blob: 2bf77251a7bd7e1e98f8460342f8e4786538db06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/bluetooth/c/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/bt/hci/c/banjo.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/bt/vendor/c/banjo.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fitx/result.h>
#include <lib/fpromise/result.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <optional>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
namespace bt::hci {
// A DeviceWrapper abstracts over a Bluetooth HCI device object and its fidl
// interface.
class DeviceWrapper {
virtual ~DeviceWrapper() = default;
// Returns the command/event channel handle for this device. Returns an
// invalid handle on failure.
virtual zx::channel GetCommandChannel() = 0;
// Returns the ACL data channel handle for this device. Returns an invalid
// handle on failure.
virtual zx::channel GetACLDataChannel() = 0;
// Returns the SCO channel handle for this device. Returns an invalid
// handle on failure.
virtual fitx::result<zx_status_t, zx::channel> GetScoChannel() = 0;
virtual void ConfigureSco(sco_coding_format_t coding_format, sco_encoding_t encoding,
sco_sample_rate_t sample_rate, bt_hci_configure_sco_callback callback,
void* cookie) = 0;
virtual void ResetSco(bt_hci_reset_sco_callback callback, void* cookie) = 0;
virtual bt_vendor_features_t GetVendorFeatures() = 0;
virtual fpromise::result<DynamicByteBuffer> EncodeVendorCommand(bt_vendor_command_t command,
bt_vendor_params_t& params) {
return fpromise::error();
// A DeviceWrapper that obtains channels by invoking bt-hci fidl requests on a
// devfs file descriptor.
class FidlDeviceWrapper : public DeviceWrapper {
// |device| must be a valid channel connected to a Bluetooth HCI device.
explicit FidlDeviceWrapper(zx::channel device);
~FidlDeviceWrapper() override = default;
// DeviceWrapper overrides. These methods directly return the handle obtained
// via the corresponding fidl request.
zx::channel GetCommandChannel() override;
zx::channel GetACLDataChannel() override;
// SCO is currently not supported for FIDL devices.
fitx::result<zx_status_t, zx::channel> GetScoChannel() override {
return fitx::error(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
void ConfigureSco(sco_coding_format_t coding_format, sco_encoding_t encoding,
sco_sample_rate_t sample_rate, bt_hci_configure_sco_callback callback,
void* cookie) override {
callback(cookie, ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
void ResetSco(bt_hci_reset_sco_callback callback, void* cookie) override {
callback(cookie, ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
bt_vendor_features_t GetVendorFeatures() override { return 0; }
zx::channel device_;
// A DeviceWrapper that calls bt-hci and bt-vendor DDK protocol ops.
class DdkDeviceWrapper : public DeviceWrapper {
// The contents of |hci| must remain valid while this object is in use.
explicit DdkDeviceWrapper(const bt_hci_protocol_t& hci,
std::optional<bt_vendor_protocol_t> vendor);
~DdkDeviceWrapper() override = default;
// DeviceWrapper overrides:
zx::channel GetCommandChannel() override;
zx::channel GetACLDataChannel() override;
fitx::result<zx_status_t, zx::channel> GetScoChannel() override;
void ConfigureSco(sco_coding_format_t coding_format, sco_encoding_t encoding,
sco_sample_rate_t sample_rate, bt_hci_configure_sco_callback callback,
void* cookie) override;
void ResetSco(bt_hci_reset_sco_callback callback, void* cookie) override;
bt_vendor_features_t GetVendorFeatures() override;
fpromise::result<DynamicByteBuffer> EncodeVendorCommand(bt_vendor_command_t command,
bt_vendor_params_t& params) override;
bt_hci_protocol_t hci_proto_;
std::optional<bt_vendor_protocol_t> vendor_proto_;
// A pass-through DeviceWrapper that returns the channel endpoints that it is
// initialized with. This is useful for test scenarios.
class DummyDeviceWrapper : public DeviceWrapper {
// The constructor takes ownership of the provided channels and simply returns
// them when asked for them. |vendor_features| will be returned by GetVendorFeatures() and calls
// to EncodeVendorCommand() are forwarded to |vendor_encode_cb|.
using EncodeCallback =
fit::function<fpromise::result<DynamicByteBuffer>(bt_vendor_command_t, bt_vendor_params_t)>;
DummyDeviceWrapper(zx::channel cmd_channel, zx::channel acl_data_channel,
bt_vendor_features_t vendor_features = 0u,
EncodeCallback vendor_encode_cb = nullptr);
~DummyDeviceWrapper() override = default;
void set_sco_channel(zx::channel chan) { sco_channel_ = std::move(chan); }
using ConfigureScoCallback =
fit::function<void(sco_coding_format_t, sco_encoding_t, sco_sample_rate_t,
bt_hci_configure_sco_callback, void*)>;
void set_configure_sco_callback(ConfigureScoCallback cb) { configure_sco_cb_ = std::move(cb); }
using ResetScoCallback = fit::function<void(bt_hci_reset_sco_callback, void*)>;
void set_reset_sco_callback(ResetScoCallback cb) { reset_sco_cb_ = std::move(cb); }
void set_vendor_encode_callback(EncodeCallback cb) { vendor_encode_cb_ = std::move(cb); }
// DeviceWrapper overrides. Since these methods simply forward the handles they were initialized
// with, the internal handles will be moved and invalidated after the first call to these methods.
// Subsequent calls will always return an invalid handle.
zx::channel GetCommandChannel() override { return std::move(cmd_channel_); }
zx::channel GetACLDataChannel() override { return std::move(acl_data_channel_); }
fitx::result<zx_status_t, zx::channel> GetScoChannel() override;
void ConfigureSco(sco_coding_format_t coding_format, sco_encoding_t encoding,
sco_sample_rate_t sample_rate, bt_hci_configure_sco_callback callback,
void* cookie) override;
void ResetSco(bt_hci_reset_sco_callback callback, void* cookie) override;
bt_vendor_features_t GetVendorFeatures() override { return vendor_features_; }
fpromise::result<DynamicByteBuffer> EncodeVendorCommand(bt_vendor_command_t command,
bt_vendor_params_t& params) override;
zx::channel cmd_channel_;
zx::channel acl_data_channel_;
zx::channel sco_channel_;
bt_vendor_features_t vendor_features_ = 0u;
EncodeCallback vendor_encode_cb_;
ConfigureScoCallback configure_sco_cb_ = nullptr;
ResetScoCallback reset_sco_cb_ = nullptr;
} // namespace bt::hci