blob: 5c763f751fc635e49c139590bc4125e5b7a7e500 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/device_address.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/connection.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/pairing_phase.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/smp.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/util.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace bt::sm {
// Phase2Legacy encapsulates Phase 2 of LE Legacy Pairing, which takes care of authentication and
// shared encryption key generation using the Legacy Protocol (see V5.1 Vol. 3 Part H Section
// This class is not thread safe and is meant to be accessed on the thread it was created on. All
// callbacks will be run by the default dispatcher of a Phase2Legacy's creation thread.
class Phase2Legacy final : public PairingPhase, public PairingChannelHandler {
// |chan|, |listener|, and |role|: used to construct the base PairingPhase
// |id|: unique id of this pairing instance for differentiating between Pairing Delegate responses
// |features|: features negotiated in Phase 1 of pairing
// |preq|, |pres|: Byte representation of Pairing Request/Response exchanged in Phase 1, used for
// for cryptographic hashing
// |initiator_addr|, |responder_addr|: 48-bit bd-address of the initiator and responder, used
// used for cryptographic hashing
// |cb|: Callback that is notified when the Phase2 has negotiated a new encryption key.
Phase2Legacy(fxl::WeakPtr<PairingChannel> chan, fxl::WeakPtr<Listener> listener, Role role,
PairingFeatures features, const ByteBuffer& preq, const ByteBuffer& pres,
const DeviceAddress& initiator_addr, const DeviceAddress& responder_addr,
OnPhase2KeyGeneratedCallback cb);
~Phase2Legacy() override = default;
// Begin Phase 2 of LE legacy pairing. This is called after LE pairing features are exchanged
// and results (asynchronously) in the generation and encryption of a link using the STK. Follows
// (roughly) the following steps:
// 1. Asynchronously obtain the TK.
// 2. Generate the local confirm/rand values.
// 3. If initiator, start the exchange, otherwise wait for the peer to send its confirm value.
void Start() final;
// Ask the listener for user input to verify the TK used in Legacy pairing. The type of user
// input requested depends on the PairingMethod in |features_|.
void MakeTemporaryKeyRequest();
// Callback passed to request the temporary key which handles the Listener's response.
void HandleTemporaryKey(std::optional<uint32_t> maybe_tk);
void SendConfirmValue();
// Called for SMP commands sent by the peer.
void OnPairingConfirm(PairingConfirmValue confirm);
void SendRandomValue();
// Called for SMP commands sent by the peer.
void OnPairingRandom(PairingRandomValue rand);
// Check the preconditions for being able to receive a pairing confirm/random value according to
// the current state.
fitx::result<ErrorCode> CanReceivePairingConfirm() const;
fitx::result<ErrorCode> CanReceivePairingRandom() const;
// l2cap::Channel callbacks
void OnRxBFrame(ByteBufferPtr sdu) final;
void OnChannelClosed() final { PairingPhase::HandleChannelClosed(); }
// PairingPhase overrides
fxl::WeakPtr<PairingChannelHandler> AsChannelHandler() final {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
std::string ToStringInternal() override {
return bt_lib_cpp_string::StringPrintf(
"Legacy Pairing Phase 2 (encryption key agreement) - pairing with %s method",
bool sent_local_confirm_;
bool sent_local_rand_;
std::optional<UInt128> tk_;
std::optional<UInt128> local_confirm_;
std::optional<UInt128> peer_confirm_;
std::optional<UInt128> local_rand_;
std::optional<UInt128> peer_rand_;
StaticByteBuffer<util::PacketSize<PairingRequestParams>()> preq_;
StaticByteBuffer<util::PacketSize<PairingRequestParams>()> pres_;
const PairingFeatures features_;
const DeviceAddress initiator_addr_;
const DeviceAddress responder_addr_;
const OnPhase2KeyGeneratedCallback on_stk_ready_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<Phase2Legacy> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace bt::sm