blob: aaeea6f16a6f55593f3521941cc4834a8e2f2ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/time.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/sys/inspect/cpp/component.h>
#include <optional>
#include <queue>
#include "lib/zx/time.h"
namespace bt {
// This class is a utility for wrapping a numeric Inspect property, such as IntProperty or
// UintProperty, such that value updates are reversed after |expiry_duration|. This is useful for
// creating properties like "disconnects in the past 10 minutes". Note that this is not very space
// efficient and should not be used for properties that get updated extremely frequently.
// |NumericPropertyT| is an inspect property like inspect::IntProperty, and |ValueT| is the internal
// value like int64_t. Use the convenience types below to simplify type declaration.
template <typename NumericPropertyT, typename ValueT>
class WindowedInspectNumericProperty {
// |expiry_duration| is the time duration after which changes should be reversed.
// |min_resolution| is the smallest duration between changes such that they are reversed
// independently. Changes closer to this interval may be batched together for expiry, biased
// towards earlier expiry than |expiry_duration|. May be 0 (default) to disable batching.
explicit WindowedInspectNumericProperty(zx::duration expiry_duration = zx::min(10),
zx::duration min_resolution = zx::duration())
: expiry_duration_(expiry_duration), min_resolution_(min_resolution) {}
virtual ~WindowedInspectNumericProperty() = default;
// Allow moving, disallow copying.
WindowedInspectNumericProperty(const WindowedInspectNumericProperty& other) = delete;
WindowedInspectNumericProperty(WindowedInspectNumericProperty&& other) noexcept = default;
WindowedInspectNumericProperty& operator=(const WindowedInspectNumericProperty& other) = delete;
WindowedInspectNumericProperty& operator=(WindowedInspectNumericProperty&& other) noexcept =
// Set the underlying inspect property, and reset the expiry timer. This is used by the
// convenience types that implement AttachInspect() below.
void SetProperty(NumericPropertyT property) {
property_ = std::move(property);
// Clear queue without running pop() in a loop.
values_ = decltype(values_)();
// Create an inspect property named "name" as a child of "node".
// AttachInspect is only supported for the convenience types declared below.
virtual void AttachInspect(::inspect::Node& node, std::string name) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(false, "AttachInspect not implemented for NumericPropertyT");
// Add the given value to the value of this numeric metric.
void Add(ValueT value) {
zx::time now = async::Now(async_get_default_dispatcher());
if (!values_.empty()) {
// If the most recent change's age is less than |min_resolution_|, merge this change to it
if (now < values_.back().first + min_resolution_) {
values_.back().second += value;
values_.push({now, value});
// Return true if property is valid.
explicit operator bool() { return property_; }
void StartExpiryTimeout() {
if (values_.empty() || expiry_task_.is_pending()) {
auto oldest_value = values_.front();
zx::time oldest_value_time = oldest_value.first;
zx::time expiry_time = expiry_duration_ + oldest_value_time;
expiry_task_.PostForTime(async_get_default_dispatcher(), expiry_time);
void OnExpiryTimeout() {
auto oldest_value = values_.front();
// Undo expiring value.
// This is not very space efficient, requiring a node for every value during the expiry_duration_.
std::queue<std::pair<zx::time, ValueT>> values_;
NumericPropertyT property_;
zx::duration expiry_duration_;
zx::duration min_resolution_;
using SelfT = WindowedInspectNumericProperty<NumericPropertyT, ValueT>;
async::TaskClosureMethod<SelfT, &SelfT::OnExpiryTimeout> expiry_task_{this};
// Convenience WindowedInspectNumericProperty types:
#define CREATE_WINDOWED_TYPE(property_t, inner_t) \
class WindowedInspect##property_t##Property final \
: public WindowedInspectNumericProperty<::inspect::property_t##Property, inner_t> { \
public: \
using WindowedInspectNumericProperty<::inspect::property_t##Property, \
inner_t>::WindowedInspectNumericProperty; \
void AttachInspect(::inspect::Node& node, std::string name) override { \
this->SetProperty(node.Create##property_t(name, inner_t())); \
} \
// WindowedInspectIntProperty
// WindowedInspectUintProperty
} // namespace bt