blob: daf15dc3628e480711f648f11b4c5a3499a678e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/thread_checker.h>
#include <queue>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/transport/command_channel.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/transport/control_packets.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/transport/error.h"
namespace bt::hci {
class Transport;
// A SequentialCommandRunner can be used to chain HCI commands such that
// commands in the sequence are sent to the controller only after previous
// commands have completed successfully.
// When a command fails due to an error status (in a HCI_Command_Status or
// HCI_Command_Complete event), the rest of the sequence is abandoned and an
// error status is reported back to the caller. Already sent commands will
// continue and report their statuses back to their individual callbacks.
// Only commands that terminate with the HCI_Command_Complete event are
// currently supported.
// Commands are always sent in the order that they are queued. If any command
// fails, unsent commands are abandoned.
// Parts of the sequence can be run in parallel by using the |wait| parameter
// of QueueCommand. If |wait| is true, all commands queued before that command
// must complete (and succeed) before the command will be sent.
// For example:
// QueueCommand(a, [](const auto&){}, true);
// QueueCommand(b, [](const auto&){}, false);
// QueueCommand(c, [](const auto&){}, false);
// QueueCommand(d, [](const auto&){}, true);
// QueueCommand(e, [](const auto&){}, false);
// RunCommands([](auto){});
// Command a, b, and c will be run simultaneously. If any failed, then
// RunCommands will report that error back to the caller. All three of a, b,
// and c's callbacks are run. If all three succeeded, then d and e will run
// simultaneously, and when both complete, the whole sequence is complete and
// RunCommands will report success.
// This class is not thread-safe. The dispatcher that is provided during
// initialization must be bound to the thread on which the instance of
// SequentialCommandRunner is being constructed.
class SequentialCommandRunner final {
SequentialCommandRunner(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> transport);
// Adds a HCI command packet to the queue.
// If |callback| is provided, it will run with the event that completes the
// command.
// If |wait| is true, then all previously queued commands must complete
// successfully before this command is sent.
// Cannot be called once RunCommands() has been called.
using CommandCompleteCallback = fit::function<void(const EventPacket& event)>;
void QueueCommand(std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> command_packet,
CommandCompleteCallback callback = {}, bool wait = true);
// Runs all the queued commands. Once this is called no new commands can be
// queued. This method will return before queued commands have been run.
// |status_callback| is called with the status of the last command run,
// or kSuccess if all commands returned HCI_Command_Complete.
// Once RunCommands() has been called this instance will not be ready for
// re-use until |status_callback| gets run. At that point new commands can be
// queued and run (see IsReady()).
// RunCommands() will always send at least one HCI command to CommandChannel
// if any are queued, which can not be prevented by a call to Cancel().
void RunCommands(ResultFunction<> status_callback);
// Returns true if commands can be queued and run on this instance. This
// returns false if RunCommands() is currently in progress.
bool IsReady() const;
// Cancels a running sequence. RunCommands() must have been called before a
// sequence can be cancelled. Once a sequence is cancelled, the state of the
// SequentialCommandRunner will be reset (i.e. IsReady() will return true).
// The result of any running HCI command will still be reported to the
// corresponding command callback.
// and the result callback will be called with HostError::kCanceled.
// Depending on the sequence of HCI commands that were previously processed,
// the controller will be in an undefined state. The caller is responsible for
// sending successive HCI commands to bring the controller back to an expected
// state.
// After a call to Cancel(), this object can be immediately reused to queue up
// a new HCI command sequence.
void Cancel();
// Returns true if this currently has any pending commands.
bool HasQueuedCommands() const;
// Try to run the next queued command.
// |status| is the result of the most recently completed command.
// Aborts the sequence with |status| if it did not succeed.
// Completes the sequence with |status| no commands are running or queued.
// Runs the next queued command if it doesn't wait for the previous commands.
// Runs the next queued command if no commands are running.
void TryRunNextQueuedCommand(Result<> status = fitx::ok());
void Reset();
void NotifyStatusAndReset(Result<> status);
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> transport_;
struct QueuedCommand {
std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> packet;
CommandCompleteCallback callback;
bool wait;
std::queue<QueuedCommand> command_queue_;
// Callback assigned in RunCommands(). If this is non-null then this object is
// currently executing a sequence.
ResultFunction<> status_callback_;
// Number assigned to the current sequence. Each "sequence" begins on a call
// to RunCommands() and ends either on a call to Cancel() or when
// |status_callback_| has been invoked.
// This number is used to detect cancelation of a sequence from a
// CommandCompleteCallback.
uint64_t sequence_number_;
// Number of commands sent to the controller we are waiting to finish.
size_t running_commands_;
fit::thread_checker thread_checker_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<SequentialCommandRunner> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace bt::hci