blob: b0f887e40901d47f48974c9cf6e90d9cc36db3e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
namespace bt {
// EIR Data Type, Advertising Data Type (AD Type), OOB Data Type definitions.
// clang-format off
enum class DataType : uint8_t {
kFlags = 0x01,
kIncomplete16BitServiceUuids = 0x02,
kComplete16BitServiceUuids = 0x03,
kIncomplete32BitServiceUuids = 0x04,
kComplete32BitServiceUuids = 0x05,
kIncomplete128BitServiceUuids = 0x06,
kComplete128BitServiceUuids = 0x07,
kShortenedLocalName = 0x08,
kCompleteLocalName = 0x09,
kTxPowerLevel = 0x0A,
kClassOfDevice = 0x0D,
kSSPOOBHash = 0x0E,
kSSPOOBRandomizer = 0x0F,
kServiceData16Bit = 0x16,
kAppearance = 0x19,
kServiceData32Bit = 0x20,
kServiceData128Bit = 0x21,
kURI = 0x24,
kManufacturerSpecificData = 0xFF,
// TODO(armansito): Complete this list.
// clang-format on
// Convenience classes for reading and writing the contents
// of Advertising Data, Scan Response Data, or Extended Inquiry Response Data
// payloads. The format in which data is stored looks like the following:
// [1-octet LENGTH][1-octet TYPE][LENGTH-1 octets DATA]
// Used for parsing data in TLV-format as described at the beginning of the file
// above.
class SupplementDataReader {
// |data| must point to a valid piece of memory for the duration in which this
// object is to remain alive.
explicit SupplementDataReader(const ByteBuffer& data);
// Returns false if the fields of |data| have been formatted incorrectly. For
// example, this could happen if the length of an advertising data structure
// would exceed the bounds of the buffer.
inline bool is_valid() const { return is_valid_; }
// Returns the data and type fields of the next advertising data structure in
// |out_data| and |out_type|. Returns false if there is no more data to read
// or if the data is formatted incorrectly.
bool GetNextField(DataType* out_type, BufferView* out_data);
// Returns true if there is more data to read. Returns false if the end of
// data has been reached or if the current segment is malformed in a way that
// would exceed the bounds of the data this reader was initialized with.
bool HasMoreData() const;
bool is_valid_;
BufferView remaining_;
// Used for writing data in TLV-format as described at the beginning of the file
// above.
class SupplementDataWriter {
// |buffer| is the piece of memory on which this SupplementDataWriter should
// operate. The buffer must out-live this instance and must point to a valid
// piece of memory.
explicit SupplementDataWriter(MutableByteBuffer* buffer);
// Writes the given piece of type/tag and data into the next available segment
// in the underlying buffer. Returns false if there isn't enough space left in
// the buffer for writing. Returns true on success.
bool WriteField(DataType type, const ByteBuffer& data);
// The total number of bytes that have been written into the buffer.
size_t bytes_written() const { return bytes_written_; }
MutableByteBuffer* buffer_;
size_t bytes_written_;
} // namespace bt