blob: 2e9548d362366407b64f75dff5234f68bcbeaf97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "acl_data_channel.h"
#include <endian.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/time.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/sys/inspect/cpp/component.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include "lib/fit/function.h"
#include "lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/types.h"
#include "slab_allocators.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/inspectable.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/log.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/pipeline_monitor.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/retire_log.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/windowed_inspect_numeric_property.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/transport/link_type.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/lib/cpp-string/string_printf.h"
#include "transport.h"
namespace bt::hci {
class AclDataChannelImpl final : public AclDataChannel {
AclDataChannelImpl(Transport* transport, HciWrapper* hci, const DataBufferInfo& bredr_buffer_info,
const DataBufferInfo& le_buffer_info);
~AclDataChannelImpl() override;
// AclDataChannel overrides
void AttachInspect(inspect::Node& parent, const std::string& name) override;
void SetDataRxHandler(ACLPacketHandler rx_callback) override;
bool SendPacket(ACLDataPacketPtr data_packet, UniqueChannelId channel_id,
PacketPriority priority) override;
bool SendPackets(LinkedList<ACLDataPacket> packets, UniqueChannelId channel_id,
PacketPriority priority) override;
void RegisterLink(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle, bt::LinkType ll_type) override;
void UnregisterLink(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle) override;
void DropQueuedPackets(AclPacketPredicate predicate) override;
void ClearControllerPacketCount(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle) override;
const DataBufferInfo& GetBufferInfo() const override;
const DataBufferInfo& GetLeBufferInfo() const override;
void RequestAclPriority(hci::AclPriority priority, hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle,
fit::callback<void(fitx::result<fitx::failed>)> callback) override;
void SetBrEdrAutomaticFlushTimeout(zx::duration flush_timeout, hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle,
ResultCallback<> callback) override;
// Represents a queued ACL data packet.
struct QueuedDataPacket {
QueuedDataPacket(bt::LinkType ll_type, UniqueChannelId channel_id, PacketPriority priority,
ACLDataPacketPtr packet, PipelineMonitor::Token token)
: ll_type(ll_type),
token(std::move(token)) {}
QueuedDataPacket() = delete;
QueuedDataPacket(QueuedDataPacket&& other) = default;
QueuedDataPacket& operator=(QueuedDataPacket&& other) = default;
bt::LinkType ll_type;
UniqueChannelId channel_id;
PacketPriority priority;
ACLDataPacketPtr packet;
PipelineMonitor::Token token;
using DataPacketQueue = std::list<QueuedDataPacket>;
// Take packets from |send_queue| up to and equal to the available capacities given in
// |avail_bredr_packets| and |avail_le_packets| respectively
static DataPacketQueue TakePacketsToSend(DataPacketQueue& send_queue, size_t avail_bredr_packets,
size_t avail_le_packets);
// Returns the data buffer MTU for the given connection.
size_t GetBufferMtu(bt::LinkType ll_type) const;
// Handler for the HCI Number of Completed Packets Event, used for
// packet-based data flow control.
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult NumberOfCompletedPacketsCallback(const EventPacket& event);
// Searches send queue for packets with the same link and channel as |archetypal_packet| and
// removes the least recently-inserted full PDU if necessary. Called before inserting
// |archetypal_packet| to ensure that there are only up to |kMaxAclPacketsPerChannel| PDUs queued
// for the given connection and handle.
void DropOverflowPacket(const QueuedDataPacket& archetypal_packet);
// Drains |dropped_packet_counts_| and logs any recorded drops. Should only be called by
// |log_dropped_overflow_task_|.
void LogDroppedOverflowPackets();
// Tries to send the next batch of queued data packets if the controller has
// any space available. All packets in higher priority queues will be sent before packets in lower
// priority queues.
void TrySendNextQueuedPackets();
// Returns the number of BR/EDR packets for which the controller has available
// space to buffer.
size_t GetNumFreeBREDRPackets() const;
// Returns the number of LE packets for which controller has available space
// to buffer.
size_t GetNumFreeLEPackets() const;
// Decreases the total number of sent packets count by the given amount.
void DecrementTotalNumPackets(size_t count);
// Decreases the total number of sent packets count for LE by the given
// amount.
void DecrementLETotalNumPackets(size_t count);
// Increments the total number of sent packets count by the given amount.
void IncrementTotalNumPackets(size_t count);
// Increments the total number of sent LE packets count by the given amount.
void IncrementLETotalNumPackets(size_t count);
void OnRxPacket(std::unique_ptr<ACLDataPacket> packet);
// Compute and write quantiles of send latency metrics to Inspect properties. Should only be
// called by |write_send_metrics_task_|.
void WriteSendMetrics();
// Handler for HCI_Buffer_Overflow_event
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult DataBufferOverflowCallback(const EventPacket& event);
// Links this node to the inspect tree. Initialized as needed by AttachInspect.
inspect::Node node_;
// Contents of |node_|. Retained as members so that they last as long as a class instance.
inspect::Node le_subnode_;
inspect::BoolProperty le_subnode_shared_with_bredr_property_;
inspect::Node bredr_subnode_;
inspect::Node metrics_subnode_;
inspect::Node send_latency_subnode_;
struct {
const double quantile;
const char* const name;
IntInspectable<zx::duration> property{std::mem_fn(&zx::duration::to_usecs)};
} send_latency_properties_[3] = {
{0.5, "50th_percentile_us"}, {0.95, "95th_percentile_us"}, {0.99, "99th_percentile_us"}};
inspect::Node send_size_subnode_;
struct {
const double quantile;
const char* const name;
UintInspectable<size_t> property{};
} send_size_properties_[3] = {{0.1, "10th_percentile_bytes"},
{0.5, "50th_percentile_bytes"},
{0.9, "90th_percentile_bytes"}};
async::TaskClosureMethod<AclDataChannelImpl, &AclDataChannelImpl::WriteSendMetrics>
// Used to assert that certain public functions are only called on the creation thread.
// TODO( Remove usage of fit::thread_checker.
fit::thread_checker thread_checker_;
// The Transport object that owns this instance.
Transport* transport_; // weak;
// HciWrapper is owned by Transport and will outlive this object.
HciWrapper* hci_;
// The event handler ID for the Number Of Completed Packets event.
CommandChannel::EventHandlerId num_completed_packets_event_handler_id_ = 0;
// The event handler ID for the Data Buffer Overflow event.
CommandChannel::EventHandlerId data_buffer_overflow_event_handler_id_ = 0;
// The dispatcher used for posting tasks on the HCI transport I/O thread.
async_dispatcher_t* io_dispatcher_;
// The current handler for incoming data.
ACLPacketHandler rx_callback_;
// BR/EDR data buffer information. This buffer will not be available on
// LE-only controllers.
DataBufferInfo bredr_buffer_info_;
// LE data buffer information. This buffer will not be available on
// BR/EDR-only controllers (which we do not support) and MAY be available on
// dual-mode controllers. We maintain that if this buffer is not available,
// then the BR/EDR buffer MUST be available.
DataBufferInfo le_buffer_info_;
// The current count of the number of ACL data packets that have been sent to
// the controller. |le_num_sent_packets_| is ignored if the controller uses
// one buffer for LE and BR/EDR.
UintInspectable<size_t> num_sent_packets_;
UintInspectable<size_t> le_num_sent_packets_;
// Tracks statistics related to the lifetime of queued outbound data. Data is exported to the
// Inspect hierarchy using WriteSendMetrics.
// TODO( When PipelineMonitor tokens can better represent chunked data with life
// stages, hoist PipelineMonitor into a more visible state holder (Adapter?) so tokens are issued
// when we pull data from the profile channel socket.
PipelineMonitor send_monitor_;
// Counts of automatically-discarded packets on each channel due to overflow. Cleared by
// LogDroppedOverflowPackets.
std::map<std::pair<hci_spec::ConnectionHandle, UniqueChannelId>, int64_t> dropped_packet_counts_;
// Lifetime and recent counts of overflow packets that have been dropped.
UintInspectable<size_t> num_overflow_packets_;
WindowedInspectUintProperty num_recent_overflow_packets_{/*expiry_duration=*/zx::min(3),
/*min_resolution=*/zx::min(3) / 100};
async::TaskClosureMethod<AclDataChannelImpl, &AclDataChannelImpl::LogDroppedOverflowPackets>
// The ACL data packet queue contains the data packets that are waiting to be
// sent to the controller.
// TODO(armansito): Use priority_queue based on L2CAP channel priority.
// TODO( Keep a separate queue for each open connection. Benefits:
// * Helps address the packet-prioritization TODO above.
// * Also: having separate queues, which know their own
// bt::LinkType, would let us replace std::list<QueuedDataPacket>
// with LinkedList<ACLDataPacket> which has a more efficient
// memory layout.
using InspectableDataPacketQueue = Inspectable<DataPacketQueue, inspect::UintProperty, size_t>;
InspectableDataPacketQueue send_queue_{std::mem_fn(&DataPacketQueue::size)};
// Returns an iterator to the location new packets should be inserted into |send_queue_| based on
// their |priority|:
// If |priority| is |kLow|: returns past-the-end of |send_queue_|.
// If |priority| is |kHigh|: returns the location of the first |kLow| priority packet.
DataPacketQueue::const_iterator SendQueueInsertLocationForPriority(PacketPriority priority);
// Stores the link type of connections on which we have a pending packet that
// has been sent to the controller. Entries are removed on the HCI Number Of
// Completed Packets event.
struct PendingPacketData {
PendingPacketData() = default;
// We initialize the packet count at 1 since a new entry will only be
// created once.
explicit PendingPacketData(bt::LinkType ll_type) : ll_type(ll_type), count(1u) {}
bt::LinkType ll_type;
size_t count;
std::unordered_map<hci_spec::ConnectionHandle, PendingPacketData> pending_links_;
// Stores links registered by RegisterLink
std::unordered_map<hci_spec::ConnectionHandle, bt::LinkType> registered_links_;
std::unique_ptr<AclDataChannel> AclDataChannel::Create(Transport* transport, HciWrapper* hci,
const DataBufferInfo& bredr_buffer_info,
const DataBufferInfo& le_buffer_info) {
return std::make_unique<AclDataChannelImpl>(transport, hci, bredr_buffer_info, le_buffer_info);
AclDataChannelImpl::AclDataChannelImpl(Transport* transport, HciWrapper* hci,
const DataBufferInfo& bredr_buffer_info,
const DataBufferInfo& le_buffer_info)
: transport_(transport),
// Buffer depth for ~3 minutes of audio assuming ~50 ACL fragments/s send rate
internal::RetireLog(/*min_depth=*/100, /*max_depth=*/1 << 13)) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(bredr_buffer_info.IsAvailable() || le_buffer_info.IsAvailable());
num_completed_packets_event_handler_id_ = transport_->command_channel()->AddEventHandler(
data_buffer_overflow_event_handler_id_ = transport_->command_channel()->AddEventHandler(
bt_log(INFO, "hci", "initialized");
AclDataChannelImpl::~AclDataChannelImpl() {
bt_log(INFO, "hci", "AclDataChannel shutting down");
void AclDataChannelImpl::AttachInspect(inspect::Node& parent, const std::string& name) {
node_ = parent.CreateChild(std::move(name));
send_queue_.SetProperty(node_.CreateUint("num_queued_packets", 0));
num_overflow_packets_.AttachInspect(node_, "num_overflow_packets");
num_recent_overflow_packets_.AttachInspect(node_, "num_recent_overflow_packets");
bredr_subnode_ = node_.CreateChild("bredr");
num_sent_packets_.AttachInspect(bredr_subnode_, "num_sent_packets");
le_subnode_ = node_.CreateChild("le");
le_num_sent_packets_.AttachInspect(le_subnode_, "num_sent_packets");
le_subnode_shared_with_bredr_property_ =
le_subnode_.CreateBool("independent_from_bredr", le_buffer_info_.IsAvailable());
metrics_subnode_ = node_.CreateChild("metrics");
send_latency_subnode_ = metrics_subnode_.CreateChild("send_latency");
for (auto& [_, name, property] : send_latency_properties_) {
property.AttachInspect(send_latency_subnode_, name);
send_size_subnode_ = metrics_subnode_.CreateChild("send_size");
for (auto& [_, name, property] : send_size_properties_) {
property.AttachInspect(send_size_subnode_, name);
void AclDataChannelImpl::SetDataRxHandler(ACLPacketHandler rx_callback) {
rx_callback_ = std::move(rx_callback);
bool AclDataChannelImpl::SendPacket(ACLDataPacketPtr data_packet, UniqueChannelId channel_id,
PacketPriority priority) {
LinkedList<ACLDataPacket> packets;
return SendPackets(std::move(packets), channel_id, priority);
bool AclDataChannelImpl::SendPackets(LinkedList<ACLDataPacket> packets, UniqueChannelId channel_id,
PacketPriority priority) {
if (packets.is_empty()) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "no packets to send!");
return false;
auto handle = packets.front().connection_handle();
if (registered_links_.find(handle) == registered_links_.end()) {
bt_log(TRACE, "hci", "dropping packets for unregistered connection (handle: %#.4x, count: %lu)",
handle, packets.size_slow());
return false;
// This call assumes that each call includes a full PDU, which means that there can't be a
// continuing fragment at the head. There is no check for whether |packets| have enough data to
// form whole PDUs because queue management doesn't require that and it would break abstraction
// even more.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(packets.front().packet_boundary_flag() !=
"expected full PDU");
for (const auto& packet : packets) {
// This call assumes that all packets in each call are for the same connection
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(packet.connection_handle() == handle,
"expected only fragments for one connection (%#.4x, got %#.4x)", handle,
// Make sure that all packets are within the MTU.
if (packet.view().payload_size() >
GetBufferMtu(registered_links_[packet.connection_handle()])) {
bt_log(ERROR, "hci", "ACL data packet too large!");
return false;
auto insert_iter = SendQueueInsertLocationForPriority(priority);
for (int i = 0; !packets.is_empty(); i++) {
auto packet = packets.pop_front();
auto ll_type = registered_links_[packet->connection_handle()];
const size_t payload_size = packet->view().payload_size();
auto queue_packet = QueuedDataPacket(ll_type, channel_id, priority, std::move(packet),
if (i == 0) {
if (queue_packet.priority == PacketPriority::kLow && ll_type == bt::LinkType::kACL) {
send_queue_.Mutable()->insert(insert_iter, std::move(queue_packet));
return true;
void AclDataChannelImpl::RegisterLink(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle, bt::LinkType ll_type) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "ACL register link (handle: %#.4x)", handle);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(registered_links_.find(handle) == registered_links_.end());
registered_links_[handle] = ll_type;
void AclDataChannelImpl::UnregisterLink(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "ACL unregister link (handle: %#.4x)", handle);
if (registered_links_.erase(handle) == 0) {
// handle not registered
bt_log(WARN, "hci", "attempt to unregister link that is not registered (handle: %#.4x)",
// remove packets with matching connection handle in send queue
auto filter = [handle](const ACLDataPacketPtr& packet, UniqueChannelId channel_id) {
return packet->connection_handle() == handle;
void AclDataChannelImpl::DropQueuedPackets(AclPacketPredicate predicate) {
const size_t before_count = send_queue_->size();
send_queue_.Mutable()->remove_if([&predicate](const QueuedDataPacket& packet) {
return predicate(packet.packet, packet.channel_id);
const size_t removed_count = before_count - send_queue_->size();
if (removed_count > 0) {
bt_log(TRACE, "hci", "packets dropped from send queue (count: %lu)", removed_count);
void AclDataChannelImpl::ClearControllerPacketCount(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle) {
// Ensure link has already been unregistered. Otherwise, queued packets for this handle
// could be sent after clearing packet count, and the packet count could become corrupted.
ZX_ASSERT(registered_links_.find(handle) == registered_links_.end());
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "clearing pending packets (handle: %#.4x)", handle);
// subtract removed packets from sent packet counts, because controller
// does not send HCI Number of Completed Packets event for disconnected link
auto iter = pending_links_.find(handle);
if (iter == pending_links_.end()) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "no pending packets on connection (handle: %#.4x)", handle);
const PendingPacketData& data = iter->second;
if (data.ll_type == bt::LinkType::kLE) {
} else {
// Try sending the next batch of packets in case buffer space opened up.
const DataBufferInfo& AclDataChannelImpl::GetBufferInfo() const { return bredr_buffer_info_; }
const DataBufferInfo& AclDataChannelImpl::GetLeBufferInfo() const {
return le_buffer_info_.IsAvailable() ? le_buffer_info_ : bredr_buffer_info_;
void AclDataChannelImpl::RequestAclPriority(
hci::AclPriority priority, hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle,
fit::callback<void(fitx::result<fitx::failed>)> callback) {
bt_log(TRACE, "hci", "sending ACL priority command");
fitx::result<zx_status_t, DynamicByteBuffer> encode_result =
hci_->EncodeSetAclPriorityCommand(handle, priority);
if (encode_result.is_error()) {
bt_log(TRACE, "hci", "encoding ACL priority command failed");
DynamicByteBuffer encoded = std::move(encode_result.value());
if (encoded.size() < sizeof(hci_spec::CommandHeader)) {
bt_log(TRACE, "hci", "encoded ACL priority command too small (size: %zu)", encoded.size());
hci_spec::OpCode op_code = letoh16(encoded.ReadMember<&hci_spec::CommandHeader::opcode>());
auto packet =
bt::hci::CommandPacket::New(op_code, encoded.size() - sizeof(hci_spec::CommandHeader));
auto packet_view = packet->mutable_view()->mutable_data();
[cb = std::move(callback), priority](auto id, const hci::EventPacket& event) mutable {
if (hci_is_error(event, WARN, "hci", "acl priority failed")) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "acl priority updated (priority: %#.8x)",
void AclDataChannelImpl::SetBrEdrAutomaticFlushTimeout(zx::duration flush_timeout,
hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle,
ResultCallback<> callback) {
auto link_iter = registered_links_.find(handle);
ZX_ASSERT(link_iter != registered_links_.end());
ZX_ASSERT(link_iter->second == bt::LinkType::kACL);
if (flush_timeout < zx::msec(1) || (flush_timeout > hci_spec::kMaxAutomaticFlushTimeoutDuration &&
flush_timeout != zx::duration::infinite())) {
uint16_t converted_flush_timeout;
if (flush_timeout == zx::duration::infinite()) {
// The command treats a flush timeout of 0 as infinite.
converted_flush_timeout = 0;
} else {
// Slight imprecision from casting or converting to ms is fine for the flush timeout (a few
// ms difference from the requested value doesn't matter). Overflow is not possible because of
// the max value check above.
converted_flush_timeout =
static_cast<uint16_t>(static_cast<float>(flush_timeout.to_msecs()) *
ZX_ASSERT(converted_flush_timeout != 0);
ZX_ASSERT(converted_flush_timeout <= hci_spec::kMaxAutomaticFlushTimeoutCommandParameterValue);
auto packet = CommandPacket::New(hci_spec::kWriteAutomaticFlushTimeout,
auto packet_view = packet->mutable_payload<hci_spec::WriteAutomaticFlushTimeoutCommandParams>();
packet_view->connection_handle = htole16(handle);
packet_view->flush_timeout = htole16(converted_flush_timeout);
[cb = std::move(callback), handle, flush_timeout](auto, const EventPacket& event) mutable {
if (hci_is_error(event, WARN, "hci", "WriteAutomaticFlushTimeout command failed")) {
} else {
bt_log(DEBUG, "hci", "automatic flush timeout updated (handle: %#.4x, timeout: %ld ms)",
handle, flush_timeout.to_msecs());
size_t AclDataChannelImpl::GetBufferMtu(bt::LinkType ll_type) const {
if (ll_type == bt::LinkType::kACL)
return bredr_buffer_info_.max_data_length();
return GetLeBufferInfo().max_data_length();
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult AclDataChannelImpl::NumberOfCompletedPacketsCallback(
const EventPacket& event) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(async_get_default_dispatcher() == io_dispatcher_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event.event_code() == hci_spec::kNumberOfCompletedPacketsEventCode);
const auto& payload = event.params<hci_spec::NumberOfCompletedPacketsEventParams>();
size_t total_comp_packets = 0;
size_t le_total_comp_packets = 0;
size_t handles_in_packet =
(event.view().payload_size() - sizeof(hci_spec::NumberOfCompletedPacketsEventParams)) /
if (payload.number_of_handles != handles_in_packet) {
bt_log(WARN, "hci", "packets handle count (%d) doesn't match params size (%zu)",
payload.number_of_handles, handles_in_packet);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < payload.number_of_handles && i < handles_in_packet; ++i) {
const hci_spec::NumberOfCompletedPacketsEventData* data = + i;
auto iter = pending_links_.find(le16toh(data->connection_handle));
if (iter == pending_links_.end()) {
// This is expected if the completed packet is a SCO packet.
bt_log(TRACE, "hci",
"controller reported completed packets for connection handle without pending packets: "
uint16_t comp_packets = le16toh(data->hc_num_of_completed_packets);
if (iter->second.count < comp_packets) {
bt_log(WARN, "hci", "packet tx count mismatch! (handle: %#.4x, expected: %zu, actual : %u)",
le16toh(data->connection_handle), iter->second.count, comp_packets);
iter->second.count = 0u;
// On debug builds it's better to assert and crash so that we can catch
// controller bugs. On release builds we log the warning message above and
// continue.
ZX_PANIC("controller reported incorrect packet count!");
} else {
iter->second.count -= comp_packets;
if (iter->second.ll_type == bt::LinkType::kACL) {
total_comp_packets += comp_packets;
} else {
le_total_comp_packets += comp_packets;
if (!iter->second.count) {
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
void AclDataChannelImpl::DropOverflowPacket(const QueuedDataPacket& archetypal_packet) {
TRACE_DURATION("bluetooth", "ACLDataChannel::DropOverflowPacket", "send_queue_->size",
// TODO( Performance of these O(N) searches is not amazing, taking tens of µs
// on low-end ARM when kMaxAclPacketsPerChannel=64. The std::list nodes do seem to have decent
// cache locality because that time increases sublinearly up to at least 64, and overall
// performance is acceptable, with the above TRACE_DURATION taking <15% of the total
// l2cap::channel_send flow duration. Performance optimization should be a future goal of work
// that reorganizes channel and link data flow layouts.
// predicate that checks if a QDP is the head of a PDU (not a continuing fragment)
auto is_head = [](const QueuedDataPacket& p) {
return p.packet->packet_boundary_flag() == hci_spec::ACLPacketBoundaryFlag::kFirstFlushable ||
p.packet->packet_boundary_flag() == hci_spec::ACLPacketBoundaryFlag::kFirstNonFlushable;
// predicate that checks if a QDP is like |archetypal_packet| and is the head of a PDU
auto is_similar_and_head = [&a = archetypal_packet, is_head](const QueuedDataPacket& b) {
return a.packet->connection_handle() == b.packet->connection_handle() &&
a.channel_id == b.channel_id && is_head(b);
const size_t queued_similar_pdu_count =
std::count_if(send_queue_->begin(), send_queue_->end(), is_similar_and_head);
if (queued_similar_pdu_count < kMaxAclPacketsPerChannel) {
const auto to_drop_iter =
std::find_if(send_queue_->begin(), send_queue_->end(), is_similar_and_head);
ZX_ASSERT(to_drop_iter != send_queue_->end());
const auto next_packet_iter = std::find_if(std::next(to_drop_iter), send_queue_->end(), is_head);
const size_t num_dropped = std::distance(to_drop_iter, next_packet_iter);
archetypal_packet.channel_id}] += num_dropped;
*num_overflow_packets_.Mutable() += num_dropped;
send_queue_.Mutable()->erase(to_drop_iter, next_packet_iter);
// Schedule a deadline to log this drop and any other drops that occur until the logging drains
// the counters.
if (!log_dropped_overflow_task_.is_pending()) {
constexpr zx::duration kMinLogInterval = zx::sec(1);
log_dropped_overflow_task_.PostDelayed(io_dispatcher_, kMinLogInterval);
void AclDataChannelImpl::LogDroppedOverflowPackets() {
// This exchange clears the accumulated counts since the previous call (which should be at least
// kMinLogInterval ago) and gets the number of dropped packets for each channel (if any).
const auto dropped_packet_counts = std::exchange(dropped_packet_counts_, {});
// This logs at most once per channel, at a temporal period of kMinLogInterval, and only for the
// channels where overflow occurred.
for (auto& [ids, count] : dropped_packet_counts) {
bt_log(WARN, "hci", "%#.4x:%#.4x dropped %zu fragments(s)", ids.first, ids.second, count);
AclDataChannelImpl::DataPacketQueue AclDataChannelImpl::TakePacketsToSend(
DataPacketQueue& send_queue, size_t avail_bredr_packets, size_t avail_le_packets) {
// Based on what we know about controller buffer availability, we process
// packets that are currently in |send_queue|. The packets that can be sent
// are added to |to_send|. Packets that cannot be sent remain in
// |send_queue|.
DataPacketQueue to_send;
for (auto iter = send_queue.begin(); iter != send_queue.end();) {
if (!avail_bredr_packets && !avail_le_packets)
if (iter->ll_type == bt::LinkType::kACL && avail_bredr_packets) {
} else if (iter->ll_type == bt::LinkType::kLE && avail_le_packets) {
} else {
// Cannot send packet yet, so skip it.
iter = send_queue.erase(iter);
return to_send;
void AclDataChannelImpl::TrySendNextQueuedPackets() {
// TODO( - This logic is incorrect for a controller which uses a shared BrEdr &
// LE buffer, as we will report the capacity twice, and possibly attempt to send up to double the
// number of available packets, resulting in some being dropped.
size_t avail_bredr_packets = GetNumFreeBREDRPackets();
size_t avail_le_packets = GetNumFreeLEPackets();
auto to_send = TakePacketsToSend(*send_queue_.Mutable(), avail_bredr_packets, avail_le_packets);
if (to_send.empty())
size_t bredr_packets_sent = 0;
size_t le_packets_sent = 0;
while (!to_send.empty()) {
QueuedDataPacket& packet = to_send.front();
const hci_spec::ConnectionHandle connection_handle = packet.packet->connection_handle();
zx_status_t status = hci_->SendAclPacket(std::move(packet.packet));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
bt_log(ERROR, "hci", "failed to send data packet to HCI driver (%s) - dropping packet",
if (packet.ll_type == bt::LinkType::kACL) {
} else {
auto iter = pending_links_.find(connection_handle);
if (iter == pending_links_.end()) {
pending_links_[connection_handle] = PendingPacketData(packet.ll_type);
} else {
// Schedule a deadline to re-compute the send statistics and write them to Inspect. The scheduling
// is performed lazily so that no expensive computation occurs if no data is being sent
if (!write_send_metrics_task_.is_pending()) {
// This backs off the statistic computation in order to limit the rate at which it runs
constexpr zx::duration kMinStatisticsInterval = zx::sec(5);
write_send_metrics_task_.PostDelayed(io_dispatcher_, kMinStatisticsInterval);
size_t AclDataChannelImpl::GetNumFreeBREDRPackets() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(bredr_buffer_info_.max_num_packets() >= *num_sent_packets_);
return bredr_buffer_info_.max_num_packets() - *num_sent_packets_;
size_t AclDataChannelImpl::GetNumFreeLEPackets() const {
if (!le_buffer_info_.IsAvailable())
return GetNumFreeBREDRPackets();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(le_buffer_info_.max_num_packets() >= *le_num_sent_packets_);
return le_buffer_info_.max_num_packets() - *le_num_sent_packets_;
void AclDataChannelImpl::DecrementTotalNumPackets(size_t count) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(*num_sent_packets_ >= count);
*num_sent_packets_.Mutable() -= count;
void AclDataChannelImpl::DecrementLETotalNumPackets(size_t count) {
if (!le_buffer_info_.IsAvailable()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(*le_num_sent_packets_ >= count);
*le_num_sent_packets_.Mutable() -= count;
void AclDataChannelImpl::IncrementTotalNumPackets(size_t count) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(*num_sent_packets_ + count <= bredr_buffer_info_.max_num_packets());
*num_sent_packets_.Mutable() += count;
void AclDataChannelImpl::IncrementLETotalNumPackets(size_t count) {
if (!le_buffer_info_.IsAvailable()) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(*le_num_sent_packets_ + count <= le_buffer_info_.max_num_packets());
*le_num_sent_packets_.Mutable() += count;
void AclDataChannelImpl::OnRxPacket(std::unique_ptr<ACLDataPacket> packet) {
TRACE_DURATION("bluetooth", "AclDataChannelImpl->rx_callback_");
void AclDataChannelImpl::WriteSendMetrics() {
if (!node_) {
auto compute_metrics_for_properties = [](auto properties, auto size_fn, auto compute_quantiles) {
std::array<double, size_fn()> quantiles;
for (size_t i = 0; i < quantiles.size(); i++) {
quantiles[i] = properties[i].quantile;
auto samples = compute_quantiles(quantiles);
if (samples.has_value()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < samples->size(); i++) {
send_latency_properties_, []() { return std::extent_v<decltype(send_latency_properties_)>; },
[this](auto quantiles) { return send_monitor_.retire_log().ComputeAgeQuantiles(quantiles); });
send_size_properties_, []() { return std::extent_v<decltype(send_size_properties_)>; },
[this](auto quantiles) {
return send_monitor_.retire_log().ComputeByteCountQuantiles(quantiles);
AclDataChannelImpl::SendQueueInsertLocationForPriority(PacketPriority priority) {
// insert low priority packets at the end of the queue
if (priority == PacketPriority::kLow) {
return send_queue_->end();
// insert high priority packets before first low priority packet
return std::find_if(
send_queue_->begin(), send_queue_->end(),
[&](const QueuedDataPacket& packet) { return packet.priority == PacketPriority::kLow; });
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult AclDataChannelImpl::DataBufferOverflowCallback(
const EventPacket& event) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(event.event_code() == hci_spec::kDataBufferOverflowEventCode);
const auto& params = event.params<hci_spec::ConnectionRequestEventParams>();
// Internal buffer state must be invalid and no further transmissions are possible.
ZX_PANIC("controller data buffer overflow event received (link type: %hhu)", params.link_type);
return CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult::kContinue;
} // namespace bt::hci