blob: 883a99174c6c0e892953c8c74d664be40a806b6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/thread_checker.h>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "lib/async/cpp/task.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/packet_view.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/connection.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/l2cap_defs.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/scoped_channel.h"
namespace bt::l2cap {
class Channel;
namespace internal {
using SignalingPacket = PacketView<CommandHeader>;
using MutableSignalingPacket = MutablePacketView<CommandHeader>;
using DataCallback = fit::function<void(const ByteBuffer& data)>;
using SignalingPacketHandler = fit::function<void(const SignalingPacket& packet)>;
// SignalingChannelInterface contains the procedures that command flows use to
// send and receive signaling channel transactions.
class SignalingChannelInterface {
// Action in response to a request-type packet.
enum class Status {
kSuccess, // Remote response received
kReject, // Remote rejection received
kTimeOut, // Timed out waiting for matching remote command
// ResponseHandler return value. Indicates whether additional responses are expected in this
// transaction (e.g. in the case of receiving a response with a pending status or continuation
// flag).
enum class ResponseHandlerAction {
// No additional responses expected in this transaction.
// Callback invoked to handle a response received from the remote. If |status| is kSuccess or
// kReject, then |rsp_payload| will contain any payload received. This callback is allowed to
// destroy the SignalingChannel, but must return kCompleteOutboundTransaction if it does.
using ResponseHandler =
fit::function<ResponseHandlerAction(Status, const ByteBuffer& rsp_payload)>;
// Initiate an outbound transaction. The signaling channel will send a request
// then expect reception of one or more responses with a code one greater than
// the request. Each response or rejection received invokes |cb|. When |cb|
// returns false, it will be removed. Returns false if the request failed to
// send.
virtual bool SendRequest(CommandCode req_code, const ByteBuffer& payload, ResponseHandler cb) = 0;
// Send a command packet in response to an incoming request.
class Responder {
// Send a response that corresponds to the request received
virtual void Send(const ByteBuffer& rsp_payload) = 0;
// Reject invalid, malformed, or unhandled request
virtual void RejectNotUnderstood() = 0;
// Reject request non-existent or otherwise invalid channel ID(s)
virtual void RejectInvalidChannelId(ChannelId local_cid, ChannelId remote_cid) = 0;
virtual ~Responder() = default;
// Callback invoked to handle a request received from the remote.
// |req_payload| contains any payload received, without the command header.
// The callee can use |responder| to respond or reject. Parameters passed to
// this handler are only guaranteed to be valid while the handler is running.
using RequestDelegate = fit::function<void(const ByteBuffer& req_payload, Responder* responder)>;
// Register a handler for all inbound transactions matching |req_code|, which
// should be the code of a request. |cb| will be called with request payloads
// received, and is expected to respond to, reject, or ignore the requests.
// Calls to this function with a previously registered |req_code| will replace
// the current delegate.
virtual void ServeRequest(CommandCode req_code, RequestDelegate cb) = 0;
virtual ~SignalingChannelInterface() = default;
// SignalingChannel is an abstract class that handles the common operations
// involved in LE and BR/EDR signaling channels.
// TODO(armansito): Implement flow control (RTX/ERTX timers).
class SignalingChannel : public SignalingChannelInterface {
SignalingChannel(fbl::RefPtr<Channel> chan, hci_spec::ConnectionRole role);
~SignalingChannel() override;
// SignalingChannelInterface overrides
bool SendRequest(CommandCode req_code, const ByteBuffer& payload, ResponseHandler cb) override;
void ServeRequest(CommandCode req_code, RequestDelegate cb) override;
bool is_open() const { return is_open_; }
// Local signaling MTU (i.e. MTU_sig, per spec)
uint16_t mtu() const { return mtu_; }
void set_mtu(uint16_t mtu) { mtu_ = mtu; }
// Implementation for responding to a request that binds the request's
// identifier and the response's code so that the client's |Send| invocation
// does not need to supply them nor even know them.
class ResponderImpl : public Responder {
ResponderImpl(SignalingChannel* sig, CommandCode code, CommandId id);
void Send(const ByteBuffer& rsp_payload) override;
void RejectNotUnderstood() override;
void RejectInvalidChannelId(ChannelId local_cid, ChannelId remote_cid) override;
SignalingChannel* sig() const { return sig_; }
SignalingChannel* const sig_;
const CommandCode code_;
const CommandId id_;
// Sends out a single signaling packet using the given parameters.
bool SendPacket(CommandCode code, uint8_t identifier, const ByteBuffer& data);
// True if the code is for a supported response-type signaling command.
virtual bool IsSupportedResponse(CommandCode code) const = 0;
// Called when a frame is received to decode into L2CAP signaling command
// packets. The derived implementation should invoke |cb| for each packet with
// a valid payload length, send a Command Reject packet for each packet with
// an intact ID in its header but invalid payload length, and drop any other
// incoming data.
virtual void DecodeRxUnit(ByteBufferPtr sdu, const SignalingPacketHandler& cb) = 0;
// Called when a new signaling packet has been received. Returns false if
// |packet| is rejected. Otherwise returns true and sends a response packet.
// This method is thread-safe in that a SignalingChannel cannot be deleted
// while this is running. SendPacket() can be called safely from this method.
// TODO( make non-virtual & private after removing le signaling channel override
virtual bool HandlePacket(const SignalingPacket& packet);
// Sends out a command reject packet with the given parameters.
bool SendCommandReject(uint8_t identifier, RejectReason reason, const ByteBuffer& data);
// Returns true if called on this SignalingChannel's creation thread. Mainly
// intended for debug assertions.
bool is_thread_valid() const { return thread_checker_.is_thread_valid(); }
// Returns the logical link that signaling channel is operating on.
hci_spec::ConnectionRole role() const { return role_; }
// Generates a command identifier in sequential order that is never
// kInvalidId. The caller is responsible for bookkeeping when reusing command
// IDs to prevent collisions with pending commands.
CommandId GetNextCommandId();
// Enqueue a response to a request with command id |id| and payload |request_packet|. Register a
// callback |cb| that will be invoked when a response-type command packet (specified by
// |response_code|) is received. Starts the RTX timer and handles retransmission of
// |request_packet| and eventual timeout failure if a response isn't received. If the signaling
// channel receives a Command Reject that matches the same |id|, the rejection packet will be
// forwarded to the callback instead.
void EnqueueResponse(const ByteBuffer& request_packet, CommandId id, CommandCode response_code,
ResponseHandler cb);
// Called when a response-type command packet is received. Sends a Command
// Reject if no ResponseHandler was registered for inbound packet's command
// code and identifier.
void OnRxResponse(const SignalingPacket& packet);
// Called after Response Timeout eXpired (RTX) or Extended Response Timeout eXpired (ERTX) timer
// expires. |id| must be in |pending_commands_|. If |retransmit| is true, requests will be
// retransmitted up to the retransmission limit before timing out the response. The
// ResponseHandler will be invoked with Status::kTimeOut and an empty ByteBuffer.
void OnResponseTimeout(CommandId id, bool retransmit);
// True if an outbound request-type command has registered a callback for its
// response matching a particular |id|.
bool IsCommandPending(CommandId id) const;
// Sends out the given signaling packet directly via |chan_| after running
// debug-mode assertions for validity. Packet must correspond to exactly one
// C-frame payload.
// This method is not thread-safe (i.e. requires external locking).
// TODO(armansito): This should be generalized for ACL-U to allow multiple
// signaling commands in a single C-frame.
bool Send(ByteBufferPtr packet);
// Builds a signaling packet with the given parameters and payload. The
// backing buffer is slab allocated.
ByteBufferPtr BuildPacket(CommandCode code, uint8_t identifier, const ByteBuffer& data);
// Channel callbacks:
void OnChannelClosed();
void OnRxBFrame(ByteBufferPtr sdu);
// Invoke the abstract packet handler |HandlePacket| for well-formed command
// packets and send responses for command packets that exceed this host's MTU
// or can't be handled by this host.
void CheckAndDispatchPacket(const SignalingPacket& packet);
// Stores copy of request, response handlers, and timeout state for requests that have been sent.
struct PendingCommand {
PendingCommand(const ByteBuffer& request_packet, CommandCode response_code,
ResponseHandler response_handler)
: response_code(response_code),
response_timeout_task() {}
CommandCode response_code;
ResponseHandler response_handler;
// Copy of request command packet. Used for retransmissions.
ByteBufferPtr command_packet;
// Number of times this request has been transmitted.
size_t transmit_count;
// The current timer duration. Used to perform exponential backoff with the RTX timer.
zx::duration timer_duration;
// Automatically canceled by destruction if the response is received.
async::TaskClosure response_timeout_task;
// Retransmit the request corresponding to |pending_command| and reset the RTX timer.
void RetransmitPendingCommand(PendingCommand& pending_command);
// Destroy all other members prior to this so they can use this for checking.
fit::thread_checker thread_checker_;
bool is_open_;
l2cap::ScopedChannel chan_;
hci_spec::ConnectionRole role_;
uint16_t mtu_;
uint8_t next_cmd_id_;
// Stores response handlers for outbound request packets with the corresponding CommandId.
std::unordered_map<CommandId, PendingCommand> pending_commands_;
// Stores handlers for incoming request packets.
std::unordered_map<CommandCode, RequestDelegate> inbound_handlers_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<SignalingChannel> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace bt::l2cap