blob: cdc7b3d8a2b05b30fca479f7067e97aa8fa714d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fuzz_test
import (
// To build these tests:
// - fx set core.x64 \
// --with-base //tools/fuzz:tests \
// --with-base //tools/fuzz/testing:undercoat-test-fuzzers \
// --with-base //examples/fuzzers \
// --with-base //bundles/tools \
// --fuzz-with asan && fx build
// To run these tests:
// - UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS=1 fx test --host undercoat
// Or, for an individual test with detailed output:
// - cd tools/fuzz && UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS=1 go test -run <test-name> -v -logtostderr
// Note: The bulk of the testing is done in separate functions called by this
// test, but for performance reasons (and because ffx uses a global daemon)
// they currently all run serially on the same instance.
// This has an added benefit of being closer to the actual behavior seen when
// being called from ClusterFuzz, where the same instance is often re-used for
// multiple fuzzer invocations.
func TestEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
if _, found := os.LookupEnv("UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS"); !found {
t.Skip("skipping end-to-end test; set UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS to enable")
out := runCommandOk(t, "version")
if m, err := regexp.MatchString(`^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+\n$`, out); err != nil || !m {
t.Fatalf("unxpected output: %s", out)
out = runCommandOk(t, "start_instance")
if m, err := regexp.MatchString(`^\S+\n$`, out); err != nil || !m {
t.Fatalf("unxpected output: %s", out)
handle := strings.TrimSuffix(out, "\n")
defer runCommandOk(t, "stop_instance", "-handle", handle)
// Fetch debug logs
log_postboot := runCommandOk(t, "get_logs", "-handle", handle)
// Check for syslog presence (as done by test_qemu_logs_returned_on_error in ClusterFuzz)
if !strings.Contains(log_postboot, "{{{reset}}}") {
t.Fatalf("Post-boot debug log missing expected content:\n%s", out)
testListFuzzers(t, handle)
testPrepareFuzzer(t, handle)
testFuzzWithoutCorpus(t, handle)
testFuzzWithCorpus(t, handle)
testMinimize(t, handle)
testMerge(t, handle)
testReproWithCrash(t, handle)
// Ensure that the debug logs have grown in length, to verify that we are
// properly capturing logs after early boot. The above repro of an ASAN
// crash is guaranteed to write to the debuglog due to the current
// definition of `__sanitizer_log_write`. This behavior may change in the
// future, but for now it is the most straightforward way to trigger a
// write to the log.
log_postrun := runCommandOk(t, "get_logs", "-handle", handle)
if len(log_postrun) <= len(log_postboot) {
t.Fatalf("Post-run debug log same size as post-boot log (%d bytes)", len(log_postrun))
testReproWithoutCrash(t, handle)
testPutGet(t, handle)
testBulkPut(t, handle)
func testListFuzzers(t *testing.T, handle string) {
// Note: this shows up in the list despite being an example fuzzer because
// it's currently explicitly allowlisted in fuzzer.go
oom_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/out_of_memory_fuzzer"
out := runCommandOk(t, "list_fuzzers", "-handle", handle)
if !strings.Contains(out, oom_fuzzer) {
t.Fatalf("%q fuzzer missing from output:\n%s", oom_fuzzer, out)
// Test that prepare_fuzzer affects fuzzer state as expected
func testPrepareFuzzer(t *testing.T, handle string) {
dir := t.TempDir()
crash_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/crash_fuzzer"
// Ensure put_data will succeed for prepared fuzzer, even if not yet run
out := runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer)
tmpFile := path.Join(dir, "autoexec.bat")
expected := []byte("something")
if err := os.WriteFile(tmpFile, expected, 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating tempfile: %s", err)
out = runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", tmpFile, "-dst", "data/subdir/")
out = runCommandOk(t, "get_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", "data/subdir/autoexec.bat", "-dst", dir)
got, err := os.ReadFile(tmpFile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error reading fetched file: %s", err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, got); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected contents of fetched file (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
// Ensure a second call to prepare resets persistent data
out = runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer)
out = runCommandErr(t, "get_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", "data/subdir/autoexec.bat", "-dst", dir)
// Test basic fuzzing run
func testFuzzWithoutCorpus(t *testing.T, handle string) {
crash_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/crash_fuzzer"
artifactDir := t.TempDir()
out := runCommandOk(t, "run_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-artifact-dir", artifactDir, "--", "-artifact_prefix=data/", "-jobs=0",
"-timeout=25", "-rss_limit_mb=1000")
// Only the CFF wrapper echos arguments back
// TODO( Remove this condition after deprecating v1 fuzzers
if strings.Contains(out, "/pkg/test/crash_fuzzer") {
if !strings.Contains(out, "-rss_limit_mb=1000") {
t.Fatalf("rss limit not passed: %s", out)
if !strings.Contains(out, "-timeout=25") {
t.Fatalf("timeout not passed: %s", out)
if !strings.Contains(out, "deadly signal") {
t.Fatalf("output missing signal: %s", out)
// This format is emitted by the Go symbolizer, but not the C++ symbolizer
if !strings.Contains(out, "(anonymous namespace)::crasher") {
t.Fatalf("stack trace missing expected symbol: %s", out)
artifactRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`Test unit written to (\S+)`)
m := artifactRegex.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if m == nil {
t.Fatalf("output missing artifact: %s", out)
artifactPath := m[1]
if path.Dir(artifactPath) != artifactDir {
t.Fatalf("artifact path not properly rewritten: %q", artifactPath)
artifactData, err := os.ReadFile(artifactPath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error reading fetched artifact file: %s", err)
if !bytes.HasPrefix(artifactData, []byte("HI!")) {
t.Fatalf("artifact contents unexpected: %q", artifactData)
// Test fuzzing run with input corpus
// (Analogous to test_fuzzer_can_boot_and_run_with_corpus in ClusterFuzz)
func testFuzzWithCorpus(t *testing.T, handle string) {
crash_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/crash_fuzzer"
dir := t.TempDir()
artifactDir := filepath.Join(dir, "artifacts")
if err := os.Mkdir(artifactDir, 0o700); err != nil {
runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer)
outputCorpus := makeCorpus(t, "new", nil)
inputElements := []string{"A", "B", "C"}
inputCorpus := makeCorpus(t, "uninteresting", inputElements)
runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer)
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", outputCorpus, "-dst", "data/corpus")
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", inputCorpus, "-dst", "data/corpus")
dictionary := filepath.Join(dir, "dictionary")
if err := os.WriteFile(dictionary, []byte(`"moraine"`), 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating dictionary file: %s", err)
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", dictionary, "-dst", "data/")
// Note: max_total_time is an int flag, but ClusterFuzz sometimes passes floats
out := runCommandOk(t, "run_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-artifact-dir", artifactDir, "--", "-seed=123", "-artifact_prefix=data/",
"-jobs=0", "-print_final_stats=1", "-max_total_time=10.0",
"-dict=data/dictionary", "data/corpus/new", "data/corpus/uninteresting")
// ClusterFuzz integration tests expect this to be echoed
if !strings.Contains(out, "data/corpus/new") {
t.Fatalf("Output corpus name missing from output:\n%s", out)
if !strings.Contains(out, "3 files found in") {
t.Fatalf("Input corpus element count missing from output:\n%s", out)
if !strings.Contains(out, "Test unit written to") {
t.Fatalf("Artifact info missing from output:\n%s", out)
// Emitted by Fuzzer::PrintFinalStats in libFuzzer
if !strings.Contains(out, "stat::average_exec_per_sec") {
t.Fatalf("Final stats missing from output:\n%s", out)
runCommandOk(t, "get_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-dst", outputCorpus, "-src", "data/corpus/new/*")
outputElements := readCorpus(t, outputCorpus)
// TODO( This is included in the ClusterFuzz tests but may
// not be a correct assertion. To avoid flake here, a fixed seed is passed above.
if len(outputElements) <= len(inputElements) {
t.Fatalf("output corpus smaller than expected: %d", len(outputElements))
// Test minimize workflow.
// (Analogous to test_minimize_testcase in ClusterFuzz)
func testMinimize(t *testing.T, handle string) {
crash_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/crash_fuzzer"
artifactDir := t.TempDir()
runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer)
dir := t.TempDir()
overlongFile := path.Join(dir, "overlong_crasher")
overlongContents := []byte("HI!!")
if err := os.WriteFile(overlongFile, overlongContents, 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating overlong testcase file: %s", err)
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", overlongFile, "-dst", "data/")
out := runCommandOk(t, "run_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-artifact-dir", artifactDir, "--", "data/overlong_crasher",
"-exact_artifact_path=data/final-minimized-crash", "-minimize_crash=1", "-jobs=0",
"-timeout=25", "-runs=1000000", "-rss_limit_mb=1000")
// The output artifact is automatically fetched by `run_fuzzer` above but ClusterFuzz also
// fetches separately in this case, which should always work.
runCommandOk(t, "get_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-dst", dir, "-src", "data/final-minimized-crash")
minimizedFile := filepath.Join(dir, "final-minimized-crash")
minimizedFileContents, err := os.ReadFile(minimizedFile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error reading minimized testcase: %s", err)
if !bytes.Equal(minimizedFileContents, []byte("HI!")) {
t.Fatalf("incorrect minimization result: %q", minimizedFileContents)
// Test merge workflow.
func testMerge(t *testing.T, handle string) {
crash_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/crash_fuzzer"
artifactDir := t.TempDir()
runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer)
mergeCorpus := makeCorpus(t, "merge-corpus", nil)
inputElements1 := []string{"A", "B", "C"}
inputCorpus1 := makeCorpus(t, "input1", inputElements1)
inputElements2 := []string{"H", "B", "HI", "C", "E"}
inputCorpus2 := makeCorpus(t, "input2", inputElements2)
runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer)
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", mergeCorpus, "-dst", "data/corpus")
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", inputCorpus1, "-dst", "data/corpus")
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", inputCorpus2, "-dst", "data/corpus")
// Put an empty mergefile
// Note: mergefiles are not currently used by ClusterFuzz
dir := t.TempDir()
mergeFile := filepath.Join(dir, ".mergefile")
if err := os.WriteFile(mergeFile, nil, 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating mergefile: %s", err)
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", mergeFile, "-dst", "data/")
out := runCommandOk(t, "run_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-artifact-dir", artifactDir, "--", "-artifact_prefix=data/", "-jobs=0",
"data/corpus/merge-corpus", "data/corpus/input1", "data/corpus/input2",
"-merge=1", "-merge_control_file=data/.mergefile")
runCommandOk(t, "get_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-dst", mergeCorpus, "-src", "data/corpus/merge-corpus/*")
mergeElements := readCorpus(t, mergeCorpus)
if len(mergeElements) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("merge corpus was empty")
if len(mergeElements) >= len(inputElements1)+len(inputElements2) {
t.Fatalf("merge corpus larger than expected: %d", len(mergeElements))
// These elements have distinct coverage so should be preserved
assertSubset(t, []string{"H", "HI"}, mergeElements)
// We should at least be able to fetch the mergefile, even if it's going to be empty
runCommandOk(t, "get_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-dst", dir, "-src", "data/.mergefile")
// Attempt repro, with ASAN crash
// (Analogous to test_fuzzer_can_boot_and_run_reproducer in ClusterFuzz)
func testReproWithCrash(t *testing.T, handle string) {
overflow_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/overflow_fuzzer"
runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", overflow_fuzzer)
dir := t.TempDir()
reproFile := path.Join(dir, "crasher")
reproFileContents := make([]byte, 12)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(reproFileContents, 2)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(reproFileContents[8:], 0x41414141)
if err := os.WriteFile(reproFile, reproFileContents, 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating repro file: %s", err)
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", overflow_fuzzer,
"-src", reproFile, "-dst", "data/")
out := runCommandOk(t, "run_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer",
overflow_fuzzer, "--", "data/crasher")
if !strings.Contains(out, "ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow on address") {
t.Fatalf("output missing ASAN crash: %s", out)
// ClusterFuzz integration tests expect this to be echoed
if !strings.Contains(out, "Running: data/crasher") {
t.Fatalf("Testcase name missing from output:\n%s", out)
// Attempt repro, that shouldn't crash
func testReproWithoutCrash(t *testing.T, handle string) {
overflow_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/overflow_fuzzer"
runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", overflow_fuzzer)
dir := t.TempDir()
reproFile := path.Join(dir, "non-crasher")
reproFileContents := make([]byte, 12)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(reproFileContents, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(reproFileContents[8:], 0x41414141)
if err := os.WriteFile(reproFile, reproFileContents, 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating repro file: %s", err)
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", overflow_fuzzer,
"-src", reproFile, "-dst", "data/")
out := runCommandOk(t, "run_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer",
"example-fuzzers/overflow_fuzzer", "--", "data/non-crasher")
// ClusterFuzz integration tests expect this to be echoed
if !strings.Contains(out, "Running: data/non-crasher") {
t.Fatalf("Testcase name missing from output:\n%s", out)
if !strings.Contains(out, "Executed") {
t.Fatalf("Crash occurred when not expected:\n%s", out)
// Test that put/get preserves data
func testPutGet(t *testing.T, handle string) {
crash_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/crash_fuzzer"
dir := t.TempDir()
testFile := path.Join(dir, "test_file")
testFileContents := []byte("test file contents!")
if err := os.WriteFile(testFile, testFileContents, 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating test file: %s", err)
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", testFile, "-dst", "data/")
runCommandOk(t, "get_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", "data/test_file", "-dst", dir)
retrievedContents, err := os.ReadFile(testFile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error reading fetched test file: %s", err)
if !bytes.Equal(retrievedContents, testFileContents) {
t.Fatalf("test files do not match: sent '%s', received '%s'",
testFileContents, retrievedContents)
// Test bulk putting a lot of small files, to exercise edge-case conditions.
func testBulkPut(t *testing.T, handle string) {
crash_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/crash_fuzzer"
dir := t.TempDir()
corpusDir := path.Join(dir, "corpus")
if err := os.Mkdir(corpusDir, 0o700); err != nil {
for j := 0; j < 2000; j++ {
corpusPath := path.Join(corpusDir, fmt.Sprintf("corpus-%d", j))
if err := os.WriteFile(corpusPath, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", j)), 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating local corpus file: %s", err)
runCommandOk(t, "put_data", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer,
"-src", corpusDir+"/*", "-dst", "data/corpus")
// Covers a case similar to `test_qemu_logs_returned_on_error` in the
// ClusterFuzz integration tests.
func TestGetLogsFromCrashedInstance(t *testing.T) {
// Override SSH reconnection settings so this test runs faster
originalInterval := fuzz.DefaultSSHReconnectInterval
fuzz.DefaultSSHReconnectInterval = 1 * time.Second
defer func() { fuzz.DefaultSSHReconnectInterval = originalInterval }()
if _, found := os.LookupEnv("UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS"); !found {
t.Skip("skipping end-to-end test; set UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS to enable")
out := runCommandOk(t, "start_instance")
handle := strings.TrimSpace(out)
defer runCommandOk(t, "stop_instance", "-handle", handle)
crash_fuzzer := "example-fuzzers/crash_fuzzer"
runCommandOk(t, "run_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer)
proc, err := os.FindProcess(getQemuPidFromHandle(t, handle))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error finding launcher process: %s", err)
if err := proc.Kill(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error killing launcher process: %s", err)
// This should fail, since we just killed the instance
runCommandErr(t, "run_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", crash_fuzzer)
out = runCommandOk(t, "get_logs", "-handle", handle)
if !strings.Contains(out, "{{{reset}}}") {
t.Fatalf("output missing syslog: %s", out)
func TestStopInstanceWithOldHandleVersion(t *testing.T) {
if _, found := os.LookupEnv("UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS"); !found {
t.Skip("skipping end-to-end test; set UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS to enable")
out := runCommandOk(t, "start_instance")
handle := strings.TrimSpace(out)
// Keep this around so we can restore it after modifying it, when we want
// to cleanup
oldJson, err := os.ReadFile(handle)
if err != nil {
runCommandOk(t, "stop_instance", "-handle", handle)
t.Fatalf("error reading handle: %s", err)
defer func() {
if !fileExists(handle) {
// It wasn't fully stopped, so restore the original file
if err := os.WriteFile(handle, oldJson, 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error re-writing handle: %s", err)
runCommandOk(t, "stop_instance", "-handle", handle)
pid := getQemuPidFromHandle(t, handle)
// Put the bare minimum into the handle JSON file
json := fmt.Sprintf(`{"LauncherType": "QemuLauncher", "Launcher": {"Pid": %d}}`, pid)
if err := os.WriteFile(handle, []byte(json), 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error writing handle: %s", err)
runCommandOk(t, "stop_instance", "-handle", handle)
// Test suppressing the stdout and syslog of a noisy fuzzer.
func TestFuzzNoisy(t *testing.T) {
if _, found := os.LookupEnv("UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS"); !found {
t.Skip("skipping end-to-end test; set UNDERCOAT_E2E_TESTS to enable")
out := runCommandOk(t, "start_instance")
handle := strings.TrimSpace(out)
defer runCommandOk(t, "stop_instance", "-handle", handle)
noisy_fuzzer := "undercoat-test-fuzzers/noisy_fuzzer"
out = runCommandOk(t, "prepare_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", noisy_fuzzer)
out = runCommandOk(t, "run_fuzzer", "-handle", handle, "-fuzzer", noisy_fuzzer, "--",
// v1 fuzzers cannot suppress stdout/syslog.
if strings.Contains(out, "noisy_fuzzer.cmx") {
if !strings.Contains(out, "libFuzzer starting") {
t.Fatalf("output missing stderr: %s", out)
if strings.Contains(out, "stdout-noise") {
t.Fatalf("output includes stdout: %s", out)
if strings.Contains(out, "syslog-noise") {
t.Fatalf("output includes syslog: %s", out)
// Helper functions:
// Grab the pid for QEMU right out the handle file.
// This relies on knowing the internal implementation details, but has fewer
// unwanted side effects than the "killall qemu" approach used by ClusterFuzz.
func getQemuPidFromHandle(t *testing.T, handle string) int {
data, err := os.ReadFile(handle)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error reading handle: %s", err)
type launcherSkel struct {
Pid int
type handleSkel struct {
Launcher launcherSkel
var handleData handleSkel
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &handleData); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error deserializing handle: %s", err)
return handleData.Launcher.Pid
// Runs a command that is expected to succeed, and returns stdout
func runCommandOk(t *testing.T, args ...string) string {
return runCommandImpl(t, true /* shouldSucceed */, args...)
// Runs a command that is expected to fail, and returns stdout
func runCommandErr(t *testing.T, args ...string) string {
return runCommandImpl(t, false /* shouldSucceed */, args...)
// Do not call directly; use either runCommandOk or runCommandErr above.
func runCommandImpl(t *testing.T, shouldSucceed bool, args ...string) string {
// Skip frames so we can get useful information about the line that failed,
// and not just this function every time.
_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(2)
cmd, err := fuzz.ParseArgs(args)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error parsing args (%s:%d): %s", file, line, err)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := cmd.Execute(&buf); (err == nil) != shouldSucceed {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected result executing command (%s:%d): %s", file, line, err)
return buf.String()
// Makes a corpus dir with the specified input elements and returns the directory path.
func makeCorpus(t *testing.T, name string, inputs []string) string {
dir := filepath.Join(t.TempDir(), name)
if err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0o700); err != nil {
for _, content := range inputs {
corpusPath := path.Join(dir, "corpus-"+content)
if err := os.WriteFile(corpusPath, []byte(content), 0o600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error creating input corpus file: %s", err)
return dir
// Reads a local corpus dir and returns its contents as a list of strings (one per file).
func readCorpus(t *testing.T, path string) []string {
entries, err := os.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error enumerating corpus %q: %s", path, err)
glog.Infof("Contents of corpus in %q:", path)
var elements []string
for j, entry := range entries {
contents, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(path, entry.Name()))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error reading corpus element: %s", err)
glog.Infof(" - #%d (%s): %q", j, entry.Name(), contents)
elements = append(elements, string(contents))
return elements
// Asserts that corpusA is a subset of corpusB.
func assertSubset(t *testing.T, corpusA []string, corpusB []string) {
corpusBElements := make(map[string]bool)
for _, el := range corpusB {
corpusBElements[el] = true
for _, el := range corpusA {
if !corpusBElements[el] {
t.Fatalf("corpus missing expected element %q", el)
func fileExists(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
return !os.IsNotExist(err)