blob: 07655cad3114567def5bf67ec2d5382a219cced2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci-spec/vendor_protocol.h"
namespace bt::gap {
namespace hci_android = hci_spec::vendor::android;
class AndroidVendorCapabilities final {
void Initialize(const hci_android::LEGetVendorCapabilitiesReturnParams& c);
bool IsInitialized() const { return initialized_; }
// Number of advertisement instances supported.
// This parameter is deprecated in the Google feature spec v0.98 and higher in favor of the LE
// Extended Advertising available in the BT spec version 5.0 and higher.
uint8_t max_simultaneous_advertisements() const { return max_simultaneous_advertisement_; }
// BT chip capability of resolution of private addresses. If supported by a chip, it needs
// enablement by the host.
// This parameter is deprecated in the Google feature spec v0.98 and higher in favor of the
// Privacy feature available in the BT spec version 4.2 and higher.
bool supports_offloaded_rpa() const { return supports_offloaded_rpa_; }
// Storage for scan results in bytes
uint16_t scan_results_storage_bytes() const { return scan_results_storage_bytes_; }
// Number of IRK entries supported in the firmware
uint8_t irk_list_size() const { return irk_list_size_; }
// Support for filtering in the controller
bool supports_filtering() const { return supports_filtering_; }
// Number of filters supported
uint8_t max_filters() const { return max_filters_; }
// Supports reporting of activity and energy information
bool supports_activity_energy_info() const { return supports_activity_energy_info_; }
// Specifies the minor version of the Google feature spec supported
uint8_t version_minor() const { return version_minor_; }
// Specifies the major version of the Google feature spec supported
uint8_t version_major() const { return version_major_; }
// Total number of advertisers tracked for OnLost/OnFound purposes
uint16_t max_advertisers_tracked() const { return max_advertisers_tracked_; }
// Supports extended scan window and interval
bool supports_extended_scan() const { return supports_extended_scan_; }
// Supports logging of binary debug information from controller
bool supports_debug_logging() const { return supports_debug_logging_; }
// This parameter is deprecated in the Google feature spec v0.98 and higher in favor of the
// Privacy feature available in the BT spec version 4.2 and higher.
bool supports_offloading_le_address_generation() const {
return supports_offloading_le_address_generation_;
// Get a bitmask of the codec types supported for A2DP source offload. See A2dpCodecType in
// src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci_spec/vendor_protocol.h.
uint32_t a2dp_source_offload_capability_mask() const {
return a2dp_source_offload_capability_mask_;
// Supports reporting of Bluetooth Quality events
bool supports_bluetooth_quality_report() const { return supports_bluetooth_quality_report_; }
// Get a bitmask of the codec types where dynamic audio buffering in the Bluetooth controller is
// supported. See A2dpCodecType in
// src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci_spec/vendor_protocol.h.
uint32_t supports_dynamic_audio_buffer() const { return supports_dynamic_audio_buffer_; }
bool initialized_ = false;
uint8_t max_simultaneous_advertisement_ = 0;
bool supports_offloaded_rpa_ = false;
uint16_t scan_results_storage_bytes_ = 0;
uint8_t irk_list_size_ = 0;
bool supports_filtering_ = false;
uint8_t max_filters_ = 0;
bool supports_activity_energy_info_ = false;
uint8_t version_minor_ = 0;
uint8_t version_major_ = 0;
uint16_t max_advertisers_tracked_ = 0;
bool supports_extended_scan_ = false;
bool supports_debug_logging_ = false;
bool supports_offloading_le_address_generation_ = false;
uint32_t a2dp_source_offload_capability_mask_ = 0;
bool supports_bluetooth_quality_report_ = false;
uint32_t supports_dynamic_audio_buffer_ = 0;
} // namespace bt::gap