blob: 8a9b499e956079fd44faf8610f7d220c471a0c34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/internal/message_sender.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/message_builder.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
class WeakStubController;
// A response to a FIDL message.
// When a server receives a message that expects a response, the stub receives a
// |PendingResponse| object that the implementation can use to reply to the
// message. A given |PendingResponse| object can be used to send a reply at
// most once.
// If the |StubController| that processed the original message is destroyed or
// unbound from the underlying channel (e.g., due to an error), the stub can
// still safely call |Send|, but the response will not actually be sent to the
// client.
class PendingResponse final : public MessageSender {
// Creates a |PendingResponse| that does not need a response.
// The |needs_response()| method will return false.
// Creates a |PendingResponse| for a message with the given transaction ID.
// The |PendingResponse| object will take a reference to |weak_controller|,
// which it releases in its destructor.
PendingResponse(zx_txid_t txid, WeakStubController* weak_controller);
// |PendingResponse| objects are copiable.
// Each copy refers to the same logical reponse, which means |Send| should be
// called at most once among all the copies.
// The reason |PendingResponse| objects are copiable is so that they can be
// held by an fit::function, which is also copyable. Typically, a
// |PendingResponse| object is held as a member of another object that
// implements operator(), which can be wrapped by fit::function.
PendingResponse(const PendingResponse& other);
PendingResponse& operator=(const PendingResponse& other);
// |PendingResponse| objects are movable.
// Moving a |PendingResponse| object is more efficient that copying it because
// moving avoid churning the reference count of the associated
// |WeakStubController|.
PendingResponse(PendingResponse&& other);
PendingResponse& operator=(PendingResponse&& other);
// Whether the message that caused this |PendingResponse| object to be created
// expects a response.
// This method does not indiciate whether a response has or has not already
// been sent. That state is difficult to track because |PendingResponse| is
// copiable.
bool needs_response() const { return txid_; }
// Send a response.
// This function should be called at most once among all the copies of a given
// |PendingResponse| object.
// If the associated |WeakStubController| is no longer available (e.g., if it
// has been destroyed), this function will return |ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE|.
zx_status_t Send(const fidl_type_t* type, Message message) final;
// This class should be small enough to fit into the inline storage for an
// fit::function to avoid allocating additional storage when processing
// messages. Currently, fit::function has space for three pointers.
zx_txid_t txid_ = {};
WeakStubController* weak_controller_ = {};
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl