blob: 14009b0ffcdd44ad8d0a1e8c7a5142bc2a4de2b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/sys/inspect/cpp/component.h>
#include "low_energy_connection_handle.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/device_address.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/inspectable.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/low_energy_discovery_manager.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/peer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sm/types.h"
namespace bt::gap {
// Connection options for a LowEnergyConnectionRequest.
// TODO( Move back into LowEnergyConnectionManager after dependency removed from
// LowEnergyConnection.
struct LowEnergyConnectionOptions {
// The sm::BondableMode to connect with.
sm::BondableMode bondable_mode = sm::BondableMode::Bondable;
// When present, service discovery performed following the connection is restricted to primary
// services that match this field. Otherwise, by default all available services are discovered.
std::optional<UUID> service_uuid = std::nullopt;
// When true, skip scanning before connecting. This should only be true when the connection is
// initiated as a result of a directed advertisement.
bool auto_connect = false;
namespace internal {
// LowEnergyConnectionRequest is used to model queued outbound connection and interrogation requests
// in both LowEnergyConnectionManager and LowEnergyConnection. Duplicate connection request
// callbacks are added with |AddCallback|, and |NotifyCallbacks| is called when the request is
// completed.
class LowEnergyConnectionRequest final {
using ConnectionResult = fitx::result<HostError, std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyConnectionHandle>>;
using ConnectionResultCallback = fit::function<void(ConnectionResult)>;
// |peer_conn_state_token| is a token generated by the peer with ID |peer_id|, and is used to
// synchronize connection state.
LowEnergyConnectionRequest(PeerId peer_id, ConnectionResultCallback first_callback,
LowEnergyConnectionOptions connection_options,
Peer::InitializingConnectionToken peer_conn_token);
~LowEnergyConnectionRequest() = default;
LowEnergyConnectionRequest(LowEnergyConnectionRequest&&) = default;
LowEnergyConnectionRequest& operator=(LowEnergyConnectionRequest&&) = default;
void AddCallback(ConnectionResultCallback cb) { callbacks_.Mutable()->push_back(std::move(cb)); }
// Notifies all elements in |callbacks| with |status| and the result of
// |func|.
using RefFunc = fit::function<std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyConnectionHandle>()>;
void NotifyCallbacks(fitx::result<HostError, RefFunc> result);
// Attach request inspect node as a child node of |parent| with the name |name|.
void AttachInspect(inspect::Node& parent, std::string name);
PeerId peer_id() const { return *peer_id_; }
LowEnergyConnectionOptions connection_options() const { return connection_options_; }
void set_discovery_session(LowEnergyDiscoverySessionPtr session) {
session_ = std::move(session);
LowEnergyDiscoverySession* discovery_session() { return session_.get(); }
StringInspectable<PeerId> peer_id_;
IntInspectable<std::list<ConnectionResultCallback>> callbacks_;
LowEnergyConnectionOptions connection_options_;
LowEnergyDiscoverySessionPtr session_;
inspect::Node inspect_node_;
// This object's destructor notifies Peer of request destruction.
std::optional<Peer::InitializingConnectionToken> peer_conn_token_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace bt::gap