blob: 470921fead47dab0b99503ef26e7c9a430912921 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "fbl/macros.h"
namespace bt {
namespace gap {
// A |ConnectionRequest| represents a request for the GAP to connect to a given
// |DeviceAddress| by one or more clients. The Appropriate (BrEdr|LowEnergy) mgr
// is responsible for tracking ConnectionRequests and passing them to the
// Connector when ready.
// There is at most One ConnectionRequest per address at any given time; if
// multiple clients wish to connect, they each append a callback to the list in
// the ConnectionRequest for the device they are interested in.
template <typename ConnectionRef>
class ConnectionRequest final {
using OnComplete = fit::function<void(hci::Status, ConnectionRef)>;
using RefFactory = fit::function<ConnectionRef()>;
ConnectionRequest(const DeviceAddress& addr, OnComplete&& callback) : address_(addr) {
ConnectionRequest(ConnectionRequest&&) = default;
ConnectionRequest& operator=(ConnectionRequest&&) = default;
void AddCallback(OnComplete cb) { callbacks_.push_back(std::move(cb)); }
// Notifies all elements in |callbacks| with |status| and the result of
// |generate_ref|. Called by the appropriate manager once a connection request
// has completed, successfully or otherwise
void NotifyCallbacks(hci::Status status, const RefFactory& generate_ref) {
// If this request has been moved from, |callbacks_| may be empty.
for (const auto& callback : callbacks_) {
callback(status, generate_ref());
DeviceAddress address() const { return address_; }
DeviceAddress address_;
std::list<OnComplete> callbacks_;
} // namespace gap
} // namespace bt