blob: 780b80153aa6912cf774485384010d9358c4106f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/data/domain.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/data/socket_factory.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/channel.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/types.h"
namespace bt {
namespace l2cap {
namespace testing {
class FakeChannel;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace l2cap
namespace data {
namespace testing {
// This is a fake version of the Domain class that can be injected into other
// layers for unit testing.
class FakeDomain final : public Domain {
inline static fbl::RefPtr<FakeDomain> Create() { return fbl::AdoptRef(new FakeDomain()); }
// Returns true if and only if a link identified by |handle| has been added and connected.
[[nodiscard]] bool IsLinkConnected(hci::ConnectionHandle handle) const;
// Triggers a LE connection parameter update callback on the given link.
void TriggerLEConnectionParameterUpdate(hci::ConnectionHandle handle,
const hci::LEPreferredConnectionParameters& params);
// Sets up the expectation that an outbound dynamic channel will be opened
// on the given link. Each call will expect one dyanmic channel to be
// created. If a call to OpenL2capChannel is made without expectation, it
// will assert.
// Multiple expectations for the same PSM should be queued in FIFO order.
void ExpectOutboundL2capChannel(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, l2cap::PSM psm, l2cap::ChannelId id,
l2cap::ChannelId remote_id, l2cap::ChannelParameters params);
// Triggers the creation of an inbound dynamic channel on the given link. The
// channels created will be provided to handlers passed to RegisterService.
// Returns false if unable to create the channel.
bool TriggerInboundL2capChannel(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, l2cap::PSM psm, l2cap::ChannelId id,
l2cap::ChannelId remote_id, uint16_t tx_mtu = l2cap::kDefaultMTU);
// Triggers a link error callback on the given link.
void TriggerLinkError(hci::ConnectionHandle handle);
// Domain overrides:
void AddACLConnection(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, hci::Connection::Role role,
l2cap::LinkErrorCallback link_error_callback,
l2cap::SecurityUpgradeCallback security_callback) override;
void AddLEConnection(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, hci::Connection::Role role,
l2cap::LinkErrorCallback link_error_callback,
l2cap::LEConnectionParameterUpdateCallback conn_param_callback,
l2cap::LEFixedChannelsCallback channel_callback,
l2cap::SecurityUpgradeCallback security_callback) override;
void RemoveConnection(hci::ConnectionHandle handle) override;
void AssignLinkSecurityProperties(hci::ConnectionHandle handle,
sm::SecurityProperties security) override;
// Immediately posts accept on |dispatcher|.
void RequestConnectionParameterUpdate(hci::ConnectionHandle handle,
hci::LEPreferredConnectionParameters params,
l2cap::ConnectionParameterUpdateRequestCallback request_cb,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) override;
void OpenL2capChannel(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, l2cap::PSM psm,
l2cap::ChannelParameters params, l2cap::ChannelCallback cb,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) override;
void OpenL2capChannel(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, l2cap::PSM psm,
l2cap::ChannelParameters params, SocketCallback socket_callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) override;
void RegisterService(l2cap::PSM psm, l2cap::ChannelParameters params,
l2cap::ChannelCallback channel_callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) override;
void RegisterService(l2cap::PSM psm, l2cap::ChannelParameters params,
SocketCallback socket_callback, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) override;
void UnregisterService(l2cap::PSM psm) override;
// Called when a new channel gets opened. Tests can use this to obtain a
// reference to all channels.
using FakeChannelCallback = fit::function<void(fbl::RefPtr<l2cap::testing::FakeChannel>)>;
void set_channel_callback(FakeChannelCallback callback) { chan_cb_ = std::move(callback); }
void set_simulate_open_channel_failure(bool simulate_failure) {
simulate_open_channel_failure_ = simulate_failure;
// Called when RequestConnectionParameterUpdate is called. |request_cb| will be called with return
// value. Defaults to returning true if not set.
using ConnectionParameterUpdateRequestResponder =
fit::function<bool(hci::ConnectionHandle, hci::LEPreferredConnectionParameters)>;
void set_connection_parameter_update_request_responder(
ConnectionParameterUpdateRequestResponder responder) {
connection_parameter_update_request_responder_ = std::move(responder);
friend class fbl::RefPtr<FakeDomain>;
// TODO(armansito): Consider moving the following logic into an internal fake
// that is L2CAP-specific.
struct ChannelData {
l2cap::ChannelId local_id;
l2cap::ChannelId remote_id;
l2cap::ChannelParameters params;
struct LinkData {
// Expectations on links can be created before they are connected.
bool connected;
hci::ConnectionHandle handle;
hci::Connection::Role role;
hci::Connection::LinkType type;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher;
// Dual-mode callbacks
l2cap::LinkErrorCallback link_error_cb;
std::unordered_map<l2cap::PSM, std::queue<ChannelData>> expected_outbound_conns;
// LE-only callbacks
l2cap::LEConnectionParameterUpdateCallback le_conn_param_cb;
FakeDomain() = default;
~FakeDomain() override;
LinkData* RegisterInternal(hci::ConnectionHandle handle, hci::Connection::Role role,
hci::Connection::LinkType link_type,
l2cap::LinkErrorCallback link_error_callback);
fbl::RefPtr<l2cap::testing::FakeChannel> OpenFakeChannel(
LinkData* link, l2cap::ChannelId id, l2cap::ChannelId remote_id,
l2cap::ChannelInfo info = l2cap::ChannelInfo::MakeBasicMode(l2cap::kDefaultMTU,
fbl::RefPtr<l2cap::testing::FakeChannel> OpenFakeFixedChannel(LinkData* link,
l2cap::ChannelId id);
// Gets the link data for |handle|, creating it if necessary.
LinkData& GetLinkData(hci::ConnectionHandle handle);
// Gets the link data for |handle|. Asserts if the link is not connected
// yet.
LinkData& ConnectedLinkData(hci::ConnectionHandle handle);
std::unordered_map<hci::ConnectionHandle, LinkData> links_;
FakeChannelCallback chan_cb_;
bool simulate_open_channel_failure_ = false;
ConnectionParameterUpdateRequestResponder connection_parameter_update_request_responder_;
using ServiceInfo = l2cap::ServiceInfo<l2cap::ChannelCallback>;
std::unordered_map<l2cap::PSM, ServiceInfo> registered_services_;
// Makes sockets for RegisterService
internal::SocketFactory<l2cap::Channel> socket_factory_;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace data
} // namespace bt