blob: 0ed848e0a36d77b4407a5a5b96b804c49b9be89e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <trace-provider/provider.h>
#include "garnet/bin/trace/spec.h"
// Category for events generated by |WriteTestEvents()|.
#define CATEGORY_NAME "trace:test"
using TestRunner = bool(const tracing::Spec& spec);
using TestVerifier = bool(const tracing::Spec& spec, const std::string& test_output_file);
struct IntegrationTest {
const char* name;
TestRunner* run;
TestVerifier* verify;
// When emitting a small fixed number of events, emit this amount.
// We don't need many, and certainly not so much that we overflow the buffer:
// Here we can verify we got precisely the number of events we expected.
constexpr size_t kNumSimpleTestEvents = 10;
// When waiting for tracing to start, wait this long.
constexpr zx::duration kStartTimeout{zx::sec(10)};
// Given |test_name| return its |IntegrationTest| spec.
const IntegrationTest* LookupTest(const std::string& test_name);
// Create a provider.
// On success an indicator of whether tracing has already started is stored in
// |*out_already_started|. This does not mean tracing has started in this provider; this provider
// must still wait for the Start() request from trace-manager.
// This is intended to be accompanied by a call to |WaitForTracingToStart()|.
// The two are split out as the details of waiting depend on the loop being used (e.g., is it
// running in a foreground thread or background thread?).
bool CreateProviderSynchronously(async::Loop& loop, const char* name,
fbl::unique_ptr<trace::TraceProviderWithFdio>* out_provider,
bool* out_already_started);
// Simplified version that calls both |CreateProviderSynchronously(),WaitForTracingToStart()|.
bool CreateProviderSynchronouslyAndWait(
async::Loop& loop, const char* name,
fbl::unique_ptr<trace::TraceProviderWithFdio>* out_provider);
// Emit |num_iterations| records that |VerifyTestEvents()| knows how to test.
void WriteTestEvents(size_t num_records);
// Verify a trace generated with |WriteTestRecords()|.
// Returns a boolean indicating success.
// On success returns the number of events found in |*out_num_events|.
bool VerifyTestEvents(const std::string& test_output_file, size_t* out_num_events);
// Write as many records as we can to ensure a buffer of size
// |buffer_size_in_mb| is full, and fill it |num_times|.
void FillBuffer(size_t num_times, size_t buffer_size_in_mb);
// Verify the trace generated by |FillBuffer()|.
// Returns a boolean indicating success.
bool VerifyFullBuffer(const std::string& test_output_file, tracing::BufferingMode buffering_mode,
size_t buffer_size_in_mb);
// Wait for tracing to start or |timeout|.
// Basically this means waiting for the Start() request which contains the trace buffer (as a vmo)
// and other things.
// |loop| must be idle and not have any background threads.
// Returns true if tracing has started.
bool WaitForTracingToStart(async::Loop& loop, zx::duration timeout);