blob: 0629362354a21999e30650263b0b3479326831c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "connection.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci-spec/link_key.h"
namespace bt::hci {
// Represents an ACL-U or LE-U link, both of which use the ACL data channel and
// support encryption procedures.
// Concrete implementations are found in BrEdrConnection and LowEnergyConnection.
class AclConnection : public Connection {
~AclConnection() override;
// Authenticate (i.e. encrypt) this connection using its current link key.
// Returns false if the procedure cannot be initiated. The result of the
// authentication procedure will be reported via the encryption change
// callback.
// If the link layer procedure fails, the connection will be disconnected. The encryption change
// callback will be notified of the failure.
virtual bool StartEncryption() = 0;
// Assigns a callback that will run when the encryption state of the underlying link changes. The
// bool value parameter represents the new state.
void set_encryption_change_callback(ResultFunction<bool> callback) {
encryption_change_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Returns the role of the local device in the established connection.
hci_spec::ConnectionRole role() const { return role_; }
// Update the role of the local device when a role change occurs.
void set_role(hci_spec::ConnectionRole role) { role_ = role; }
// The current long term key of the connection.
const std::optional<hci_spec::LinkKey>& ltk() const { return ltk_; }
AclConnection(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle, const DeviceAddress& local_address,
const DeviceAddress& peer_address, hci_spec::ConnectionRole role,
const fxl::WeakPtr<Transport>& hci);
void set_ltk(const hci_spec::LinkKey& link_key) { ltk_ = link_key; }
// Notifies subclasses of a change in encryption status.
virtual void HandleEncryptionStatus(Result<bool /*enabled*/> result, bool key_refreshed) = 0;
ResultFunction<bool>& encryption_change_callback() { return encryption_change_callback_; }
static void OnDisconnectionComplete(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle handle,
const fxl::WeakPtr<Transport>& hci);
// HCI event handlers.
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnEncryptionChangeEvent(const EventPacket& event);
CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnEncryptionKeyRefreshCompleteEvent(const EventPacket& event);
// IDs for encryption related HCI event handlers.
CommandChannel::EventHandlerId enc_change_id_;
CommandChannel::EventHandlerId enc_key_refresh_cmpl_id_;
// This connection's current link key.
std::optional<hci_spec::LinkKey> ltk_;
hci_spec::ConnectionRole role_;
ResultFunction<bool> encryption_change_callback_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<AclConnection> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace bt::hci