 0x0001;
const auto kHandle2 = 0x0002;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kValue2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('b', 'a', 'r');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedPrep2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
const auto kExpectedPrep3 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x02, 0x00, // handle: 0x0002
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedPrep4 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x02, 0x00, // handle: 0x0002
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x01 // flag: write pending
att::Status status1;
auto cb1 = [&status1](att::Status cb_status) { status1 = cb_status; };
att::Status status2;
auto cb2 = [&status2](att::Status cb_status) { status2 = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the first PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue1;
prep_write_queue1.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle1, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue1.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle1, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue1), ReliableMode::kDisabled, cb1);
// Create the second PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue2;
prep_write_queue2.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle2, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue2.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle2, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue2), ReliableMode::kDisabled, cb2);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
// The client should follow up with a second prepare write request
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
// The client should send an execute write request following the prepared
// writes.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
// The first request should be fully complete now, and should trigger the
// second.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x02, 0x00, // handle: 0x0002
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
// The client should follow up with a second prepare write request
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x02, 0x00, // handle: 0x0002
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
// The client should send an execute write request following the prepared
// writes.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
// ExecutePrepareWrites should enqueue while one is being processed and send
// both long writes, one after the other.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesEnqueueLateRequestSuccess) {
const auto kHandle1 = 0x0001;
const auto kHandle2 = 0x0002;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kValue2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('b', 'a', 'r');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedPrep2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
const auto kExpectedPrep3 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x02, 0x00, // handle: 0x0002
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedPrep4 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x02, 0x00, // handle: 0x0002
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x01 // flag: write pending
att::Status status1;
auto cb1 = [&status1](att::Status cb_status) { status1 = cb_status; };
att::Status status2;
auto cb2 = [&status2](att::Status cb_status) { status2 = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the first PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue1;
prep_write_queue1.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle1, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue1.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle1, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue1), ReliableMode::kDisabled, cb1);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
// Initiate another request while the first one is being processed. It should
// be enqueued to be processed afterwards.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create another PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue2;
prep_write_queue2.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle2, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue2.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle2, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue2), ReliableMode::kDisabled, cb2);
// The client should follow up with a second prepare write request
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
// The client should send an execute write request following the prepared
// writes.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
// The first request should be fully complete now, and should trigger the
// second.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x02, 0x00, // handle: 0x0002
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
// The client should follow up with a second prepare write request
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x02, 0x00, // handle: 0x0002
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
// The client should send an execute write request following the prepared
// writes.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
// ExecutePrepareWrites should send each QueuedWrite request in the
// PrepareWriteQueue as a PrepareWriteRequest and then send an ExecuteWrite.
// Test that a WriteRequest succeeds if ReliableMode is disabled even when the
// echoed response is different.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesDifferingResponseSuccess) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kValue2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('b', 'a', 'r');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedPrep2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x01 // flag: write pending
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kDisabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'l' // value: "fl" -> different, but OK.
// The client should follow up with a second prepare write request
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
// The client should send an execute write request following the prepared
// writes
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
// ExecutePrepareWrites should send each QueuedWrite request in the
// PrepareWriteQueue as a PrepareWriteRequest, validate the responses,
// then finally send an ExecuteWrite.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesReliableWriteSuccess) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kValue2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('b', 'a', 'r');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedPrep2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x01 // flag: write pending
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kEnabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
// The client should follow up with a second prepare write request
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x03, 0x00, // offset: 0x0003
'b', 'a', 'r' // value: "bar"
// The client should send an execute write request following the prepared
// writes
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
// If ReliableMode is enabled:
// When the requested buffer is empty, the reliability check should
// succeed when vailidating the echoed response.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesReliableEmptyBufSuccess) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = BufferView();
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00 // offset: 0x0000
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x01 // flag: write pending
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kEnabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00 // offset: 0x0000
// The client should send an execute write request following the prepared
// writes
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
// If ReliableMode is enabled:
// When the PreparedWrite response differs from the PreparedWrite request,
// the client should automatically send a kCancellAll request.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesReliableDifferingResponseError) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kValue2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('b', 'a', 'r');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x00 // flag: kCancelAll
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kEnabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'b', '1' // value: "fob1" -> invalid
// The first request returned an error, the client should send an ExecuteWrite
// instead of the second PrepareWrite.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kNotReliable, status.error());
// If ReliableMode is enabled:
// When the PreparedWrite response is malformed, the client should
// automatically send a kCancellAll request.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesReliableMalformedResponseError) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kValue2 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('b', 'a', 'r');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x00 // flag: kCancelAll
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset + kValue1.size(), kValue2));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kEnabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00 // offset: malformed
// The first request returned an error (malformed), the client should send an ExecuteWrite
// instead of the second PrepareWrite.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kNotReliable, status.error());
// If ReliableMode is enabled:
// When the PreparedWrite response contains an incorrect offset, but correct
// value, the client should automatically send a kCancellAll request.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesReliableOffsetMismatchError) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x00 // flag: kCancelAll
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kEnabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x01, 0x00, // offset: incorrect
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: 'foo'
// The first request returned an error (malformed), the client should send an ExecuteWrite
// instead of the second PrepareWrite.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kNotReliable, status.error());
// If ReliableMode is enabled:
// When the PreparedWrite response contains an incorrect empty value,
// the client should automatically send a kCancellAll request.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ExecutePrepareWritesReliableEmptyValueError) {
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kOffset = 0;
const auto kValue1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kExpectedPrep1 = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x16, // opcode: prepare write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00, // offset: 0x0000
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
const auto kExpectedExec = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x18, // opcode: execute write request
0x00 // flag: kCancelAll
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status) { status = cb_status; };
// Initiate the request on the loop since Expect() below blocks.
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
// Create the PrepareWriteQueue of requests to pass to the client
att::PrepareWriteQueue prep_write_queue;
prep_write_queue.push(att::QueuedWrite(kHandle, kOffset, kValue1));
client()->ExecutePrepareWrites(std::move(prep_write_queue), ReliableMode::kEnabled, cb);
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x17, // opcode: prepare write response
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x00, 0x00 // offset: 0x0000
)); // value: omitted
// The first request returned an error (empty value), the client should
// send an ExecuteWrite instead of the second PrepareWrite.
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x19) // opcode: execute write response
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kNotReliable, status.error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, WriteWithoutResponseExceedsMtu) {
const auto kValue = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 0x0001;
constexpr size_t kMtu = 5;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x52, // opcode: write command
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
ASSERT_EQ(kMtu + 1, kExpectedRequest.size());
bool called = false;
fake_chan()->SetSendCallback([&](auto) { called = true; }, dispatcher());
client()->WriteWithoutResponse(kHandle, kValue);
// No packet should be sent.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, WriteWithoutResponseSuccess) {
const auto kValue = CreateStaticByteBuffer('f', 'o', 'o');
const auto kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x52, // opcode: write request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
'f', 'o', 'o' // value: "foo"
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&] { client()->WriteWithoutResponse(kHandle, kValue); });
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadRequestEmptyResponse) {
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x0A, // opcode: read request
0x01, 0x00 // handle: 0x0001
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto cb = [&status](att::Status cb_status, const ByteBuffer& value) {
status = cb_status;
// We expect an empty value
EXPECT_EQ(0u, value.size());
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->ReadRequest(kHandle, cb); });
// ATT Read Response with no payload.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadRequestSuccess) {
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x0A, // opcode: read request
0x01, 0x00 // handle: 0x0001
const auto kExpectedResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x0B, // opcode: read response
't', 'e', 's', 't' // value: "test"
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, const ByteBuffer& value) {
status = cb_status;
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kExpectedResponse.view(1), value));
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->ReadRequest(kHandle, cb); });
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadRequestError) {
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 0x0001;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x0A, // opcode: read request
0x01, 0x00 // handle: 0x0001
att::Status status;
auto cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, const ByteBuffer& value) {
status = cb_status;
// Value should be empty due to the error.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, value.size());
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->ReadRequest(kHandle, cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x0A, // request: read request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x06 // error: Request Not Supported
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kRequestNotSupported, status.protocol_error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadByTypeRequestSuccess16BitUUID) {
const UUID kUuid16((uint16_t)0xBEEF);
constexpr att::Handle kStartHandle = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEndHandle = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
StaticByteBuffer(att::kReadByTypeRequest, // opcode
LowerBits(kStartHandle), UpperBits(kStartHandle), // start handle
LowerBits(kEndHandle), UpperBits(kEndHandle), // end handle
0xEF, 0xBE);
constexpr att::Handle kHandle0 = 0x0002;
constexpr att::Handle kHandle1 = 0x0003;
const auto kExpectedResponse =
0x03, // pair length
LowerBits(kHandle0), UpperBits(kHandle0), 0x00, // attribute pair 0
LowerBits(kHandle1), UpperBits(kHandle1), 0x01 // attribute pair 1
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
bool cb_called = false;
auto cb = [&](Client::ReadByTypeResult result) {
cb_called = true;
const auto& values = result.value();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, values.size());
EXPECT_EQ(kHandle0, values[0].handle);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(StaticByteBuffer(0x00), values[0].value));
EXPECT_EQ(kHandle1, values[1].handle);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(StaticByteBuffer(0x01), values[1].value));
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->ReadByTypeRequest(kUuid16, kStartHandle, kEndHandle, cb);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadByTypeRequestSuccess128BitUUID) {
const UUID kUuid128({0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15});
constexpr att::Handle kStartHandle = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEndHandle = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
StaticByteBuffer(att::kReadByTypeRequest, // opcode
LowerBits(kStartHandle), UpperBits(kStartHandle), // start handle
LowerBits(kEndHandle), UpperBits(kEndHandle), // end handle
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
constexpr att::Handle kHandle0 = 0x0002;
constexpr att::Handle kHandle1 = 0x0003;
const auto kExpectedResponse =
0x03, // pair length
LowerBits(kHandle0), UpperBits(kHandle0), 0x00, // attribute pair 0
LowerBits(kHandle1), UpperBits(kHandle1), 0x01 // attribute pair 1
bool cb_called = false;
auto cb = [&](Client::ReadByTypeResult result) {
cb_called = true;
const auto& values = result.value();
ASSERT_EQ(2u, values.size());
EXPECT_EQ(kHandle0, values[0].handle);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(StaticByteBuffer(0x00), values[0].value));
EXPECT_EQ(kHandle1, values[1].handle);
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(StaticByteBuffer(0x01), values[1].value));
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->ReadByTypeRequest(kUuid128, kStartHandle, kEndHandle, cb);
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadByTypeRequestError) {
constexpr att::Handle kStartHandle = 0x0001;
constexpr att::Handle kEndHandle = 0xFFFF;
const auto kExpectedRequest =
StaticByteBuffer(att::kReadByTypeRequest, // opcode
LowerBits(kStartHandle), UpperBits(kStartHandle), // start handle
LowerBits(kEndHandle), UpperBits(kEndHandle), // end handle
// UUID matches |kTestUuid3| declared above.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
const auto kErrorResponse =
StaticByteBuffer(att::kErrorResponse, // opcode
att::kReadByTypeRequest, // request opcode
LowerBits(kStartHandle), UpperBits(kStartHandle), // start handle
static_cast<uint8_t>(att::ErrorCode::kAttributeNotFound) // error code
std::optional<att::Status> status;
std::optional<att::Handle> handle;
auto cb = [&](Client::ReadByTypeResult result) {
status = result.error().status;
handle = result.error().handle;
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->ReadByTypeRequest(kTestUuid3, kStartHandle, kEndHandle, cb);
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kAttributeNotFound, status->protocol_error());
EXPECT_EQ(kStartHandle, handle.value());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadByTypeRequestInvalidResponses) {
constexpr att::Handle kStartHandle = 0x0002;
constexpr att::Handle kEndHandle = 0xFF00;
constexpr att::Handle kHandle0 = 0x0005;
constexpr att::Handle kHandle1 = 0x0006;
const auto kResponseEmptyPayload = StaticByteBuffer(att::kReadByTypeResponse);
const auto kResponseLengthGreaterThanListLength =
0x02, // length
0x01); // invalid list (too small)
const auto kResponseWithInvalidLength =
0x00, // invalid pair length (less than handle size)
LowerBits(kHandle0), UpperBits(kHandle0), 0x00); // attribute pair 0
const auto kResponseWithEmptyList = StaticByteBuffer(att::kReadByTypeResponse,
0x03); // pair length
const auto kResponseWithInvalidList = StaticByteBuffer(
0x03, // length
LowerBits(kHandle0), UpperBits(kHandle0)); // invalid attribute pair 0 (invalid length)
const auto kResponseWithInvalidAttributeHandleLessThanStart =
0x02, // length
// invalid attribute pair 0 (handle out of range)
LowerBits(kStartHandle - 1), UpperBits(kStartHandle - 1));
const auto kResponseWithInvalidAttributeHandleGreaterThanEnd =
0x02, // length
// invalid attribute pair 0 (handle out of range)
LowerBits(kEndHandle + 1), UpperBits(kEndHandle + 1));
const auto kResponseWithInvalidListWithDecreasingHandles =
0x02, // length
LowerBits(kHandle1), UpperBits(kHandle1), // attribute pair 0
LowerBits(kHandle0), UpperBits(kHandle0)); // attribute pair 1
const auto kResponseWithInvalidListWithDuplicateHandles =
0x02, // length
LowerBits(kHandle0), UpperBits(kHandle0), // attribute pair 0
LowerBits(kHandle0), UpperBits(kHandle0)); // attribute pair 1
const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const ByteBuffer&>> kInvalidResponses = {
{"kResponseEmptyPayload", kResponseEmptyPayload},
{"kResponseLengthGreaterThanListLength", kResponseLengthGreaterThanListLength},
{"kResponseWithInvalidLength", kResponseWithInvalidLength},
{"kResponseWithEmptyList", kResponseWithEmptyList},
{"kResponseWithInvalidList", kResponseWithInvalidList},
const auto kExpectedRequest =
StaticByteBuffer(att::kReadByTypeRequest, // opcode
LowerBits(kStartHandle), UpperBits(kStartHandle), // start handle
LowerBits(kEndHandle), UpperBits(kEndHandle), // end handle
// UUID matches |kTestUuid3| declared above.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
for (const auto& [name, invalid_rsp] : kInvalidResponses) {
SCOPED_TRACE(fxl::StringPrintf("Invalid Response: %s", name));
std::optional<att::Status> status;
auto cb = [&](Client::ReadByTypeResult result) {
status = result.error().status;
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] {
client()->ReadByTypeRequest(kTestUuid3, kStartHandle, kEndHandle, cb);
EXPECT_EQ(HostError::kPacketMalformed, status->error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadBlobRequestEmptyResponse) {
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 1;
constexpr uint16_t kOffset = 5;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x0C, // opcode: read blob request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 1
0x05, 0x00 // offset: 5
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, const ByteBuffer& value) {
status = cb_status;
// We expect an empty value
EXPECT_EQ(0u, value.size());
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->ReadBlobRequest(kHandle, kOffset, cb); });
// ATT Read Blob Response with no payload.
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadBlobRequestSuccess) {
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 1;
constexpr uint16_t kOffset = 5;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x0C, // opcode: read blob request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 1
0x05, 0x00 // offset: 5
const auto kExpectedResponse = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x0D, // opcode: read blob response
't', 'e', 's', 't' // value: "test"
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, const ByteBuffer& value) {
status = cb_status;
// We expect an empty value
EXPECT_TRUE(ContainersEqual(kExpectedResponse.view(1), value));
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->ReadBlobRequest(kHandle, kOffset, cb); });
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, ReadBlobRequestError) {
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 1;
constexpr uint16_t kOffset = 5;
const auto kExpectedRequest = CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x0C, // opcode: read blob request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 1
0x05, 0x00 // offset: 5
att::Status status(HostError::kFailed);
auto cb = [&](att::Status cb_status, const ByteBuffer& value) {
status = cb_status;
// We expect an empty value
EXPECT_EQ(0u, value.size());
// Initiate the request in a loop task, as Expect() below blocks
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [&, this] { client()->ReadBlobRequest(kHandle, kOffset, cb); });
fake_chan()->Receive(CreateStaticByteBuffer(0x01, // opcode: error response
0x0C, // request: read blob request
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 0x0001
0x07 // error: Invalid Offset
EXPECT_EQ(att::ErrorCode::kInvalidOffset, status.protocol_error());
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, EmptyNotification) {
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 1;
bool called = false;
client()->SetNotificationHandler([&](bool ind, auto handle, const auto& value) {
called = true;
EXPECT_EQ(kHandle, handle);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, value.size());
// clang-format off
0x1B, // opcode: notification
0x01, 0x00 // handle: 1
// clang-format on
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, Notification) {
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 1;
bool called = false;
client()->SetNotificationHandler([&](bool ind, auto handle, const auto& value) {
called = true;
EXPECT_EQ(kHandle, handle);
EXPECT_EQ("test", value.AsString());
// clang-format off
0x1B, // opcode: notification
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 1
't', 'e', 's', 't' // value: "test"
// clang-format on
TEST_F(GATT_ClientTest, Indication) {
constexpr att::Handle kHandle = 1;
bool called = false;
client()->SetNotificationHandler([&](bool ind, auto handle, const auto& value) {
called = true;
EXPECT_EQ(kHandle, handle);
EXPECT_EQ("test", value.AsString());
// clang-format off
0x1D, // opcode: indication
0x01, 0x00, // handle: 1
't', 'e', 's', 't' // value: "test"
// clang-format on
// Wait until a confirmation gets sent.
} // namespace
} // namespace gatt
} // namespace bt