blob: cfb391a38e345ba2a094e9734bdeedfce853c93b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/bluetooth/le/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/binding.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/fidl/gatt_client_server.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/fidl/low_energy_connection_server.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/fidl/server_base.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/low_energy_connection_manager.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/low_energy_discovery_manager.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gap/peer_cache.h"
namespace bthost {
// Implements the low_energy::Central FIDL interface.
class LowEnergyCentralServer : public AdapterServerBase<fuchsia::bluetooth::le::Central> {
// The maximum number of peers that will be queued for a ScanResultWatcher.Watch call.
// This hard limit prevents unbounded memory usage for unresponsive clients. The value is mostly
// arbitrary, as queued `PeerId`s are small and peak memory usage, occurring when creating a
// vector of FIDL `le.Peer`s, is limited by the size of the FIDL channel.
constexpr static const size_t kMaxPendingScanResultWatcherPeers = 100;
LowEnergyCentralServer(fxl::WeakPtr<bt::gap::Adapter> adapter,
::fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::bluetooth::le::Central> request,
fxl::WeakPtr<bt::gatt::GATT> gatt);
~LowEnergyCentralServer() override;
// Returns the connection pointer in the connections_deprecated_ map, if it exists. The pointer
// will be nullptr if a request is pending. Should only be used for testing.
std::optional<bt::gap::LowEnergyConnectionHandle*> FindConnectionForTesting(
bt::PeerId identifier);
class ScanResultWatcherServer : public ServerBase<fuchsia::bluetooth::le::ScanResultWatcher> {
using WatchCallbackOnce = fit::callback<void(std::vector<fuchsia::bluetooth::le::Peer>)>;
// `error_cb` will be called when the client closes the protocol.
fxl::WeakPtr<bt::gap::Adapter> adapter,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::bluetooth::le::ScanResultWatcher> watcher,
fit::callback<void()> error_cb);
~ScanResultWatcherServer() override = default;
// Closes the protocol and sends `epitaph` as the epitaph. Idempotent.
void Close(zx_status_t epitaph);
// Queue `peers` to be sent in response to `Watch()`.
void AddPeers(std::unordered_set<bt::PeerId> peers);
// fuchsia::bluetooth::le::ScanResultWatcher overrides:
void Watch(WatchCallback callback) override;
// If the client has a pending `Watch()`, send the maximum number of peers that will fit in the
// channel.
void MaybeSendPeers();
fxl::WeakPtr<bt::gap::Adapter> adapter_;
std::unordered_set<bt::PeerId> updated_peers_;
WatchCallbackOnce watch_callback_ = nullptr;
fit::callback<void()> error_callback_;
// ScanInstance represents a call to `Scan` that has not stopped yet.
class ScanInstance {
using ScanCompleteCallback = fit::callback<void()>;
ScanInstance(fxl::WeakPtr<bt::gap::Adapter> adapter, LowEnergyCentralServer* central_server,
std::vector<fuchsia::bluetooth::le::Filter> filters,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::bluetooth::le::ScanResultWatcher> watcher,
ScanCallback cb);
// Closes the ScanResultWatcher protocol with the epitaph `status` and sends an empty response
// to `Scan`. Idempotent.
void Close(zx_status_t status);
// Queue peers to be sent to the client via `ScanResultWatcher.Watch`. `peers` will be filtered
// by the client's `ScanOptions` filters before being sent.
void FilterAndAddPeers(std::unordered_set<bt::PeerId> peers);
std::unique_ptr<bt::gap::LowEnergyDiscoverySession> scan_session_;
ScanResultWatcherServer result_watcher_;
// Callback used to send an empty response to the client's `Scan()` call.
ScanCompleteCallback scan_complete_callback_;
bt::gap::PeerCache::CallbackId peer_updated_callback_id_;
// The filters specified in `ScanOptions`.
std::vector<bt::gap::DiscoveryFilter> filters_;
LowEnergyCentralServer* central_server_;
fxl::WeakPtr<bt::gap::Adapter> adapter_;
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<ScanInstance> weak_ptr_factory_;
// fuchsia::bluetooth::le::Central overrides:
void Scan(fuchsia::bluetooth::le::ScanOptions options,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::bluetooth::le::ScanResultWatcher> result_watcher,
ScanCallback callback) override;
void Connect(fuchsia::bluetooth::PeerId id, fuchsia::bluetooth::le::ConnectionOptions options,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<::fuchsia::bluetooth::le::Connection> request) override;
void GetPeripherals(::fidl::VectorPtr<::std::string> service_uuids,
GetPeripheralsCallback callback) override;
void GetPeripheral(::std::string identifier, GetPeripheralCallback callback) override;
void StartScan(fuchsia::bluetooth::le::ScanFilterPtr filter, StartScanCallback callback) override;
void StopScan() override;
void ConnectPeripheral(::std::string identifier,
fuchsia::bluetooth::le::ConnectionOptions connection_options,
::fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::bluetooth::gatt::Client> client_request,
ConnectPeripheralCallback callback) override;
void DisconnectPeripheral(::std::string identifier,
DisconnectPeripheralCallback callback) override;
// Called by |scan_session_| when a device is discovered.
void OnScanResult(const bt::gap::Peer& peer);
// Notifies the delegate that the scan state for this Central has changed.
void NotifyScanStateChanged(bool scanning);
// Notifies the delegate that the device with the given identifier has been
// disconnected.
void NotifyPeripheralDisconnected(bt::PeerId peer_id);
void ClearScan() { scan_instance_.reset(); }
// GATT is used to construct GattClientServers upon connection.
fxl::WeakPtr<bt::gatt::GATT> gatt_;
// Stores active GATT client FIDL servers. Only 1 client server per peer may exist.
std::unordered_map<bt::PeerId, std::unique_ptr<GattClientServer>> gatt_client_servers_;
// The currently active LE discovery session. This is initialized when a
// client requests to perform a scan.
bool requesting_scan_deprecated_;
std::unique_ptr<bt::gap::LowEnergyDiscoverySession> scan_session_deprecated_;
std::unique_ptr<ScanInstance> scan_instance_;
// This client's connection references. A client can hold a connection to
// multiple peers. Each key is a peer identifier. Each value is
// a. nullptr, if a connect request to this device is currently pending.
// b. a valid reference if this Central is holding a connection reference to
// this device.
std::unordered_map<bt::PeerId, std::unique_ptr<LowEnergyConnectionServer>> connections_;
std::unordered_map<bt::PeerId, std::unique_ptr<bt::gap::LowEnergyConnectionHandle>>
// Keep this as the last member to make sure that all weak pointers are
// invalidated before other members get destroyed.
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<LowEnergyCentralServer> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace bthost