blob: 6c9ad009eb75c7c82e639a44d5c399f7566703f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/connection.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/pairing_channel.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/types.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/lib/cpp-string/string_printf.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace bt::sm {
// Abstract class representing one of the four in-progress phases of pairing described in Vol. 3
// Part H 2.1.
// After a PairingPhase fails (i.e. through calling OnFailure), it is invalid to make any further
// method calls on the phase.
using PairingChannelHandler = PairingChannel::Handler;
class PairingPhase {
// Interface for notifying the owner of the phase object.
class Listener {
virtual ~Listener() = default;
// Polls for the local identity information, which must be handled by another component of the
// Bluetooth stack. Returns std::nullopt if no local identity info is available.
virtual std::optional<IdentityInfo> OnIdentityRequest() = 0;
using ConfirmCallback = fit::function<void(bool confirm)>;
virtual void ConfirmPairing(ConfirmCallback confirm) = 0;
// Show the user the 6-digit |passkey| that should be compared to the peer's passkey or entered
// into the peer. |confirm| may be called to accept a comparison or to reject the pairing.
virtual void DisplayPasskey(uint32_t passkey, Delegate::DisplayMethod method,
ConfirmCallback confirm) = 0;
// Ask the user to enter a 6-digit passkey or reject pairing. Reports the result by invoking
// |respond| with |passkey| - a negative value of |passkey| indicates entry failed.
// TODO( Use an optional to convey success/failure instead of the signedness of
// passkey.
using PasskeyResponseCallback = fit::function<void(int64_t passkey)>;
virtual void RequestPasskey(PasskeyResponseCallback respond) = 0;
// Called when an on-going pairing procedure terminates with an error. This method should
// destroy the Phase that calls it.
virtual void OnPairingFailed(Error error) = 0;
virtual ~PairingPhase() = default;
// Kick off the state machine for the concrete PairingPhase.
virtual void Start() = 0;
// Return a representation of the current state of the pairing phase for display purposes.
std::string ToString() {
return bt_lib_cpp_string::StringPrintf("%s Role: SMP %s%s", ToStringInternal().c_str(),
role_ == Role::kInitiator ? "initiator" : "responder",
has_failed_ ? " - pairing has failed" : "");
// Cleans up pairing state and and invokes Listener::OnPairingFailed.
void OnFailure(Error error);
// Ends the current pairing procedure unsuccessfully with |ecode| as the reason, and calls
// OnFailure.
void Abort(ErrorCode ecode);
Role role() const { return role_; }
// Protected constructor as PairingPhases should not be created directly. Initializes this
// PairingPhase with the following parameters:
// - |chan|: The L2CAP SMP fixed channel.
// - |listener|: The class that will handle higher-level requests from the current phase.
// - |role|: The local connection role.
PairingPhase(fxl::WeakPtr<PairingChannel> chan, fxl::WeakPtr<Listener> listener, Role role);
// For derived final classes to implement PairingChannel::Handler:
void HandleChannelClosed();
PairingChannel& sm_chan() const {
return *sm_chan_;
fxl::WeakPtr<Listener> listener() const { return listener_; }
// Concrete classes of PairingPhase must be PairingChannelHandlers and set the channel's handler
// to a weak pointer to themselves. This abstract method forces concrete PairingPhases to vend
// weak pointers to help enforce this.
virtual fxl::WeakPtr<PairingChannel::Handler> AsChannelHandler() = 0;
// To ZX_ASSERT that methods are not called on a phase that has already failed.
bool has_failed() const { return has_failed_; }
// For subclasses to provide more detailed inspect information.
virtual std::string ToStringInternal() = 0;
fxl::WeakPtr<PairingChannel> sm_chan_;
fxl::WeakPtr<Listener> listener_;
Role role_;
bool has_failed_;
} // namespace bt::sm