blob: 09b4bade076268a4bea6c0e914dca4c30806b4ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/advertising_handle_map.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci/low_energy_advertiser.h"
namespace bt::hci {
class Transport;
class SequentialCommandRunner;
class ExtendedLowEnergyAdvertiser final : public LowEnergyAdvertiser {
explicit ExtendedLowEnergyAdvertiser(fxl::WeakPtr<Transport> hci);
~ExtendedLowEnergyAdvertiser() override;
bool AllowsRandomAddressChange() const override { return !IsAdvertising(); }
// TODO( The maximum length of data that can be advertised. For backwards
// compatibility and because supporting it is a much larger project, we currently only support
// legacy PDUs. When using legacy PDUs, the maximum advertising data size is
// hci_spec::kMaxLEAdvertisingDataLength.
// TODO( Extended advertising supports sending larger amounts of data, but they
// have to be fragmented across multiple commands to the controller. This is not yet supported in
// this implementation. We should support larger than kMaxLEExtendedAdvertisingDataLength
// advertising data with fragmentation.
size_t GetSizeLimit() const override { return hci_spec::kMaxLEAdvertisingDataLength; }
// Attempt to start advertising. See LowEnergyAdvertiser::StartAdvertising for full documentation.
// According to the Bluetooth Spec, Volume 4, Part E, Section 7.8.58, "the number of advertising
// sets that can be supported is not fixed and the Controller can change it at any time. The
// memory used to store advertising sets can also be used for other purposes."
// This method may report an error if the controller cannot currently support another advertising
// set.
void StartAdvertising(const DeviceAddress& address, const AdvertisingData& data,
const AdvertisingData& scan_rsp, AdvertisingOptions adv_options,
ConnectionCallback connect_callback,
ResultFunction<> result_callback) override;
void StopAdvertising() override;
void StopAdvertising(const DeviceAddress& address) override;
void OnIncomingConnection(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle, hci_spec::ConnectionRole role,
const DeviceAddress& peer_address,
const hci_spec::LEConnectionParameters& conn_params) override;
size_t MaxAdvertisements() const override { return advertising_handle_map_.capacity(); }
// Returns the last used advertising handle that was used for an advertising set when
// communicating with the controller.
std::optional<hci_spec::AdvertisingHandle> LastUsedHandleForTesting() const {
return advertising_handle_map_.LastUsedHandleForTesting();
struct StagedConnectionParameters {
hci_spec::ConnectionRole role;
DeviceAddress peer_address;
hci_spec::LEConnectionParameters conn_params;
struct StagedAdvertisingParameters {
bool include_tx_power_level = false;
int8_t selected_tx_power_level = 0;
std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> BuildEnablePacket(const DeviceAddress& address,
hci_spec::GenericEnableParam enable) override;
std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> BuildSetAdvertisingParams(
const DeviceAddress& address, hci_spec::LEAdvertisingType type,
hci_spec::LEOwnAddressType own_address_type, AdvertisingIntervalRange interval) override;
std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> BuildSetAdvertisingData(const DeviceAddress& address,
const AdvertisingData& data,
AdvFlags flags) override;
std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> BuildUnsetAdvertisingData(const DeviceAddress& address) override;
std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> BuildSetScanResponse(const DeviceAddress& address,
const AdvertisingData& data) override;
std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> BuildUnsetScanResponse(const DeviceAddress& address) override;
std::unique_ptr<CommandPacket> BuildRemoveAdvertisingSet(const DeviceAddress& address) override;
void OnSetAdvertisingParamsComplete(const EventPacket& event) override;
void OnCurrentOperationComplete() override;
// Event handler for the HCI LE Advertising Set Terminated event
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnAdvertisingSetTerminatedEvent(const EventPacket& event);
CommandChannel::EventHandlerId set_terminated_event_handler_id_;
AdvertisingHandleMap advertising_handle_map_;
std::queue<fit::closure> op_queue_;
StagedAdvertisingParameters staged_advertising_parameters_;
// Core Spec Volume 4, Part E, Section 7.8.56: Incoming connections to LE Extended Advertising
// occur through two events: HCI_LE_Connection_Complete and HCI_LE_Advertising_Set_Terminated.
// The HCI_LE_Connection_Complete event provides the connection handle along with some other
// connection related parameters. Notably missing is the advertising handle, which we need to
// obtain the advertised device address. Until we receive the HCI_LE_Advertising_Set_Terminated
// event, we stage these parameters.
std::unordered_map<hci_spec::ConnectionHandle, StagedConnectionParameters>
// Keep this as the last member to make sure that all weak pointers are invalidated before other
// members get destroyed
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<ExtendedLowEnergyAdvertiser> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace bt::hci